Morning School?

Bro, that was fucking crazy!" "On God, bro." "Remember when she was saying, 'You guys are gonna miss, you can't handle being bombers'?" "Yeah, then we proved her ass wrong right then and there, BOOM!!" "Ahaha, BOOM!! We took those pigs out so quick they didn't know what hit 'em!"

This is the most accurate representation of everything I heard as I was slowly waking up. When my eyes opened, I was met with bright white light that hurt my eyes, so I kept them squinted. I first noticed my surroundings - it was what looked like a school nurse's office. I was laying on one of those elevated beds you always sit on at the doctor's, and next to me was a first aid kit on the wall surrounded by posters about washing your hands and eating healthy.

I felt around my body to make sure my eye necklace was still in my pocket, just in case it wanted to magically save me anytime soon. In front of me were two douchebags, and that is the best way I can describe them. They both wore khakis and sported similar uniforms: a navy suit jacket, a sweater vest underneath covering a white button-down, completed with a tie. On their feet, they both wore black dress shoes and pulled-up dress socks.

One of them was tall, kind of hefty, with red hair and freckles, and didn't look much older than seventeen. His buddy, on the other hand, looked no older than twelve, even though he sounded like he was older. He had blonde hair, was short at least compared to his friend, and was rather skinny.

"Bro, she's waking up," the redhead said. "Are you sure asking for her number when she gets up is the move?" the blonde asked. "Bro, of course. She'll think we saved her. Just tell her we took her out of that cop car, patched her up, and took her here," the redhead replied.

The door of the room opened, and the voice of a Southern woman came from it. "What are you two doing here? Didn't I tell y'all to stop waiting on people we save to wake up so you can flirt with them??" "Yes, ma'am," the boys said, dragging their voices slowly. "Now, go on, get back to class!"

At this point, my eyes had adjusted, and I opened them fully. I checked the clock on the wall to see that it was only 6:13, which made me wonder why they were in class so early in the morning, I especially wondered why they were in class at all considering it was some sort of holiday.

The voice from the door walked into the room. She had on turquoise scrubs, wore gloves, and had long, brunette hair. She was beautiful. She had the face of a doll and a model at the same time. To this day, she is one of the most beautiful people I had ever laid my eyes on.

"Good morning!! Well, sorta good morning. You've only been out for two hours, and I guess you also went out this morning, so 'Good day,' I guess! Sweetie, if you have enough strength, would you mind sitting up for me? Gotta check that shoulder."

I slowly got up and sat upright. The lady pulled down the shoulder part of my shirt to check the wound. I looked at my shoulder out of curiosity and was amazed at what I saw - my shoulder was back to normal, just like that, almost as if it had never been shot. I smiled in amazement.

"I know, it's pretty cool, right? Looks like you made a speedy recovery," the woman said with a smile. Surprised and puzzled, I asked her how that was even possible. The lady replied, "Let's just say those New Bostonians have their hands on better medicine than they'd like you to know, that's why our kids take it right out from underneath them and bring it here."

"I'm Miss Shelly, by the way, the school nurse. Anytime you get another boo-boo, you just come right on down to me." The lady smiled at me, and I awkwardly gave her a half-smile back, still don't know why I did that - I do dumb things in the presence of pretty people.

"I'm sorry, did you say 'school'? Isn't it, like, I don't know, kinda early for school?" I asked the lady with confusion.

"No time is too early for the only non-New Bostonian school in America, sweetheart. Also, it's a little more than just a school," the lady winked at me. I still didn't get it. "What does that mean?" I asked.

"Don't worry, our leader Sara will fill you in on everything you need to know. This will all be very clear for you pretty soon," the lady answered.

I took her answer for what it was and nodded my head. The lady told me to stay put until Sara came for me. She began to walk out the door, but before she did, she stopped to tell me one last thing: "We all saw what you did back there. It was incredibly brave - I mean, definitely more than I would've ever had the courage to do, no matter how bad I've wanted to. Hell, I think you have more courage than almost anybody here to take it to those pigs the way you did. I have a feeling about you, girly. Something tells me this place is gonna really suit you." And with that, she walked out the door.