Unexpected Gains From Matchmaking

Gao Haijie didn't expect Zheng Liqing to say this.

Gao Haijie thought that Zheng Liqing was just speaking on his side to comfort herself out of a sense of justice.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Gao Haijie couldn't help but ask Zheng Liqing: "Zheng Liqing, do you have any issues with this lawyer who has been on the hot search topic?"

Zheng Liqing did not hide anything and answered truthfully: "This person is Ruibo's college classmate. He often bullied Ruibo when he was in college."

"So that's it."

Gao Haijie thought this made sense.

"So Uncle Gao, since this person is the scum of your legal profession, you should not be polite to him and drive him out of the Magic City lawyer profession completely."

Gao Haijie is naturally on Zheng Liqing's side.

Gao Haijie said: "Okay, let's just help our uncle and nephew vent their anger."

"Thank you, Uncle Gao."

Zheng Liqing thanked her immediately.

"Uncle Gao, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going to find my husband."

With Gao Haijie as her assistant, Zheng Liqing no longer had to go to Zheng Hongwei, so she naturally chose to go to Zhang Ruibo and tell Zhang Ruibo the good news.

"Okay. I have to be busy with work too."

As a barrister, Gao Haijie is already very busy.

Gao Haijie walked back immediately.

After returning to his office, Gao Haijie immediately said hello to his assistant and asked his divorce lawyers to send a video condemning Jiang Haochen.

As a top lawyer, it is naturally impossible for Gao Haijie to personally shoot a video to condemn Jiang Haochen.

This kind of thing can only be left to other young lawyers in the firm to condemn.

Gao Haijie himself sent a message to a lawyer friend he knew, asking the divorce lawyer in their law firm to send a video condemning Jiang Haochen.

Originally, Gao Haijie thought he needed to owe a favor, but it turned out that his friend's law firm was also troubled by this matter.

Gao Haijie said that he would send a video to condemn, and then block Jiang Haochen so that Jiang Haochen could not recruit lawyers. These people agreed readily.

Zheng Liqing came to Zhang Ruibo's office and after telling Zhang Ruibo about this matter, Zhang Ruibo was very happy immediately.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you."

"You're welcome, I can't see my husband being bullied by such an unscrupulous person."

"When I get off work later, I'll treat you to a French dinner."

Zhang Ruibo planned to celebrate Jiang Haochen's disgrace in advance with his wife.

Jiang Haochen doesn't know if he will be in trouble. Anyway, it is quite troublesome now, that is, Jiang Haochen is already busy.

Some new clients did not know Jiang Haochen's number, so when they called the law firm, two assistants answered the phone.

Jiang Haochen himself received a call from a previous client, asking Jiang Haochen to help introduce him.

Without a system, Jiang Haochen would definitely not dare to play matchmaker casually.

There is a system now. If it can help someone achieve a good relationship, it doesn't matter if Jiang Haochen helps.

Earn some True Love Points by the way, which can be used for emergencies.

Jiang Haochen will not directly help with matching, but will only record customers who want to remarry.

If other divorced clients come for consultation and want to remarry, Jiang Haochen will help match them.

Otherwise, if Jiang Haochen directly uses the system to match his customers who have gone through divorce lawsuits, how will Jiang Haochen know whether the customers have remarried after divorce.

If you call me, you will get scolded easily.

These callers don't look like Chen Yaojie.

When Chen Yaojie asked Jiang Haochen to help introduce him, he already had Zhao Yuwen as his target.

At half past eleven, Chen Yaojie and Zhao Yuwen walked out of Jiang Haochen's conference room.

After an hour and a half of preliminary understanding, the two chatted happily, seemed to have become friends, and seemed to be interested in getting in touch.

Chen Yaojie and Zhao Yuwen naturally knew how to reciprocate their kindness.

After coming out, Chen Yaojie took the initiative to invite: "Lawyer Jiang, please let me treat you to dinner for lunch."

"No, Mr. Chen, you and Ms. Zhao can go have dinner. My law firm is quite busy and I really can't get away. The phone calls are almost full."

Chen Yaojie and Zhao Yuwen saw that the two assistants Jiang Haochen were very busy. They were indeed very busy.

"Okay, Lawyer Jiang, if I invite you next time, don't refuse."

"Okay, I'll definitely do it next time."

Jiang Haochen answered with a smile.

However, Chen Yaojie felt that just inviting Jiang Haochen to a meal was definitely not enough.

Chen Yaojie immediately said: "Lawyer Jiang, I wonder if your law firm can litigate civil lawsuits?"

Because Chen Yaojie runs a factory, there will naturally be some cooperation disputes.

Originally, Chen Yaojie's own factory had a cooperative lawyer.

Now Chen Yaojie feels that he owes Jiang Haochen a favor, and this favor must be repaid.

Jiang Haochen was originally a lawyer who handled financial or cooperation disputes, but was forced to change his profession and became a divorce lawyer.

Starting his own business, Jiang Haochen is not afraid of any kind of lawsuits and will accept everyone who comes.

Jiang Haochen immediately said: "Mr. Chen, I have handled similar lawsuits before. I dare not say that the winning rate is as high as divorce cases, but I believe I am capable of handling it."

"That's great. Tomorrow Monday, I will officially entrust you to become our company's legal counsel."

"Okay, thank you for your trust, Mr. Chen. I promise to live up to your expectations."

Jiang Haochen agreed immediately.

"Lawyer Jiang, it just so happens that my company is changing its partner law firm, so I'll ask you to help me."

Zhao Yuwen also spoke.

The two of them had a really good chat, and I felt that Jiang Haochen really helped the two of them create a good relationship.

As for whether the two people can get along successfully in the future, that is their own relationship.

At least now the two of them are really satisfied with each other's understanding, more satisfied than their previous marriage partner.

This gratitude certainly cannot be given verbally.

"Ms. Zhao, thank you for your trust. Don't say too many nice words. I will speak with my true ability."

"I believe in your ability, Lawyer Jiang."

Zhao Yuwen answered with a smile.

Zhao Yuwen originally founded the company with her husband, and women's clothing was the most profitable.

Zhao Yuwen's husband was naturally reluctant to give the management rights of women's clothing to Zhao Yuwen, so Jiang Haochen helped Zhao Yuwen get it back forcefully.

Therefore, Zhao Yuwen believes that Jiang Haochen will be as tough in handling civil disputes as he is in divorce disputes.

"Lawyer Jiang, then we won't disturb your work."

"I'll see you off."

Jiang Haochen stood up to see him off.

I originally thought I was just helping out as a matchmaker, but now I also work as a legal consultant for two companies. The unexpected rewards of being a matchmaker this time are really great.