Chapter 2 - Handsome stranger

I felt breathless as he stared intently at me, his gaze piercing through my skin. He had the most gorgeous black hair. It was so shiny and luscious. And his face? Don't even get me started. It was like his features were carved by angels or something. I mean, his jawline could cut glass, and his cheekbones? Perfectly chiselled to the point where you'd swear he was a sculpture brought to life.

"Your face is all wet, what's the matter princess?" I snapped back to reality and wiped my face.

"Oh it's nothing, I just.." I stammered, not able to find a lie to give as to why I had tears in my eyes.

"Bad day?" he asked with the warmest smile ever.

"Kinda," I replied.

"I get it, how about I accompany you to the party? Nobody should stop you from enjoying your birthday" he spoke, his deep masculine voice almost convincing me that my party wasn't all bad.

"...feels more like a wedding engagement if you ask me" I muttered.

"I know parents can be hard…just do what I do" he said moving closer to my ear.

"...agree with them and do the total opposite," he said and I laughed.

"That's more like it.." he said, giving me a white handkerchief to wipe my face with and took my hand in his.

"Let's show them what it's like to be an adult"

As the door opened, everyone stopped dancing and had their eyes on us.

"You have nothing to worry about, just be cool" he uttered, just the way I encouraged myself. We walked hand in hand and I could see the girls gawking at him. Who wouldn't gawk when he looked like a Demigod?

"I see you've met Damien," Dad said as we approached him.

What? Do they know each other?

"Yes and I must say you have a beautiful daughter, Hudson"

He just called Dad by his first name. Isn't he like twenty years old or something?

"Of course she is, and a bit naughty too" Dad laughed but I didn't find it funny.

"I'd love to dance with her if she doesn't mind," he said, looking at me with his captivating eyes.

I felt a cold run down my spine as I nodded. He took my hand to the centre of the room and put his hands around my waist. I put my hands around his shoulders and we swayed slowly to the music. We were the only ones dancing as the guests chatted while drinking. I tried to focus on the dance but the smell of his cologne made me dizzy.

"You can relax now" he voiced out and I smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked, still confused as to why he knew my dad.

"Let's just say I'm your dad's new business partner"

Oh, no wonder I hadn't heard of him before.

"You seem close to your father"

"more like the opposite," I said without thinking.

"Is that so?"

"...we just never got along ever since my mother…" I said, feeling sad that it was my fault.

"It's okay…don't say anything else"

I sighed trying to free my heavy heart, I just never got over her death.

After the party, I retired to my room thinking about the handsome stranger, Damien. I slipped into a nightgown and climbed into my bed, hoping I'd see him again sometime.

I felt like I was having a migraine as I tossed and turned around the bed. The sunlight poured into the room through the window, shining brightly in my eyes and everything just seemed so loud and annoying. I didn't understand what was happening but suddenly it stopped. I sat up holding my head. I took a glass of water and gulped down the entire content. That party must have sucked the life outta me.

As I walked out of my room towards the front balcony, I met Jake.

"Miss Kelly, I was just about to come get you," Jake said.

"For what?"

"Your father asked me to drop you off somewhere"

"Oh.." it was probably another meeting with his friend's son.

I got into the car and Jake zoomed off.

After a pretty long ride, we arrived at a very huge mansion, far bigger than Dad's. I didn't know Luke's dad was richer than dad.

"This is it," Jake said and I got out. I thought he was gonna park but he drove out through the main gate.

Maybe he'll be back…I thought.

"Miss Kelly?" A young man in a black suit spoke, startling me.


"This way please," he said and I followed behind him.

The interior looked spectacular and it had beautiful paintings and artworks.

I suddenly heard shouting coming from somewhere.

"I don't care if you're new, weren't you told my room was off limits?" a male voice echoed.

"I'm sorry master," fear, obvious in the maid's voice.

"You're fired"

I looked at the man in front of me and he looked like he wasn't hearing anything.

I was led to a room and I arched my brows, wondering what I was doing in a room instead of maybe a meeting room.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"Stay here while I call the master" he ignored my question.

"No need for that…" I looked behind him and was surprised to see the young man I had danced with at my party.

He looked pissed for a moment but a smile found its way to his lips.

"You're here," he said again as the other man left. I felt confused and surprised at the same time. Why did Dad send me here? Was he one of the men Dad wanted me to meet? I had a million questions but couldn't find the right words to ask them.

"You look surprised to see me," he said and I just nodded as my words failed me.

"Join me for a meal and I'll explain" I smiled and followed him. My heart thumped in my chest as I walked behind him.

He sat down and I sat across from him.

"Did my father set us up here?" I finally found the courage to ask.

"No, I did"

"Are you going to discuss marriage? If so, I'm not interested"

"I'm not interested in marrying you princess, there's something more important at hand right now" he took a sip from his coffee.

"What is it?"

"We'll discuss that part after your meal," he said not smiling, taking a small book and a pen from his pocket.

He seemed cold now compared to when we first met or maybe he was still upset with that maid. I took a bite from the chicken and licked my lips to make sure I had nothing there.

I looked up at him and he looked so focused on his book. How could a man look so attractive and hold an aura of mystery at the same time?

I finished eating and just as I finished, he got up and I did too. He walked towards me, standing in front of me; he sighed.

"I'm sorry for this"

"What?" I asked and he removed my hair from my face, making me stiffen up. He lifts my head with his hand, making me look into his eyes. I thought he was gonna kiss me but I suddenly felt dizzy.