The Glimmering Shard

The following days blurred into a relentless pursuit of knowledge and preparation. The once-serene library became a beehive of activity, buzzing with the frantic energy of their desperate research. Tomes lay open on every surface, their brittle pages whispering secrets older than time. Strange concoctions bubbled in makeshift cauldrons, their pungent fumes hanging heavy in the air, stinging their nostrils with each breath.

Serafina, despite the lingering effects of the possession, led the charge. Her emerald eyes, usually sparkling with otherworldly knowledge, now held a haunted glint. Yet, she persevered, pushing herself to the limit as she scoured ancient texts. The flickering candlelight cast long, grotesque shadows on the walls, mirroring the churning unease in her heart. Each symbol, each archaic inscription, was scrutinized with an intensity that bordered on obsession.