The End:This place no longer belongs to us

As the spiritual Chi continued to dissipate, the impact of the virus on humans gradually decreased, and even awakened individuals found their abilities weakening.

The power of technology began to rise again, leading to a resurgence in the human population.

Fiona realized that her era had ended, so she handed over all her responsibilities to Nora and returned to Azure Isle to enjoy the remainder of her life.

At this time, Azure Isle was the only place in the world still retaining sufficient spiritual Chi, thanks to the spirit-gathering formation that continually concentrated the world's remaining spiritual Chi.

When the spiritual Chi in this realm eventually vanished, Elijah set up an additional barrier formation to prevent the loss of spiritual Chi from Azure Isle.

Using spirit stones embedded in his ring, he ensured that Azure Isle remained densely filled with spiritual Chi and that none of it leaked into the outside world.