chapter twenty seven

 Angelina hands a cup of tea to Becca smiling.

"What's wrong? You seem confused?"

Rebecca knew from her previous experiences that her birth mother symbolized the evil in those tests, so she needed to look for her adoptive mother and choose her.

"I am confused" Rebecca said. Angelina stared at the space which was separating the fridge from the table.

"About what, dear?" Her voice became lower despite her intention to hide the frustration.

"About you being here, where you don't belong." Rebecca answeres with a smothering voice.

"Don't be silly, Becca. Have some food." Angelina smiled, placing some biscuits on the table.

"This is not my home." 

Her mother pretendd she hadnt heard her and proceed on making some tea.

"You are not my family." Rebecca raised her voice. Her look was directed and her facial muscles were stiffened.

Angelina turned around attempting another smile "we can be. I know this is what you want."