Topal, the commander of the 40,000-strong Tumari rebel force, was a little, really a little, taken aback by the unexpected news.
"Really? The enemy is entering the Tishal Mountains on their own and preparing for battle? And with a force of less than ten thousand?"
"Yes, Sahal Din Topal."
"What the heck is this...?"
Topal frowned, mentally recalling the map, and halted his march to hastily assemble his command staff to resolve this perplexing problem.
"It seems that Hardion's darling has had a few successes and is starting to overestimate himself."
"He walked into a trap on his own two feet. He must have gone blind chasing the light of victory."
Everyone was delighted that Hardion's army, led by Carl, had entered the Tishal Mountains.
"Sahal Din Topal, this is your chance!"