Chapter forty three

"Rebecca didn't Say much about you beside that you're his profesor. So if I May ask, how Is she doing here? I am preoccupied she isnt setting so well here yet she doesn't tell me."

Andreas had to distinguish the flame of annoyance that burned his chest.

"Don't worry, she is setting way too well here. You've got nothing to worry about." He showed a fake smile.

"Good, can I ask you then if you can take care of her for me when I am away? I don't want anyone to hurt her." He said with a concerned low tone of voice.

He turned around to check on her, then Andreas cleared his voice, he leaned forward getting near to Carl's noise, he whispered "trust me, she can care of herself well enough." his eyebrows knitted down.

"What's going on here?"

Rebecca's voice resounded worried as her eyes stared at Andreas concerned.

Andreas retreateed and tilted his head when he said, "have a nice day, to you both."