The Snobbish Classmate

Before Zhang Ruibo could speak, he heard other students speaking first.

"Oh my God, Jiang Haochen, you earn millions a year from fighting divorce lawsuits. You must be making so much money."

"It turns out that divorce lawyers make so much money, you made me want to open my own law firm and become a divorce lawyer."

"You are still discerning. You know that divorce lawyers make money. After resigning from a big law firm, you turned to become a divorce lawyer."

These people didn't know that Zhang Ruibo secretly suppressed Jiang Haochen.

However, after so many years of graduation, Jiang Haochen does not think these classmates are complimenting him, because there is a chain of contempt among lawyers.

Financial lawyers will despise civil lawyers.

Civil lawyers will despise being a family lawyer.

A divorce lawyer is a family lawyer.

Jiang Haochen is relatively despised in the legal profession, both in law firm circles and in professional circles.

So in the eyes of these students, they work in finance and civil affairs, but they don't earn as much as Jiang Haochen, a divorce lawyer who does housework. It's really annoying.

Jiang Haochen heard that these classmates were getting angry in order to hug Zhang Ruibo's lap.

Jiang Haochen said calmly: "Actually, whether it is a financial lawyer, a civil lawyer, or a divorce lawyer, a good lawyer is one who can help clients solve their problems."

"To make money as a lawyer, you must win the case. If you keep losing the case, it is certainly impossible to make money."

"I have never failed in my divorce case. Isn't it natural to make money? Do you think that's right?"

Jiang Haochen's words made other students' expressions change.

Even Zhang Ruibo couldn't keep smiling.

Even in the Red Circle Office, Zhang Ruibo did not dare to say that the lawsuit would win.

Zhang Ruibo takes on financial lawsuits from large companies.

The competitors of big companies must also be big companies.

The opponent will definitely hire lawyers from top law firms to respond to the lawsuit, so after one year, Zhang Ruibo's case winning rate is at most a little over 50%.

Since Zhang Ruibo suppressed Jiang Haochen, of course he knew about Jiang Haochen's movements.

That is, Jiang Haochen never lost a divorce lawsuit, which is really weird.

Even if the other party to the divorce hires a more powerful lawyer, they will mediate with Jiang Haochen before court to meet Jiang Haochen's requirements.

Jiang Haochen is somewhat famous in the circle of divorce lawyers in Shanghai.

Many relatively wealthy people would seek divorce proceedings from Jiang Haochen.

Faced with Jiang Haochen's tough counterattack, Zhang Ruibo, who was the provocateur, could only laugh.

"You're right, but divorce cases are definitely still difficult to fight. Most people will choose pre-trial mediation, don't you think?"

Zhang Ruibo didn't think it was Jiang Haochen's ability that prompted the other party to mediate before court, but he thought it was probably because the other party didn't want to show off his face that he chose pre-trial mediation.

"If I don't have any ability, can I ask the other party to mediate before the court?"

Jiang Haochen smiled and asked: "Zhang Ruibo, you have a lot of lawsuits every year, right? How many times have you successfully mediated before court?"

These words directly penetrated Zhang Ruibo's heart.

Zhang Ruibo was speechless and embarrassed to answer.

The originally lively chat scene suddenly became tense.

One of the female classmates immediately came out to smooth things over: "Oh, why do you guys drink so much and don't follow the rules?"

"We agreed that at the class reunion we would only chat and not talk about work, but you all started talking about the case again."

"You've been working on cases every day for a year, aren't you tired?"

"Just, let's talk about something relaxing."

"Yes, yes, my pot."

Zhang Ruibo laughed and skipped this topic.

I originally thought that Jiang Haochen was not doing well after he left a big law firm, but he didn't expect that he was still doing well, so there was no need to continue talking.

After all, Jiang Haochen cannot provide others with connections, nor can he provide them with a new platform.

After this topic was cleared, the people present still focused on Zhang Ruibo, and they all flattered him.

Jiang Haochen got goosebumps all over his body after listening to these people's flattering words.

However, Jiang Haochen can also understand how attractive red circle firms are to lawyers.

"By the way, I remembered that I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Jiang Haochen made excuses and left.

Naturally, Jiang Haochen would not pretend to be a big onion, and would just pay the bill when he left.

Today is the game of Zhang Ruibo's group. Zhang Ruibo pretends to be the one paying the bill today. How can Jiang Haochen steal the limelight from others?

No one wanted to keep Jiang Haochen.

After Jiang Haochen left, someone stepped on Jiang Haochen in front of Zhang Ruibo.

"Forget it, Ruibo, leave Jiang Haochen alone. Jiang Haochen is such a virtuous person that he doesn't fit in with others."

"After all, he was our best squad leader at the time, but now he has no choice but to file a divorce lawsuit. I guess he is very unhappy."

"Who would have thought that our outstanding student union president would only be involved in divorce lawsuits after graduation, unlike you, Ruibo, who are now responsible for IPOs or financial litigation."

"When you become a senior partner of a law firm in the future, I'm afraid you will be jealous of us."

Each one of them had eyes full of envy, wishing they had such a good father-in-law.

Zhang Ruibo knew that these people were deliberately flattering him, but he still felt very happy.

"I don't care about him. We eat our food and talk about our food."

Zhang Ruibo laughed, looking very friendly.

Jiang Haochen only drank drinks in the evening. After driving home, he leaned tiredly on the sofa and rested for a while.

At eight o'clock, Jiang Haochen sat on the sofa and turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Because it is difficult to open your own law firm, Jiang Haochen has created a short video to share some knowledge about divorce.

Jiang Haochen has been making short videos for more than two years, and now has only 200,000 fans. This shows that divorce lawyers are not popular.

Of course, divorce is not a good thing, so who cares about Jiang Haochen?

After Jiang Haochen started the live broadcast, about a thousand people came in.

Because today is Saturday, Jiang Haochen basically broadcasts live at 9pm on weekends, so fans who follow Jiang Haochen know it very well.

In fact, instead of competing with these changed classmates in the hotel, Jiang Haochen would rather come back and start a live broadcast. Even if there is no money to be made, at least the people who come to ask questions may become Jiang Haochen's potential customers.

Starting your own business is impossible without hard work.

The people who came in all came to consult Jiang Haochen about divorce, so someone immediately posted a comment asking questions.

Just when Jiang Haochen was about to answer the barrage question, Douyin No. 1 suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

A Douyin No. 1 costs one thousand yuan.

According to the rules of Jiang Haochen's live broadcast room, you can continue to play with Douyin No. 1.