In a sunny day, right at nine o'clock, a girl with blonde hair running up with her right arm tucked in an older woman hand for safety.

"Jina! Hurry, to the park!"

Yuzu Okogi, the girl calling out to her babysitter Jina Disoke ,which is a woman in her twenties years old, black hair and warm smile.

"Yes, yes...be careful. You will fall down if you keep squirming around like that. "

The woman advised, beside as the Okogi neighbours, she offered to take care of Yuzu when the partner goes to work. It's a side income also since she is an open university student. Which she can handle study from home and full online without the needed to be physically attended all the time.

She seating at a nearby bench to keep an eye of Yuzu playing.

For about 5 minutes, Yuzu version filled with pink colour making she searching for the owner of it.

Then she saw a kid several years younger than her wearing a headphone on her head with a pink hair building a castle on the sand playground.

Without further thinking, she approach the other girl slowly.



The girl tilted her head sideways realized the incoming girl in blonde. Her eyes glimmer watching a blonde hair girl with a beautiful emerald eyes and a grin little mouth on her face.

So cute.

"Hey, my name Yuzu Okogi! Five years old! Wanna play together?"

"...Matsuri Mizusawa...play... together?"

"So your name Matsuri? Hmng.....so long....can I call you Atsu then?"


"Well, Atsu-chan ! Now we are friend ! Let's play ! "

Yuzu holding Matsuri's hand while smiling brightly making Matsuri blushing a little.


The two of the girls playing happily on the playground making Jina sigh relaxed.

It's seems little Yuzu already have a friend.

While on the other side of the park, a black limousine is parked right on the side with a man in butler suit standing right there.

Palming his face, the man looks honoured and relieved.

'Huhuhu, the young lady finally opened up and have friend now.'

Changing his expression,

'blond hair and green eyes, high about 110 cm. Her name, I shall asked young lady.'

He may be happy for the new friends young lady got, but it's doesn't mean he shall slacked his mind.

He knew the young lady will be not happy for the investigation of her new friend,but it's must be done for her safety.

The man,Aruki Will is a butler for Mizusawa household which is one of big companies in the world.

11 o clock,

"Yuzu, let's go home.."

"Eh?! But I wanna play with Atsu-chan longer..."

"Maybe you can ask her if she wants to play tomorrow too?"

"Atsu-chan... tomorrow, do you wanna play together again?"

" *Nod* "


Yuzu hug Matsuri making Matsuri blushing and hug back.

"Do you have someone to go home with?"

" Yeah, he just there waiting for me"

"Okay then , bye bye Atsu-chan!"

Matsuri wave at Yuzu and in the same time, Aruki come up behind her ,

"Young lady, did you have fun?"


"I see, shall we get home now?"

In the car,

"Young lady, may I know your new friend name?"


"Thanks, and do you want to meet up with her tomorrow again?"

"Yeah....I wanna play together again.."

"I see, I shall prepare the necessary stuff later.. congratulations for getting new friend, you lady ."

