Chapter twenty nine

Rebecca walked through the corridor, smiling like an idiot, feeling so happy that she could explode with joy. Andreas asked her out for a real date. She barely could believe it.

She freezes in the middle of the hall, when she remembers she doesn't have a dress. She just had brought a few of her clothes with her. But worse was the fact that she's never had a date before, which made things even more complicated. What was she supposed to do? What could she talk about? She knew nothing about magic, so that was a topic to avoid. She couldn't even talk about herself because he basically already knew all her difficulties, because of the dossier he and the entire council had to examine before admitting her to the school.

In a nutshell, all they had in common, all they could talk about was sex? Roselyn shakes her head. The date was already ruined by her overthinking.