Chapter 7 - Sneaky Fox

Damien's pov

Her eyes turned pure white, as she raised her head facing the ceiling, her teeth gnashing against each other and her entire body trembling. I couldn't even tell what was going on and I didn't know she could understand Aramaic language; worse still I didn't even know the sentence at the bottom of the frame was an actual spell.

I reached for her hand and put my hands on her face, speaking to her mind.

His mind control allows him access to people's minds. He succeeds and the weak smallish girl drops into his arms, her hair all over her face.

The sentence was written in an Ancient language, and except Kelly was somehow taught that ancient language in her childhood, there was no way she would have been able to read it. This is actually bigger than I thought. Damien thought to himself.

After ensuring Kelly was put safely in her room, Damien went to find Oliver, his trusted servant.

"Oliver…keep a close eye on her," I said, referring to the sleeping Kelly, but staring at the unfamiliar female elf beside Oliver.

"Ok my lord… thi..this is Ivy, sir" Oliver stuttered knowing that I don't like strangers, especially now.

"She wishes to work as your servant, my lord. She just lost her previous source of employment and is now on the verge of being homeless" Oliver said truthfully.

"I don't need her" I said walking past them but the Ivy girl stood in front of me. I looked at her and I could tell she was scared as her heart raced really fast. She fell to her knees, with her face on the floor.

"Please my lord, I can do anything, clean, mow the lawn, muck out your stables, anything" She begged.

I know an elf wouldn't be a threat to Kelly because even though elves are blessed with an ageless life, they are completely harmless, except trained like she is.

"I have maids for that," I said walking past her. I have important things to ponder about.

"Please my lord," Ivy said, blocking me again.

"Move…" I said, this time, really pissed.

She moved and I walked away.

On getting into my study room, I slumped into my chair, to see three folded envelopes on my table. I opened one of them and saw it was an invitation to the millennium party, which I won't be attending.

The second envelope had a Dragon stamp on it. It was sent from the Dragon royal family. I tore it open and as usual a letter from my mother.

She really needs to stop sending me these letters. I'm never going back to Z.

The last letter was anonymous, with no name, no signature and it was just a short message. It read…

"Greetings from an old friend, I hear you have the hybrid. You know the prophecy, my friend. Don't waste any time. Kill her while you still can or I will…" I stared at the note, wondering who the person could be. I never had any friends as most people were terrified of me, so who could it be?

After thinking for a while, I decided to lock that room tight, because knowing Kelly these past few days, she'll go back there.

Turns out that elf might be useful after all. I'm not going to be able to protect her all the time because I can't always be there, so I need someone capable of following her everywhere so that in case of danger, I can be informed.

Leaving my room, I went in search of the elf lady and I came across the door again. I shut it tight, leaving a warning sign to whoever dares to open it.

"What have you got to offer?" I asked and she stared at me, confused. Quite slow to think and not smart, she's definitely not who I'm looking for.

I launched a lightning punch at her and without thinking she blocked it. I launched again and again and using my foot, I tried to knock her feet off the ground but she jumped right over.

"Not bad…" I said with a straight face and she smiled nudging Oliver's arm.

"Your job will be to protect the hybrid," I said and her face turned sour. She looked at Oliver again but he didn't give her a face.

"Can you do that?" I asked again.

Her mind raced over a lot of questions and reasons why she couldn't do it but she also had her private reasons why she had to do it.

"If you can't do it, forget it," I said walking away slowly, knowing she'd call me back.

"I'll do it…" she said, her mind made up.

"Protect her with your life…" I said, not turning around to look at her.

"That's your only job," I said again, finally walking away.

With that sorted, I decided to take my horse out for a ride. It helps me think.

Kelly's pov

The words 'die' echoed in my head as I found a sofa to sit on.

"you okay?"

"Oh…yeah," I said.

"so…tell me about yourself?" She asked.

There wasn't really much going on in my life except the silly deal Dad wanted to make, just for his political interest.

"Nothing much, just daddy issues and a boring life, you?" I asked, directing the question back.

"except for the fact that I'm an 'elf', there's nothing fun in my life either" she said, putting a bit of stress on the elf word.

For some reason, I had a feeling that she'd been through a lot, but I decided not to pry further.

"So, what sort of hybrid are you?" She asked again, trying to engage me in a convo.

"From what Damien told me, I'm half werewolf and fox, a fox with a lot of tails," I said trying to recall how many exactly.

"Nine-tailed fox? Wow that's sick" She said and I smiled recalling the unnatural beauty of the image of the fox from that painting.

"Have you had any transformations yet?"


"I'm starting to think all of this is just a lie," I said.

"Oh it's not a lie all right, it's true," she said and I looked at her. She seemed so confident about what she had just said.

"I can smell both animals all over you"

I looked at myself wondering if I had to call on my animal to look like them.

"Although you don't look violent and feisty like the werewolves and you're definitely not sneaky and deceptive like the foxes, you're just…you" she said and for some reason, that struck me hard. I looked at her for a while, not sure what I was looking for.

"You're right, I'm just me," I said.

"Well, I guess you guys are wrong about me" I placed my hands on her shoulder as if comforting her and then I stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"nowhere…just gonna give you this," I said, lifting her pearl necklace to her face.

"Hey…give that back" Ivy yelled, snatching the necklace from my hand. I could tell that she was pissed.

"I'm sorry…I didn't mean to upset you" I said apologetically, as she put it back on. For a while, there was silence between us.

"At least, we established that you 'are' a sneaky fox" she said finally smiling and I did too. I didn't even know how I took out the necklace so quickly. Sneaky indeed.

"I'm sorry, I…" I apologised again but I suddenly felt an aching in my head and I felt really dizzy.

"Are you alright?" Ivy asked, assisting me to the sofa. The aching stopped and I smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said.

That was just a normal headache, right? I thought to myself.