Worldwide handsome

Jin drew in a deep breath, the air filling his lungs, before his knuckles rapped against the door. Despite his confident exterior, his heart raced with nervousness, like a drumbeat in his chest.

He mentally replayed Dr. Mrs. Lee's warnings and instructions, her words echoing in his mind like a cautionary mantra. With a steady hand, he pushed the door open, and a soft creaking sound accompanied his entry.

As he stepped inside, his gaze met the Army girl's, her eyes narrowing like a hawk's focus. Jin gave her his broad heartwarming smile, hiding his nervousness beneath it.

His friendly smile immediately put her at ease. The tension in her shoulders seemed to release, like a soft sigh, as tiny smile formed on her rosy lips.

She asked, her voice laced with a mix of hope and trepidation, "Do you... do you know me?" Her eyes, bright with expectation, locked onto his, searching for answers. If innocence was in human form, then it would be her.

Jin's heart swelled with empathy, and he didn't want to break her heart without mercy. He chose his words carefully, his response vague yet gentle, "Yes and... No." His voice was soft and reassuring, like a summer breeze.

The Army girl's head tilted to one side, her eyes clouding with doubt, her lips puckering into a charming pout. Jin's chuckle, a soft, gentle sound, escaped his lips, like a whispered secret.

He walked into the room, his confident stride effortless, and stood beside her bed. The Army girl's eyes followed his every move, her gaze locked onto him. She asked, her voice laced with curiosity, "Who are you?"

Jin, regaining his composure, flashed a playful smile. "I'm worldwide handsome, you know?!" He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

The Army girl's lips curved into a small smile, and she chuckled, her tension dissipating. "Yes, you're indeed handsome!" She gestured to the nearby chair, "Please, take a seat."

Jin bowed slightly, his gesture graceful. "It's my pleasure." He sat down beside her bed, his movements fluid and deliberate.

Before the silence between them could turn awkward, Jin spoke up, "My English is a little weak, so please, bear with me." He let out a nervous laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

The Army girl reassured him with a warm smile, "Oh, it's totally fine. Here, the nurses and other staff don't even know a little bit of English. So, I've had no one to talk to, other than Mrs. Lee." Jin responded with an understanding "ohh...", his expression empathetic.

By then, the Army girl had already sensed that the man in front of her had a purpose for being there. So, she asked directly, her expression turning serious, "So, tell me... Why are you here?" Her eyes locked onto his, searching for answers.

As Jin gazed into the Army girl's eyes, a mix of emotions flickered across his face. His voice, soft and reassuring, conveyed a sense of honesty as he spoke, "I'm here to answer your questions."

Caught off guard by Jin's response, the Army girl sat up in bed, her eyes widening in astonishment. Leaning toward him, newfound energy surged through her, eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding her own identity.

Her words trembled with a blend of hope and desperation as she uttered, "So… so you know me…" Jin, sensing her overwhelming emotions, intervened gently, "Wait, wait, calm down," his hand gesturing soothingly, as if calming a frightened bird. His voice was a gentle brook, calming the turbulent waters of her mind.

His eyes locked onto hers, offering comfort amidst the whirlwind of emotions. Gesturing for her to take deep breaths, his movements were soothing, attempting to bring calm to the charged atmosphere.

However, his actions only served to confuse the Army girl. She looked at him with a questioning gaze, her brow furrowing as she wondered why this man was taking so much time. She was on the verge of losing her patience.

Jin's voice, cautious as a deer approaching a clearing, said, "As I said earlier… Yes and no." The Army girl's gaze lingered on Jin, the gentleness in her eyes slowly transitioning to a fierce intensity, her mind racing like a runaway horse.

Leaning back, a wave of anger surged through her as she spoke, "Let me take a guess then." Sarcasm dripped from her words as she accused, "You're Jungkook's friend."

Jin's eyes widened, his expression confirming her suspicion. The Army girl's body trembled with anger, her eyes welling up with tears she struggled to hide.

Avoiding his outstretched hand as if allergic to his touch, she leaned back further. "So, of course, you know me," she continued, her voice cracking like a brittle twig, "but you're also going to pretend that you don't know me…" The words trailed off, like a whisper lost in the wind.

Jin's eyes widened in alarm, his face pale as a ghost. "Hey, wait, stop," he cut her off, his voice laced with panic. He leaned forward, his hands extended, as if pleading for a chance to explain. However she avoided his hand as if allergic to his touch. her body recoiling like a snake slithering away from a threat.

Seeing her reaction, he stopped and just said with pleading eyes "That's not right, let me explain please," he begged, his eyes locked onto hers, searching for a glimmer of understanding.

The Army girl's gaze faltered, her eyes darting away like a frightened rabbit. Army girl gulped down, her throat constricting like a vice, barely controlling her emotions. Her eyes flashed like a stormy sea, confusion and frustration warring for dominance.

Not knowing anything about her own self, and then this people around her seems to know her but pretending not to know her, why??! It was like being trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

"Explain?" she repeated, her voice laced with skepticism. She exhaled slowly, her voice firm, "Fine... but with proof." Her jaw set like a steel trap, her determination palpable.

Jin's eyes widened in disbelief, his face pale as a ghost. "Proof...?" he repeated, his voice laced with uncertainty, like a lost traveler in a dense forest. He seemed to shrink into himself, his shoulders sagging under the weight of her demand.

The Army girl nodded, her eyes blazing like a fire, her voice unwavering. "Yes, like I had one, the file, which clearly states what my name is, what my relationship with Jungkook is." Her words hung in the air like a challenge, a gauntlet thrown down.

Jin thought for a moment, his gaze dropping to his phone. His fingers flew across the screen like a pianist playing a frantic melody.

His brow furrowed in concentration, mind racing like a runaway train as he sent a message to Jungkook. His face became a mask of concern, eyes clouded with worry, like a stormy sky.

He looked up at her, giving a reassuring smile, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Here, take this phone and search for 'BTS'," he said, voice gentle, as he handed her the device. The Army girl took it hesitantly, fingers brushing against his, like a whispered secret.

She stared at the phone, face dropping, eyes widening in confusion, like a lost child in a crowded market. Gazing up at him, eyes searching for guidance, she resembled a sailor seeking a lighthouse in a storm.

Jin thought she had forgotten what to search for and said again, "B. T. S," his voice patient, like a teacher guiding a student.

However, the Army girl showed him the phone screen, frustration etched on her face, like a puzzle solver stuck on a difficult piece. "It's the Korean keyboard!" she exclaimed, voice laced with exasperation.

Jin realized his mistake, face flushing with embarrassment, like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He quickly took the phone back, "Oh, sorry, I forgot," he said sheepishly, changing the keyboard from Korean to English.

Handing her the phone again, his eyes conveyed apology, like a friend offering a second chance.

Army girl took the phone from him, her fingers wrapping around it like a lifeline, and searched as Jin had instructed. Her expression slowly changed as she scrolled through the results, eyes widening in surprise—like a flower blooming in fast motion.

She mumbled in disbelief, "This… this is…" and looked at Jin with shock, as if witnessing a miracle.

Jin smiled, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes, like a proud parent watching their child discover something new. She sought confirmation, her voice laced with wonder, "This is you and Jungkook, right?" Jin nodded, head bobbing like a bobblehead doll, his smile growing wider.

Her curiosity piqued, she studied the photos, eyes scanning them like a detective searching for clues. "These five other men... What is this BTS!" She wondered.

Then she asked, voice filled with wonder, "Who are you?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, like a diamond in the sunlight.

Jin's smile held a deeper meaning, his eyes locking onto hers like a key fitting into a lock. "From the moment I entered this room," he confessed, "I never lied to you." His voice carried the weight of sincerity, a promise sealed with an invisible handshake.

The Army girl absorbed his words, her mind processing the revelation like a computer downloading a crucial program. She stared into the distance, lost in thought, as if deciphering a cryptic message.

Then, almost playfully, she mumbled, "Worldwide Handsome!" Her voice danced with amusement, like someone stumbling upon a delightful secret.

Swiftly, she searched on the phone, her fingers dancing across the screen—a pianist playing a rapid melody. The result left her stunned. There he was, the man sitting in front of her: "Kim Seokjin!" She read it aloud, wonder filling her voice, as if unearthing a hidden treasure.At first, she'd assumed his honesty was mere playfulness, like a friend teasing. But now, inexplicably, she cherished this rare gem—the truth he'd offered, unvarnished and precious.At first, when he introduced himself as "worldwide handsome," she brushed it off as mere banter—a fleeting attempt to ease the tension. But as moments unfolded, she sensed something more—a genuineness that transcended playfulness. His unwavering honesty, even in jest, thawed the frost around her heart. She didn't know why, but she wanted to trust this man, to believe that his smiles held truths.Then her smile slowly dimmed, Jungkook's words echoed—"I'm your idol!"—and guilt gnawed at her. She pointed at Jin, her voice trembling. "So, that means you... you were really a celebrity, an idol!" Her gaze bore into him, intense as a laser beam. Jin's nod was gentle, eyes crinkling at the corners—a parent acknowledging a child's discovery."... And I'm your fan...?" she asked, pointing to herself, her voice laced with disbelief, like a person discovering a shocking truth. The weight of guilt settled heavily on her shoulder. Her mind raced of what she had done, and the overwhelming feeling of remorse consumed her.Meanwhile, in the surveillance room, Taehyung, Jungkook, Suga, and Mrs. Lee were engrossed in the footage, their eyes glued to the screens like hawks searching for prey. Taehyung was giving instruction to technician to find particular footage.Just then, Jungkook's phone vibrated—a message from Jin. Taehyung's curiosity flared. "What happened?" he asked, voice laced with intrigue. Jungkook's reply was cryptic: "Jin hyung asked for Army girl's necklace. You guys continue—I'll be back in a minute."The others nodded, their expressions serious, like detectives piecing together a mystery. Jungkook's footsteps faded, each echo a solitary drumbeat in the charged air.