The Shadow Wyvern

The echo of Xol'thul's defeated shriek still hung heavy in the air as they surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The cavern, once a chaotic crucible of power, now stood eerily still, the nexus a simmering pool of contained energy. Relief warred with a gnawing unease within Eleanor. Xol'thul might be subdued, but they were far from safe.

"The prison world is collapsing faster," Seraphina announced, her voice strained. Dust motes swirled around her as tremors rattled the cavern. "We don't have much time."

Eleanor's heart pounded against her ribs. They had come so close to escaping, only to be thrown back into a desperate struggle for survival. "What about the portal?" she asked, her voice laced with desperation.

Seraphina's face remained grim. "My magic is depleted. The act of forcing the nexus closed drained me entirely. Opening another portal here… it's beyond my capabilities."