Chapter 4 - He's a demon?

I looked around me to see I was back in that room with the paintings of lanterns. I sat up and checked my thigh. I remember I had been hurt there, but my skin still looked so smooth and scarless. Was it all a dream? Damien looked different…more vicious and scarier than ever. It couldn't have been a dream right?

"It wasn't a dream" I heard a voice from a corner and I covered my thigh. Damien walked out with his hands in his pocket as usual. Did he just reply to my thoughts?

I looked over at him and he looked physically normal, compared to when he saved me.

"Was that you?" I asked as I got a bit cold from fear.

He kept quiet.

His silence said it all. So he's like a demon guy?

His gaze suddenly went cold and when I thought he'd speak up, he just turned around to leave.

"Hey, wait…I didn't get to thank you for saving my life"

"Save it" he replied coldly and left.

What's he so worked up about? Did I do anything wrong…? I rushed out to follow him but I didn't see him anywhere…almost like he disappeared.

I dipped my hand into the pocket of my black jacket and I found my broken phone.

"Shoot! Now I can't call Dad" I walked through the corridor and came across a maid with aqua blue eyes and gills on her neck. She bowed at me and walked away. I didn't know what was surprising; the fact that she bowed to me, despite not knowing me or the fact that she literally had gills. Where am I? What are these people?

Damien's pov.

I didn't want her to ever see me that way, but I had to save her life. I had been called many names, from demon to monster, but hearing her think about me as a demon, made me somewhat angry. I hadn't even thought of a way to explain why I brought her here.

I just have to get out of here first.

"Take me to Darius'," I said as I got in my car. Darius is the centaur lord. He has to know that the hybrid isn't to be touched or else…

I walked into Darius' mansion trying to keep my cool and I met him in his human form, sipping whatever.

"Did you send them?" I asked.

"lord Damien, welcome…" he hailed with a trembling voice.

"Cut it…answer my question"

"I don't know what you mean my lord" he explained and I could tell he was telling the truth but he needs to know I'm not kidding around.

"Leave the hybrid alone, is that clear?"

"But my lord, hybrids are abomi…"

I flung my pocket knife in his direction and luckily for him, he dodged.

"Don't..Call..Her..That" I said and walked out of the mansion.

Centaurs never learn to mind their business, if they try anything stupid again, I'll make sure their entire species become extinct.

Kelly's pov.

I thought of escaping again but the thought of what happened last night still haunted me. Also, do I really want to go back home? My home is not the best place at the moment. I have to find out why he brought me here first.

After walking around the house unable to find a landline or telephone, I decided to go look for a computer or a laptop, anything or anyone who could give me answers to what I'm doing here. Just then, I saw a car driving in and he came out of it. How come he's always there when I think of him?

He stood there looking at me without uttering a word, so I decided to break the silence.

"Can I get a phone? Mine's broken" I asked.

"No," he said walking past me.

"Hey hold on" He stopped and I bumped into his rock hard back.


"Why can't I get a phone?"

"Because you can't," he said, walking again.

"What's your problem man? Why are you being so cold all of a sudden?" I rushed behind him.

"First, you dance with me, then you kidnap me and save my life and now you're being cold. What is it with you?" He suddenly stopped and I bumped into him…again. Ouch.. He turned to me and just looked at me.

"What do you want, Damien?" I asked but he still kept mute.

"Answer me..did my dad set you up to this?" I urged.

"Do you still think I'm a demon?" he spoke, ignoring my questions and I frowned at his remark…

"What do you mean?"

"You think I'm a demon right?" he asked again.

"I.." I said out loud and realized I had only thought of it in the room earlier.

"I just thought about it.."

"If you think I'm a demon, then I'm sure you think I can kill you, burn you, and deceive you, cause that's what demons do, yeah?"

"Your eyes.." His eyes had turned from golden brown to the red I saw the night he saved my life.

"Answer my question," he said, holding my arm, making me realize that my hand was making its way to his face. Seeing his red eyes so close, made me curious.

"I don't think that…I just want to know why you brought me here, who you really are and why you're…" I tried to finish my sentence but I felt my hands were literally burning from his tight grip.

"Damien please...let go" He let me go, looking at my red wrists, his face switching from anger to something else I couldn't tell, and he stepped back.

I looked down at my hand again and the burn was gone.

"It healed," Damien said; just like it did with my thigh. That's totally not normal, right?

"Look Damien, I don't think you're a demon, I just got a bit scared because you looked different and it's new to me" I looked into his eyes and I saw the fire in them fading away slowly.

"I could get used to it but I need to know what's going on here? Why did you bring me here?" I asked and he sighed.

"You're eighteen now, your blood is too strong to be shielded by the mortals"

"Mortals? I don't understand" Damien looked like he was having a hard time explaining.

"You're a hybrid, half werewolf and half fox, nine-tailed fox to be precise or as the Japanese call it 'Kitsune'"

I didn't quite believe him. I can't be a hybrid. My parents are normal people.

"It's not possible, my dad…"

" not your dad"

"What?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"You're joking right?"

"Your real parents left you with Hudson and Jasmine when you were six months old, to protect you" This couldn't possibly be true. I mean none of this is real.

"This is serious, hybrids are…an abomination and you're gonna be killed easily if you're seen or perceived anywhere"

"I think she already established that part when she nearly got killed by a centaur's bolt" I heard and saw Julian walking towards a black Limousine with a key in his hand.

"Can I borrow this, dear brother? I love the human stuff.." Julian said not even waiting for a reply as he turned to get into the car.

"Okay…so if I'm a hybrid, what are you then? I asked Damien, still in doubt, even with the whole near death experience. It couldn't possibly be true.

"Pfft…" Julian said, taking off his shirt.

"Uh…what're you doing?"

"Damien will never show you what he really looks like" Julian said and I turned my eyes towards Damien to see his ever-so-straight face looking at Julian with clenched jaw.

Julian breathing suddenly became sharp and I feared he might be having a…HEART ATTACK!!!