Chapter 29 - Truth or dare

I trailed behind Ivy as she navigated through the fruit section, picking out what we needed with practised ease. While she focused on her task, my attention wandered, observing the diverse crowd of people milling about, searching for any subtle signs of transformation among them. I mostly wanted to meet someone like me: a werewolf or a nine-tailed fox.

Something else I noticed was that no one seemed to give me a second glance. I blended into the crowd effortlessly; Ivy's perfume really does work. It felt nice to not be so cautious of my surroundings, which allowed me to observe without fear of being in danger.

For a moment, I allowed myself to relax, soaking in the vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds around me. The chatter of vendors hawking their wares, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air, and the colourful displays of exotic spices all combined to create a sensory overload that was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

As Ivy finished her shopping we made our way towards the exit, stepping back out into the sunlight, the market behind us fading into the background.

"It's really hot, I wonder how you can stay in that sleeve," Ivy said, wiping her face with a cloth while I just shrugged, unable to explain either. I gently placed my hand on my neck and although I felt cold, my neck felt hot.

"All right, we still have enough time; let's go", Ivy said, hopping on the horse while I followed.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the building. I let my eyes take in every detail of the place from the wooden construction to the glitching sign at the top of the cabin.

"This might not be your scene, so if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me," Ivy said, and I nodded.

She opened the door, while I trailed behind.

The moment we walked in, a pungent smell of strong drinks welcomed me, followed by the clinking of glass and loud laughter. Then my eyes wandered to the different people there.

"Look who finally showed up" I heard spotting someone walking towards us, with a glass in her hand. My eyes widened upon seeing her form.

"Harpy" Ivy hailed, hugging her. She had grey eyes with the body of a person but her hands were basically wings, like the wings of an eagle. I wondered how it could be possible but she looked really pretty.

"No jokes, gal; where have you been?" She asked.

"Yooo…" I heard a deep male voice coming towards us and I looked to see a fella with transparent glasses on his eyes. Through the glass, I could see his bright green eyes with a straight line as his pupil, quite an odd type of eyes If you ask me. He came closer and I could perceive his musky scent.

"Ssssylvester…" Ivy said, stretching the 'S' in his name. She shook hands with him, hitting their shoulders against each other. He suddenly turned his eyes to me, his gaze piercing into mine as though trying to tempt me.

"Who's the hot wolf?" he said, looking me up and down.

"Quit it, Sly," Ivy said, walking towards me.

"Guys, meet Kelly, Kelly, meet my buddies, Sylvester and Cielo", Ivy introduced, while I smiled. I thought her name was Harpy.

"Never seen you around here before, you new?" I heard Cielo ask.


"Where from?" She asked again

"The countryside", I said, the only thing that came to my head.

"Join us, the fun's about to begin", Cielo said, and we followed her towards a seat near the wall.

As my eyes moved around the room, taking in all they could see, I couldn't help but notice the piercing stare I was getting from Sylvester, his eyes moving around me like I were his property. It made me quite uncomfortable.

"What a pretty little thing" He uttered, and I could swear I heard a snake hiss. I nudged Ivy who was busy serving us some drinks.

"Uh…what is he?" I asked, having had enough of his staring.

"Oh, he's a basilisk, a snake with a petrifying gaze. Don't mind his stare; he's a weirdo," Ivy said, and I nodded.

"...and she?"

"she's a harpy, just as cunning as the foxes"

I turned my eyes towards her and I heard her yell something at someone as she brought more bottles towards our table.

"how about a game?" Cielo said, gulping down a small cup of drink.

"yes…truth or dare", Sylvester said, drinking directly from the bottle.

"Aww…we can't stay," Ivy said.

"C'mon, I know we won't see your roaming ass for another decade," Cielo said, looking at Ivy.

"...but a few rounds won't hurt," Ivy said and I smiled. I wanted to stay even though the strong smell of the drinks was driving me nuts. I just didn't want to spoil the moment because I possibly wouldn't get the chance to go out again.

"Okay, you know the rules, say the truth, do the dare, or you take a drink", Cielo said, and I gulped down my saliva.

"She doesn't drink," Ivy said.

"Then she's gonna have to do the dare", Sylvester said with a hiss, which creeped me out. Ivy looked at me apologetically and I smiled. I'd be all right. I just have to play the game. How bad can it be?

"We'll start with you, Ivy", She said with a smirk curving up on her face.

"No naughty questions please"

"Sorry gal, you get what you get," Cielo said, shrugging.

"Truth or dare"


"When's the last time you got laid…" Cielo said, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips while she rolled her eyes.

"No, no, no…" Ivy said and they all burst out laughing. I was the only one who didn't seem to get their joke.

"ok…last year"

"That long?" Sylvester said and they all laughed while I stared awkwardly.

"Okay, Cielo, Truth or dare"

"Dare baby, give it to me", Cielo said, and I noticed Ivy giving me a side-eye.

"lap dance… anyone in the bar for ten seconds,", Ivy said, and Cielo got up, switching her form to just human. I wondered what lap dance meant

I watched as she walked towards a muscular man, licking her lips as she talked to him. Just when she was about to proceed, Ivy called me.

"Kelly…" I looked at her and she had a look on her face.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?'

"It's just that Cielo can be really….," she said, unable to find the right words.

"If you get uncomfortable, just tell me okay?"

"I can do whatever she asks me to…" I said boldly as I turned back to Cielo but she was already catwalking back to us. I didn't even get to see the lap dance.

"Sly, Truth or dare,"She said, sitting down.

"You don't even need to ask…" Sylvester said and Cielo turned to me, a smirk curving up on her face.