The Scum Bag

"Hey! I heard the boss came in with a woman today"

"What's that? Where did you hear that rumour from?"

"Who said it's a rumor? I am sure of it. I heard it from the cleaners upstairs."

"Really! So which heiress was she? Could it be the Henry? I heard that there is a corporation going on between the two family"

"From what I heard, the woman was dressed shabbily so she can't be from any too family"

"Stop saying nonesense! How can the boss be in contact with such a local woman"

"I am very sure of what I heard. Unless ..."

Moris who was about to get coffee paused as she heard this conversation. She clenched her nails and a crack appeared on her heavily made up face. She quickly head out to the uppermost floor.

The two staff who was gossiping were startled when they heard foot steps but when they discovered it was Moris they both giggled.

"Oh my god, I think this office is going to get pretty interesting from now on"

"I can imagine the cracks on her face right now." She covers her mouth giggling.

"Serves her right! Who told her to parade her self as the boss's woman just because her father is a major shareholder?"

"I don't know who that local woman is or what's her position is but I have a feeling that we are going to watch a good show soon.'" They both grinned and walked away.

Moris walked up to the uppermost floor, her heels clicking the floor drawing attention to her self. When she got to the door of the office, she was stopped by Lucas's secretary. Moris face turned dark immediately. Despite all her efforts to imprint her status as Lucas Woman, this low lives refused to accord her the respects she deserves. Well, it will only be a matter of time. Soon, they will all bow to her and she will tramp upon them like trash.

"Hilda, I don't have time for your stupid restrictions. Out of my way before I get you fired" Moris was already at her limit. She wish she could break through the door and catch whatever fix spirit Lucas brought back.

"Sorry Miss Moris, the boss instructed no one should interrupt him" Hilda was scared and tmid. She knew Moris was trouble when she saw her. She wondered what brought her bad luck this morning.

Moris was almost in fumes. Lucas instructed that he shouldn't be disturbed? What on earth was he doing with that woman. She violently pushed Hilda out of the way and forced her way inside the office. But the scene she expected was not what she saw. The three people in the office looked at her and she felt like she could make herself invisible. But if she wasn't Moris then, who could act more better than her. She immediately put on a charming smile.

"Hey Lucas! I didn't expect you to have visitors." Her eyes scanned on Samantha and they almost burned her. But to her dismay, Samantlha did not back out from the stare and she even winked at her. 

"Outrageous, who was this country bumpkin. What audacity and insolent. Wait until I crush you like every other fox spirit that has come this close to my man" Moris head was about to explode but she managed to keep a straight smiling face.

Samantha looked at the indifferent Lucas and the heavily made woman and she smiled. She needed no one to tell her that this was one of the flies he wanted her to chase away for him. But she couldn't do him the favor just like that. Not after he bullied her. She plan on disgusting him while she drives out this woman. Striking two birds with one stone.

Moris saw that Lucas did not even spare her a glance and she could not let this fox spirit notice that Lucas does not give her face. She must try and get his attention.

"I came to invite you for lunch but since you have a visitor, she could join us and make it more lively" Her words were obvious enough to make anyone think that she and Lucas has a very good relationship. 

A hint of complexity appeared on Lucas face but it disappeared like flash. Grayson frowned and was about to intervene when Samantha stepped closer to Lucas and held his hands. Grayson widen his eyes in surprise. Lucas hated a woman touch! What was this girl doing asking for death. But to his surprise, Lucas did not flinch.

"Lucas.." Samantha's voice was sweet and compelling. Not only was Lucas not disgusted, he suddenly began to feel tight and hot.

"I didn't know you were this generous and social that anyone could invite you for lunch" Her voice sounded like a jealous wife reporting to her husband but Lucas sneered because she was just acting sweet but mocking him for not being able to distant himself from women. But he didn't expose her. He knew how fierce Moris can be so he would watch her drive her away fur him.

Moris grew hot from rage. This piece of trash just called her anyone. But she immediately hide her rage in order not to lose face. She will put this trash in place.

"Miss, you must be mistaken or Lucas didn't tell you. Lucas and I are very close and we often attend business meetings together, chat and spend time together" Moris extreggated the whole thing knowing very well that Lucas will be too cold to explain their relationship.

Samantha frowned in disgust and put on a more coaxing expresssion. "Lucas, so this was the reason why you always come home with makeup stains on your suits. Now, you to promise you won't go out with any more makeup modal unless I won't make any doughnuts today" Samantha acted coquettishly like a wife coaxing her husband.

When Lucas heard her mention doughnuts, he froze. There were only two people who knew he liked to eat doughnuts. His mom and that person so how could this woman's guess be good? Despite the fact that he knew she was trying to disgust him, he couldn't expose her. He could only succumb to her request.

"I promise I won't go out with anyone other than you" Lucas hooked his lips and Samantha almost lost her balance.. she didn't expect him to act along with her. She almost exposed her self but she recovered quickly and smiled.

"You are the best Lucas, you treat me so well" Samantha hugged his arms, rubbing her head on his neck like a cat. Lucas prayed silently that the whole drama ends soon.

Grayson felt like he was in another world. What was happening! He pinched himself to confirm he was still alive.

Moris turned black and her face became so ugly. She was just insulted by this country bumpkin but what struck her more was that Lucas who was cold to everyone actually coaxed a woman! What charm did she use.

"Miss, if there is nothing else please leave. Your makeup keeps cracking and I don't want my Lucas to get stained" Samantha was ruthless.

Moris gritted her teeth but she couldn't lose her cool or act uncultured. She could only stare daggers at Samantha and leave without saying a word. 

Immediately she left, Samantha distanced herself from him but Lucas held her back and sneered. 

"So fast to switch roles?" Lucas asked

Samantha did not pretend anymore. "Shouldn't Mr Green be thanking me? I just helped you to chase one of your flies"

Lucas sneered "Thank you? You do have a nerve to disgust me and you want me to thank you? Well since you are so good at chasing flies, we have a banquet to attend tonight. You will have to work hard and who knows, I might be in a good mood to give you a tip" Lucas hooked his lips revealing his dazzling teeth.

"You are such a scum bag" Samantha burst out.