Garbage recycling system

"Egg yolk dress, fluffy hair, holding my hand to look at the latest oil paintings on display..." The familiar cell phone ringtone rang in his ears, and Jiang Yuxuan was pulling out two drink bottles from the trash can and preparing to stuff them into his hands. woven bag.

He stopped and took out his mobile phone. The name of his girlfriend Zhou Yanyan was displayed on the screen.

Jiang Yuxuan answered the phone with a smile: "Yanyan, what do you want from me? Miss me?" However, the words that came from the other end of the phone were like a bolt from the blue.

"Jiang Yuxuan, I originally wanted to tell you a few days later, but let's break up... I'm going to marry someone else next month." Zhou Yanyan's voice was calm and decisive.

Jiang Yuxuan felt as if he was struck by lightning, his head buzzed, his feet went weak for a moment, and he almost fell to the ground. "You...what did you say?" he asked in disbelief.

"Let's break up and don't contact her again." Zhou Yanyan's words were cold and firm.

"Why! How have I failed you?" Jiang Yuxuan felt that his world was collapsing. Just two days ago, Zhou Yanyan told him that his younger brother was getting married and his parents hoped that he could help raise some money.

In order to satisfy her request, Jiang Yuxuan asked for loans everywhere, and finally scraped together more than 80,000 yuan from several loan platforms, which he just transferred to her yesterday.

Now, receiving the news of the breakup in the blink of an eye is like being in a nightmare.

Ever since he fell in love with Zhou Yanyan, Jiang Yuxuan has taken great care of her, treating her like a treasure and fearing that anything might go wrong.

Most of his monthly royalties were given to Zhou Yanyan, leaving only more than 2,000 yuan for himself to pay for rent and daily food.

Living in a city with extremely high consumption levels, Jiang Yuxuan's monthly meal expenses are only 400 yuan. On weekdays, if you want to smoke a cigarette to relieve your boredom, you have to pick up waste products, such as bottles, cardboard boxes, etc., in exchange for a meager income.

All this is to make Zhou Yanyan's life better in the capital.

"Yanyan, we have been together for six years! We have been together since our freshman year!

Are you going to break up with me now? Isn't the money for your brother's wedding not enough? I can borrow some more..." Jiang Yuxuan tried to find a reason to save it.

"It's not about money! You can't give me the life I want. I don't want to live like this anymore." Zhou Yanyan's answer was decisive, completely shattering Jiang Yuxuan's fantasy.

Zhou Yanyan's words hurt Jiang Yuxuan's heart like a knife. He clenched his fist tightly, and the six years of relationship seemed to vanish in an instant. Since his freshman year, Jiang Yuxuan has given Zhou Yanyan all the income he earned from hard-earned writing every month, whether it is thousands or tens of thousands, just so that she can afford new clothes and cosmetics. to a better life. Now, in order to meet her family's needs, she has to shoulder a heavy debt. The debt of more than 80,000 yuan weighed on his shoulders like a mountain.

"Zhou Yanyan! What happened to this kind of life? It's been six years! I've tried my best to satisfy you with everything you want... What happened to this kind of life!" Jiang Yuxuan's anger finally broke out, and his roar echoed in the streets, attracting Passers-by looked sideways.

"Jiang Yuxuan, I'm 24 years old. I want to have a family. Can you afford me a car? Or can you afford me a house? To tell you the truth, the person I want to marry is Zhang Dayong. He has already bought a house in Beijing. I bought a house and a car, and they were all in my name. Since it comes to this, I won't hide it. I can't accept this with peace of mind, so I..."


"Whatever you think, I just want to inform you that we are over." Zhou Yanyan's words were like a cold verdict, making Jiang Yuxuan grit his teeth and wish he could eat that Zhang Dayong alive.

Zhang Dayong, the junior student of Jiang Yuxuan and Zhou Yanyan, is a rich second generation spendthrift. When he was in college, he had been coveting Zhou Yanyan, showering her with flowers and gifts, and frequently inviting her to dinner. At that time, there was some ambiguity between Zhou Yanyan and him, and Jiang Yuxuan often had disputes with her because of this.

"Zhou Yanyan! You said you wanted to marry me! You want to work hard with me!" Jiang Yuxuan's voice was trembling, full of sadness and disappointment.

"Sorry, we all lost to reality... Let's just get together and part ways. Don't contact us again. Daqiang will be angry..." Zhou Yanyan's answer was cold and decisive.

"Last year! Please tell me clearly when you two got together! If someone hadn't told me that you were getting married, would you have never planned to tell me?" Jiang Yuxuan could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and cursed loudly. Standing up, all the grievances and unwillingness turned into angry roars at this moment.

"Jiang Yuxuan, we have to face reality. With your monthly income of four to five thousand yuan, when will I be able to buy a house? When will I be able to live the life I want? Daqiang and I have been dating since the beginning of last year Yes, there is nothing to hide." Zhou Yanyan's words were like an ice pick piercing Jiang Yuxuan's heart.

Jiang Yuxuan felt the blood all over his body rush to his forehead, and his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. He was so angry that he was incoherent: ""

It's been a year and a half since the beginning of last year! During this period of time, he met Zhou Yanyan five or six times. Only then did he suddenly realize why every time he went to see her, he "happened" to catch up with her menstrual period! It turned out that it was not her aunt who was visiting, but "Lao Zhang from next door"!

"I'm fooling you! Zhou Yanyan! Do you still want to face me? You have been a cuckold to me for more than a year, and now you are getting married, and you told me that we don't owe each other anything after we break up! You have been together for a long time, why? You still want money from me! I just transferred you more than 80,000 yuan yesterday!" Jiang Yuxuan was heartbroken. He didn't expect that the woman he had loved for six years would be so miserable.

"Jiang Yuxuan, can you act like a man? The money you gave me was of your own free will, and you have to take it back as soon as we break up. I didn't expect you to be such a petty person!" Zhou Yanyan's words were like adding fuel to the fire. , almost made Jiang Yuxuan vomit blood with anger.

"I have a small belly and chicken intestines? I have a big head! You have been cuckolding me for a year and a half, and you still dare to call me a small belly and chicken intestines!" Jiang Yuxuan retorted angrily. Before he finished speaking, a man's voice came from the receiver, and Jiang Yuxuan knew who it was without having to guess.

"Jiang Yuxuan, don't you just want money? Go to court and file a lawsuit. I will find the best lawyer to litigate with you. Even if you win, the money will be returned to you within two years. Any money beyond two years will be returned to you. You can't get back the retroactive period. Don't harass us again in the future, bye..."

"Zhang Dayong, I'll fuck your ancestors!"


The phone was hung up. Jiang Yuxuan didn't give up and called again.

Shut down!

Jiang Yuxuan felt that if he didn't do something, he would be furious!

He wanted to throw the phone away, but he was reluctant to do so. In the end, he had to throw the braid in his hand to the ground, and the bottle cartons in the bag were scattered on the ground.

"Oh my God! You are so blind!"

"Boom... click..."

A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket struck Jiang Yuxuan on the head.

(Thunder God was in the clouds, silently putting away what he was doing.)

Jiang Yuxuan felt his head being hit hard, and then his vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

The sounds of the surrounding cars and the screams of people gradually disappeared...

"Garbage collection system is being bound..."

"The host body is being strengthened..."