Night Of Horrors.(1)

A few weeks had passed since the curse users had launched their assault against the traitor, Mechamaru.

Since then, heavy preparations had been made to launch a decisive attack against the sorcerers, and likewise, the latter had their own sinister plans for the curse users.

A full blown war was about to occur, but the sorcerers had no idea where the battle would take place. They didn't even know what the curse users were planning.

In this aspect, the curse users had the advantage.

But, both sides had secrets of their own, secrets that could change the tides of battles at any moment.

It was the night of October 31st, a quiet but almost eerie night. The stars were out in all their glory while the full moon stood proudly among them in the sky, illuminating the earth with its light.

On a roof in Shibuya, two figures could be seen standing together, allowing the wind to blow through their flowing black clothing.

On one side was Jin, who had finally changed his signature outfit into something different. Well, slightly different.

Black flowing sleeveless robes, black sweatpants and black martial arts shoes.

A simple but breathable outfit that allowed maximum effectiveness in battle.

Standing next to him was a beautiful woman with a similar outfit and long black flowing hair. She looked to be in her mid twenties and had glowing orange eyes that just like Jin's, shone brightly in the night.

Between her fingers, she held a cigarette that she elegantly smoked as she looked up at a group of crows flying by in the sky.

"Master Jin, we're still being monitored. If you want...I can handle it."

Purple lightning flashed across her body as she said this, her stern but light tone indicating that it wouldn't be a problem for her.

Of course, this person was Nagi. The cursed corpse Jin used almost half of his soul power to create. Her appearance had drastically changed due to her new power and Jin restructuring her body.

She had awoken when he had returned after killing Mechamaru, much to his delight. Since then, Jin had been training her diligently in the arts of sorcery and Sith combat. Of course, because she had Jin's soul inside of her, she was a terrifying talent.

Her proficiency in swordsmanship and lightning arts were insane. Even more so, were her telekinetic abilities,which combined with lightning made her a formidable opponent.

Jin chuckled. Hearing her tone reminded him of the old Sith Inquisitors he commanded in ancient times.

"Let them watch, Nagi. They will need all the help they can get."

Jin ignored the crows and closed his eyes as he bided his time, waiting until the plan started. The streets of Shibuya were bustling with life, commercial aircraft flew to and fro above the city, and the people lived in a relative state of peace here.

'If I had a different here wouldn't be too bad. Unfortunately, these people are unaware of the danger that is about to befall them. If I can help it, I'd rather not kill those who are not warriors. Hm...? Is that...?'

An enormous barrier suddenly appeared over Shibuya, encasing everyone within.

"'s started."

The duo watched as panic started to set in on the civilians who found that they couldn't leave the barrier. Within moments, panic turned into pure hysteria and the words "Bring Satoru Gojo!", were being echoed by those who were trying to escape.

"Nagi, it's time."

Jin clenched his fist and extended his senses outward, locking on to every source of cursed energy within them.

Nagi took another puff of her cigarette and blew the smoke out before she responded, "Then let's begin, Master Jin. I know the plan that Kenjaku laid out...but it's obvious that he can't be trusted. I know you feel the same. So, I'll follow whatever directive you give me, Master."

Jin looked down on the curse users converging on Shibuya below and laughed. This night will be one to remember.

"Then, Nagi. I will only give you two orders."

Jin plucked a strand of hair from his head and used his cursed technique to turn it into a sheathed katana.

"One, kill every sorcerer, cursed spirit and curse user within this city. Except the ones belonging to our team."

Nagi put her cigarette between her lips and grasped the katana, unsheathing the blade as she inspected the edge.


Cracking his neck as he sensed various teams of sorcerers also converging on the city, Jin continued, "Two. Survive. Other than myself, you are the only one I trust. So, come back alive."

A small smile appeared on the woman's face as she replied, "Understood, Master."

Jin patted her shoulder and motioned his head towards Shibuya train station.

"Then, go. Show them what it means to stand against us."

Nagi leaned forward and let herself fall off of the building, her cigarette disintegrating from the speed of her descent.


She flipped over and landed on her feet as she hit the ground, causing a large crater to appear.

"I will not fail."

The woman moved with a blur as she disappeared from the scene, heading towards the train station.

Turning his gaze away from her, Jin clasped his hands behind his back and waited patiently for a certain someone to show up.

Time passed quickly as enemies encountered each other and great battles started happening throughout Shibuya.

By this time, the certain someone who Jin had been waiting for had already shown up due to the civilians demanding his presence as per the rules of the barrier.

Satoru Gojo was here.

'He's...different. Stronger. Much stronger. Heh...this guy surprises me everytime.'

Gojo's eyes scanned the crowd as he also seemed to be looking for someone. Seemingly unable to find his target, Gojo went down into the train station, as he had sensed the most activity going on down there.

Just like that, the 'Kill Gojo' plan had started. Gojo was heading right where they wanted him. Now all they had to do was strike.

'So Kenjaku wants to isolate him in a place he wouldn't be able to fully use his abilities because of civilian deaths huh? But knowing that I can already defeat him...what sense does that make? The battle could have happened right out here. If I didn't know any better...I would walk right into it. But, let's try something diff-'


Sensing something approaching fast, Jin quickly dodged to another corner of the roof, barely managing to avoid the explosion of what seemed to be some sort of weapon.



A multitude of arrows suddenly appeared right in front of Jin's face with incredible speed, almost catching the sorcerer off guard.

But Jin was too fast.


He immediately deflected the arrows with his bare hands and jumped away, making more space between him and his perceived attackers.

When Jin got out of the smoke, he saw that he was surrounded by several sorcerers, who had all somehow managed to sneak past his senses.

From the memories he gained after taking over other bodies, he knew the identities of everyone present.

Mai Zenin.

Noritoshi Kamo.

Kasumi Miwa.

Momo Nishimiya.

Aoi Todo.

And finally, Utahime Iori.

These sorcerer's had Jin surrounded on all fronts, seemingly boxing him in with no chances for his escape.

"Oh? guys are impressive. I assume you-"

"Be quiet, monster! Get out of Mechamaru's body!"

The girl known as Miwa screamed this command at Jin as she grasped the hilt of her katana with all of her might, her arms shaking as she held back tears.

Seeing a small smile appear on Jin's face after her command, Miwa threw a rock into the air and muttered, "New Shadow Style: Batto Sword Drawing..."


The sound of a small clap went off as Jin suddenly found himself standing in front of Miwa's already drawn sword.

"I see."


With a stomp, Jin pressed down on Miwa's blade mid-air with his foot, causing the tip to become lodged underneath.

"You lack conviction. Your blade is dull, your edge, weak. You don't belong in battle, girl."

Just as Jin was about to strike, he heard the sound of a small clap again, which caused him to appear in front of a large incoming fist from none other than the impressive Aoi Todo.


Jin blocked the strike, but the force sent him flying off the first building into another one, breaking through the walls.

"You're punching power is respectable, but it is not enough."

The man walked out of the rubble and cracked his neck as he stood at the entrance to the hole in the wall, looking out at all of his enemies.


Jin plucked another hair of his out and turned it into a plain looking bo-staff, gripping the weapon tightly in his hand as he pointed it at them.

"Since you ignored your friend's words when he told you not to come here, then I can only assume you want die. If that's the case...then all of you, come at me together."