Chapter 1744. We Can't See Him (4)


The hastily tangled papers quickly turn over.

A deep shadow fell over Ho Gamyeong's face as he continuously rummaged through the documents in the makeshift office.


The military provisions are lacking. The supplies are the same.

Even though they are using all possible methods, it is almost impossible to supply enough military provisions from Gangnam to this distant Henan.

If a different army, not composed of Kangho people (martial artists), had planned such an expedition, it would have been normal to allocate more troops for supply purposes than those deployed on the battlefield.

Ho Gamyeong pressed his throbbing temples with his fingertips. How much longer can they hold out without a proper supply unit?


Perhaps due to his rough handling, the corner of the cheap paper report was torn. Watching this, he put down the report and let out a long sigh.

Worse than the situation where supplies aren't properly distributed is the fact that conscription of military provisions from Gangnam is not being properly carried out.

In other words, from the moment the position was vacated, the Evil Tyrant Alliance's control over Gangnam has been rapidly diminishing.

Of course, it wasn't unexpected, but it's too urgent. If this situation continues, eventually, the foundation of Evil Tyrant Alliance might be shaken.

'But why....'

Ho Gamyeong's eyes darkened.

There is actually no shortage of methods. Rather, there is a very simple method.


Even by forcibly taking food from the nearby civilians, the immediate problem can be easily solved.

No one would feel uneasy about joining Evil Sect if they feel uncomfortable about this. I assure you, once the order is given, the military provisions will pile up at a speed that would surprise Ho Gamyeong.

Of course, even if managed thoroughly, some sacrifices will occur, but that is something that must be endured.

The problem was that Jang Ilso, who would surely know this method, did not give permission.


Until now, Ho Gamyeong also agreed with Jang Ilso's intentions. The reason the Evil Factions could not grasp the world so far was because they aimed to rule, not to dominate.

Martial artists are ultimately people who live with their feet on the ground. To solve the problems of eating and sleeping, the cooperation of civilians is essential.

In that sense, Jang Ilso's action of protecting civilians was clearly not wrong. That action would have been the basis of Evil Tyrant Alliance's strength to advance to the north.

But isn't it different now?

Now is not the time to gather strength, but to gather everything and explode it. The highest combat power must be maintained, even if it means enduring some side effects. But why does he not allow plunder even at this time?

Because of benevolence? That's nonsense. There's no way that's the case. It's impossible to count the number of civilians who died at Jang Ilso's hands so far. He's even someone who would gladly take the lives of his subordinates who fought to death under him if necessary.

To him, the ignorant masses of the world are no different from insects. And it's natural for a person who usually watches his step to avoid killing ants to run without looking at his feet when a tiger is chasing him from behind.

Ho Gamyeong recalled Jang Ilso's determined gaze. Smooth and soft like silk, yet cold eyes that don't permit this.

But even so....

'I must speak to him again.'

Ho Gamyeong knew Jang Ilso wouldn't welcome it, but it was something he had to do.

Resolute, Ho Gamyeong stood up.


Suddenly, the entrance of the tent was violently thrown open, and an adjutant hurriedly entered. Ho Gamyeong asked coldly.

"What is it?"

"Blood, The Blood Palace has left the base."


A look of doubt crossed Ho Gamyeong's face at the unexpected report.

"What about the Blood Palace Lord?"

"It appears that the one leading the Blood Palace is the lord himself."

For a moment, Ho Gamyeong's eyes grew cold.


There was already an order not to leave the base under Evil Tyrant Alliance's name. But The Blood Palace Lord personally led his forces and left the base?

This is nothing short of open defiance.

But because of that, Ho Gamyeong became even calmer than usual.

Although it was an urgent situation, when he fell into deep silence, the adjutant, who had been waiting anxiously, quietly urged him.



Chasing after the Blood Palace Lord is not difficult.

However, given that he has already set his mind on this action, words from others would be meaningless.

Especially now, after Ho Gamyeong's reputation has plummeted due to a previous failure.

Reputation aside, if he faces the Blood Palace Lord and fails to control him, the distrust among Evil Tyrant Alliance will deepen.

'He must be moving with that in his mind.'

Ho Gamyeong tapped the document with his fingertips.

Reporting directly to Jang Ilso is meaningless. Since the Blood Palace has already disobeyed orders, if Jang Ilso intervenes, he will inevitably have to take punitive action. Authority is maintained in such a manner.

However, in the current situation, it's difficult to be harsh on the Blood Palace. The Evil Tyrant Alliance can't easily handle the consequences right now.

After a moment, which might prove irreversible, Ho Gamyeong finally spoke.

"...Send someone to find out the reason for his actions."

"What? But, Strategist..."

"...Do I have to say it twice?"

Startled by Ho Gamyeong's icy gaze, the lieutenant quickly bowed.

"I will carry it out immediately."

Ho Gamyeong watched the lieutenant's back as he hurried out, clenching his teeth tightly.

He knew that his command was a meaningless formality. But for now, it was all he could do.

'This is precarious.'

The Blood Palace acts independently, the Sun Palace Lord shows a slight fondness towards Ryeonju, and the Hao Sect Lord harbors a deep resentment for Ho Gamyeong...

If it weren't for the forces of Myriad Man House, who was no different from the forces of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, and the power of the Black Ghost Fortress, which he had absorbed without any trouble, the Alliance would be in turmoil right now.

In such a situation, Ho Gamyeong could only rely on Jang Ilso's exceptional control and a faint belief that even the Blood Palace wouldn't want to be pursued and killed by the righteous factions.

This must be what it feels like to walk a tightrope over a precipice.


Ho Gamyeong exhaled and rubbed his forehead. First, he needed to report to Ryeonju...


Another uninvited guest arrived. Someone opened Ho Gamyeong's tent and entered. Sensing the presence, Ho Gamyeong frowned.

Despite the shrinking jurisdiction, he was still the military advisor of the Sha Family. He should not have to endure such rudeness.

'How dare you.'

His anger, already compounded by the issue with the Blood Palace, flared up momentarily. But upon recognizing the intruder, Ho Gamyeong regained his composure.

"...What is it?"

The intruder, clad in black martial arts attire with a mask covering their face, didn't answer immediately. Only the cheap iron sword at their waist made an irritating scraping sound.

"I asked what it is."

Ho Gamyeong asked again. The masked man still did not speak, only casting a cold, empty gaze.

Ho Gamyeong had served Jang Ilso for many years and had walked a bloody path, killing countless beasts of the martial world.

But now, he felt a chill from this masked man's gaze. Though not particularly intense or filled with blatant hatred, the coldness was something even Ho Gamyeong's experience found hard to gauge.

Finally, the masked man spoke.

"The letter."


"The letter is overdue."


Ho Gamyeong looked at the masked man blankly before suddenly rifling through his desk. Soon, he found a dusty envelope and glanced at the masked man.

"There seems to have been a mistake."

The masked man showed no reaction. As if he didn't want to talk to Ho Gamyeong unless necessary. Although slightly displeased by this attitude, Ho Gamyeong didn't show it.

He tossed the envelope to them.


Catching the flying envelope, the masked man tore open the flap on the spot. Then, with an almost devouring intensity, he read the contents without blinking.

After a long while, the masked man finally put the letter away. He glanced at Ho Gamyeong and spoke in an even voice.

"It's a day late."

"I told you, there was a mistake..."

"If this happens again, don't expect your head to remain on your shoulders. And I'll cut off your master's head too. Remember that."

A bitter coldness and a sneer crossed Ho Gamyeong's eyes.

"Fine, I'll accept it. It's not a good master's role to kick a dog for barking because it wasn't fed on time."


The masked man didn't respond. They just cast a fleeting disdainful look before turning away.

Before they exited the tent, Ho Gamyeong added.

"But even a dog has its duties. It can be angry about not being fed, but once it has eaten, it should wag its tail like a dog. Dead leaves is not supposed to protect their pride."

The masked person slowly turned to face Ho Gamyeong. A sharp, blue murderous intent emanated from their eyes. Even though a boiling hatred was apparent, it wasn't ordinary.

Despite receiving that gaze, Ho Gamyeong calmly opened his mouth.

"Don't forget. This is the deal you wanted."


"Isn't it?"

At those words, the masked person fully turned back to face Ho Gamyeong.

In an instant, a suffocating tension filled the tent. It was so tight that it wouldn't have been strange if someone drew their sword immediately.

But after a moment, the masked person slowly bowed their head.

Very deeply. The exaggerated movement seemed to say they wouldn't let any fault be found.

Ho Gamyeong stood tall, silently looking down at the bowed back of the masked person.

After the overly formal bow, the masked person rose slowly and swiftly exited the tent. The tightly drawn tension loosened all at once.

Ho Gamyeong exhaled a short breath.

Provoking them is dangerous. But the risk brought a certainty.

"They can be trusted."

It's absurd, but they are reliable.

At least until this deal ends, they will be perfect allies. No matter what happens, because the price they gain from this deal is too great.

As long as they do not betray us, the advantage in this war still lies with us.

"But this alone is not enough."

Hadn't Jang Ilso told him so?

Even if it's difficult to rectify a precarious situation, it doesn't matter. If the enemy's situation is more precarious than ours, victory will ultimately be ours.

To do that...

Ho Gamyeong's eyes changed.

"I didn't expect what I had prepared just in case would be used like this..."

This is why you never know what will happen in life.

He sat back down and grabbed a brush. But his gaze was not on the paper spread on the desk but beyond the open window.

Mount Wudang. Where his enemy resides.

"Perhaps... I have been overthinking things."

Ho Gamyeong's eyes regained their complete coldness.

The hand holding the brush wrote down the words like a knife digging into a wound. The dagger named "jeonseo" was being sharply honed.

Note: "Jeonseo" (篆書) refers to "seal script," which is an ancient style of Chinese calligraphy used for inscribing seals.