Chapter 23 - Devious plans

Julian's pov

As I sat in my study, I tossed aside the mountain of paperwork in front of me which seemed to grow taller by the minute. The council needed me to prove myself worthy of being a king so they had these problems brought to me. Such insolence. I don't need to prove myself.

Lost in my thoughts, a faint smirk played on my lips as I pondered the recent turn of events. The departure of the Siren guards from the castle, leaving Damien's vulnerable mother behind, sparked a whirlwind of questions in my mind. What could have transpired between King Iravan and my dear brother to prompt such a sudden change of security protocol? Could it be that my brother had finally decided to place his trust in me?

Despite having no issues or enmity with my brother's mother, who's just a mistress that my father ultimately chose to wed, I saw her potential usefulness in my plan. She may not pose a direct threat, but she could be really useful to me as bait.

Before I could dive any further into my thoughts, a gentle knock at the door brought me back to reality.

"The members of the council wish to see you, your Highness" A guard stood at attention announcing the arrival of the council members and their request for an audience with me. I dismissed the guard with a wave of my hand, as a frown appeared on my face. The imminent discussion of the succession to the throne, undoubtedly intertwined with them wanting Damien to return. They claimed he would be a far better king than I am.

As the legitimate firstborn son, I'm supposed to be king but the so-called council can't seem to accept that fact.

It's been years since Father passed and the council members still delay the coronation. They deemed me unworthy of the throne and they chose to put me on probation, while they see how my brother runs the kingdom whom they couldn't even find. That fact alone only sparked up the hate I had for him.

Everyone favored him over me and that's soon gonna change. Though Father always judged him for being a jinx, I knew deep down he wanted him as the next king.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the royal grounds, I knew that the time for action was fast approaching.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and do what was necessary.

Good thing, plans have already been put in place.

Kelly's pov

Sitting up in bed, I slowly sat up, only to see I wasn't on the floor or in the guest room at Sirenus; I was back in Lyonesse. The sense of nostalgia and comfort washed over me, reassuring me in a way I couldn't quite explain. It was strange but comforting to be back.

Surprisingly, the weakness that had been plaguing me seemed to be gone, replaced by a renewed sense of energy and strength. It was as if the very air in Lyonesse held some kind of restorative power but it was nothing of that sort. I just didn't like it back in Sirenus.

Reflecting on what had transpired, I remembered the intense encounter with the witch and the explanation she gave concerning the cryptic mark on my hand. As I gazed down at it, I couldn't help but run my fingers over it, trying to put the pieces together. I was indeed like Damien. Is that why he's helping me? Does he already know about it? It couldn't be… if he knew he'd tell me, but then again, when I think about it, he wouldn't tell me, because he can be really secretive.

The weight of the situation suddenly hit me, and a wave of uncertainty washed over me. The gravity of the mark and its implications left me feeling overwhelmed and out of my depth.

Feeling emotionally drained, I lay back on the bed, my eyes fixed on the ornate chandelier above. Lost in thought, my mind drifted to thoughts of Damien. His presence loomed large in my mind, his aura exuding a dangerous yet magnetic energy that both frightened and captivated me.

Despite the air of danger that surrounded him, there was something about Damien that assured me he wouldn't hurt me. It was a confusing mix of fear and trust, that I couldn't explain.

Recalling his recent appearance, I couldn't help but be struck by his imposing figure. The way his black shirt clung to his toned physique only served to enhance his already formidable presence, sending a shiver down my spine. Despite the fear he instilled in me, there was an undeniable allure to his formidable presence and enigmatic allure. He sure looked madly hot in black.

I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my mind before it escalated.

As I lay there, not wanting to get up, I wrestled with my conflicting emotions. I couldn't shake the feeling that my new life was far from me being a hybrid. There's something more to it. From the injustice between influential people and the lower class to the strange feeling that I could see things others couldn't; like when Ivy claimed that word wasn't in English. I'm gonna find out everything soon.

As the thoughts swirled in my mind, a faint noise echoed in the distance, the sound of footsteps... With my hearing heightened, I listened in, attempting to hear it again. Silence enveloped me momentarily, leaving me on edge. Slowly, I rose from my bed and slowly walked towards the window. Peeking out, my gaze drifted to the fountain at the far end of the building. There, a masked figure hid sneakily looking at the mansion… A surge of unease agitated me, his presence exuding the aura of an assassin.

I watched him closely as he stealthily entered the building, each step he took told me he had bad intentions. Panic suddenly seized me, forcing me to collapse to the ground, my back against the wall, as I ran my hands through my hair. What if he was after me…

The fact that Damien wasn't near me only made me panic even more. I summoned the courage and resolved to search for him. Racing through the dimly lit corridors, I made my way towards his room.

As I neared Damien's secluded chamber, a faint sound echoed through the corridor, and I quickly hid behind the curtains. Time seemed to be slower as the footsteps drew closer and closer; my heart beating loudly in my ears and my breath hitching.

I heard the sound of a door opening and shutting and I sighed relieved.