Even If You Play Rogue, You Win

Liu Xifeng was quite surprised when he met Jiang Haochen at the entrance of the court.

But since they met, Liu Xifeng didn't think anything was wrong.

Liu Xifeng greeted him calmly: "Jiang Haochen, I haven't seen you for three years. It's really impressive."

"It's amazing that a graduate with a master's degree who once studied law under me is now able to make waves in the legal community in Shanghai."

Jiang Haochen heard some irony in Liu Xifeng's words.

At that time, Jiang Haochen had just graduated and was working as a trainee lawyer under Liu Xifeng. Jiang Haochen was very grateful to Liu Xifeng.

Jiang Haochen learned a lot while working as an assistant with Liu Xifeng.

Although at that time Litong Law Firm finally fired him because of greeting Zhang Borui's father-in-law Zheng Hongwei.

But before expulsion, Liu Xifeng reminded Jiang Haochen that Jiang Haochen had offended someone.

This allowed Jiang Haochen to waste no more time after interviewing several law firms, and finally chose to open his own law firm and switch to divorce litigation.

This is a friendly reminder that when Jiang Haochen was poaching people, he was merciful to Litong Law Firm.

The divorce lawyer from Litong Law Firm posted a video to resist the sarcasm of Jiang Haochen. Jiang Haochen just retaliated by poaching the divorce lawyer from Litong Law Firm and not other lawyers.

From other law firms, Jiang Haochen also hired several financial and civil lawyers.

Jiang Haochen felt that he had given him face, but the other party didn't know how to advance or retreat at all.

Jiang Haochen didn't know that the ten largest law firms in Shanghai had united to deal with him, but Jiang Haochen felt that Liu Xifeng should not fight this lawsuit if he only missed his old relationship.

Even if other lawyers from Litong Law Firm come over, Jiang Haochen will leave a favor to Liu Xifeng in the future.

Now it seems that the other party has no intention of showing mercy at all.

If Liu Xifeng was just an ordinary lawyer at Litong Law Firm, and his boss asked Liu Xifeng to do this, Liu Xifeng might not be able to refuse.

Liu Xifeng is now a senior partner.

This status certainly comes with the right to refuse.

Liu Xifeng didn't refuse, naturally because he had benefits.

Since the other party was merciless, Jiang Haochen would naturally not give face to Liu Xifeng, his former boss.

Jiang Haochen calmly retorted: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, you have to get used to it."

Jiang Haochen's words made Liu Xifeng feel that Jiang Haochen was floating.

Jiang Haochen actually dared to say that he was a Hou Lang.

What, do you want to beat yourself to death on the beach?

Liu Xifeng said: "Very good, Jiang Haochen, I haven't seen you for three years, so let me see how much your backlang skills have improved."

"Then just wait and see."

Jiang Haochen smiled lightly and didn't want to say anything more to Liu Xifeng.

There used to be some friendships with colleagues.

Now that Liu Xifeng insists on being Jiang Haochen's enemy, Jiang Haochen will let Liu Xifeng know that he should not bully young people into poverty.

Jiang Haochen indeed has no background or connections in the Magic City, but he is not something that can be easily handled by anyone.

When Jiang Haochen entered the court, Zhuang Mingzhuo followed him without even looking at Jiang Sijia, and his attitude was unusually indifferent.


Jiang Sijia called Zhuang Mingzhuo, but Zhuang Mingzhuo did not respond.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Sijia remembered Liu Xifeng's voice: "Remember what I just said to you in the car. Jiang Haochen is a bit skilled in divorce cases, and you are the obvious fault party."

"Now if I want to get the best interests for you, then in court, you must insist that your relationship as husband and wife has not broken down."

"No matter how Zhuang Mingzhuo denies it, you have to insist that you still have feelings and play the emotional card."

"Remember, no matter how unpleasant the other person's words are, you must insist that the relationship is not broken. You love him. Do you understand?"

Liu Xifeng has never been involved in divorce lawsuits.

Now that today is here, Liu Xifeng doesn't want to lose to Jiang Haochen, his former subordinate.

Liu Xifeng has temporarily studied Jiang Haochen's lawsuit cases in the past few days. He is indeed quite skilled. Among the young divorce lawyers, he is considered a leader with outstanding ability.

Liu Xifeng has repeatedly studied the current lawsuit and decided that the only way to get the best interests for Jiang Sijia is to negotiate a divorce.

Only through negotiation can it be possible to get 70% of the property Jiang Sijia wants.

If we wait for the court to decide, it is definitely impossible for the at-fault party to get 70% of the joint property of the couple.

As long as the couple insists that the relationship between the couple has not broken down, the court's principles will not be betrayed, and then the court will be held next time.

Zhuang Mingzhuo is obviously eager to get divorced.

Liu Xifeng wanted to delay Zhuang Mingzhuo until he compromised.

As long as the negotiation step is reached, Jiang Haochen's divorce lawsuit will be very ugly. Basically, Jiang Haochen loses.

The lawyer who helped Jiang Sijia in the lawsuit before actually went head-to-head with Jiang Haochen. This lawsuit will definitely not be won.

Fortunately, the last time we went to court for the first time, the court would not rule.

Now, half a year later, luckily I am here.


Jiang Sijia nodded.

When Liu Xifeng warned Jiang Sijia, Zhuang Mingzhuo and Jiang Haochen were a little worried after entering the court. They did not expect that the other party sent such a powerful lawyer.

Jiang Haochen once worked as an assistant under Liu Xifeng. Isn't this the same as the apprentice beating the master?

Zhuang Mingzhuo said: "Lawyer Jiang, it seems that we have found a powerful lawyer on the other side. Are you confident?"

"Mr. Zhuang, don't worry. No matter who the other party is, you are not at fault. We have the advantage and there won't be too many surprises."

"Relax a little, the new lawyer hired by the other party did take care of me before."

"He himself is involved in financial litigation, and he doesn't have much contact with divorce cases."

"Today, let alone my former boss, anyone who comes will have to admit defeat."

Jiang Haochen answered firmly.

Is it true that Jiang Haochen really has a good temper when he is being targeted even though he is involved in an ordinary lawsuit?

Only major law firms are allowed to block Jiang Haochen. Jiang Haochen can't fight back?

So don't say that today, a financial lawyer like Zhuang Mingzhuo suddenly took over a case that he was not used to.

Even if the top lawyer in the divorce case comes, Jiang Haochen will kill him today and use the other party's reputation as a stepping stone for himself.

Zhuang Mingzhuo was infected by Jiang Haochen's confidence and said, "Lawyer Jiang, let's work hard."

"Just cooperate with me."

"I will."

Zhuang Mingzhuo nodded and would naturally cooperate with Jiang Haochen.

Zhuang Mingzhuo was furious when he thought that his daughter was not his own, and he became the laughing stock of his colleagues in the company.

If you still lose the lawsuit, that's fine.