Drooling instantly

Jiang Yuxuan slept soundly until eight o'clock the next morning, if not for the call, I'm afraid he could have slept until the afternoon.

He opened his eyes in a daze, sat up and stretched, this sleep was extremely comfortable.

He grabbed his ringing cell phone and answered it, "Who is it?"

"You kid didn't save my number?" The voice of Chu Ming came from the other end of the phone, he is Jiang Yuxuan's college classmate and best friend.

"Something to say quickly, nothing to hang up."

"Don't hang up! Looking for you something ... called you last night has not been answered, is not and Zhou Yan Yan putty is happy, busy rolling sheets, so do not answer the phone?" Chu Ming's mention of Zhou Yan Yan caused Jiang Yuxuan's heart to tighten, both painful and disgusting.

"I slept early last night, I didn't hear my cell phone on mute, something is wrong, speak quickly." Jiang Yuxuan's tone became a little impatient.

"Just to let you know, next month is our school's 30th year celebration, all of our classmates are going, Professor Li asked me to remind you not to forget." Chu Ming continued, "I say why don't you just take Yan Yan along and propose to her directly at the school celebration ..."

Chu Ming, this person was just mouthy, not noticing Jiang Yuxuan's displeasure in the slightest. "Don't mention that bitch! She broke up with me and is getting married to Zhang Dayong." Jiang Yuxuan couldn't bear it and roared out.

Chu Ming on the other end of the phone was stunned. "Marrying Zhang Dayong? What a joke! The two of you are recognized as golden children, a match made in heaven ..."

"Bullshit! Zhou Yan Yan has already broken up with me, don't mention her to me again!" Jiang Yuxuan responded coldly.

"Bro, you have to fight for it and salvage it. That Zhang Dayong guy is a rich asshole ..." Chu Ming was still persuading.

"I'll go to the school festival, I'll hang up if it's okay." Jiang Yuxuan decisively ended the call.

Chu Ming called again immediately after, Jiang Yuxuan directly pulled it black. This guy's mouth was simply more broken than ten old ladies, Jiang Yuxuan didn't want to listen to him babble on and on.

However, this school festival came at the right time, Jiang Yuxuan felt that this was a good opportunity to hit Zhou Yanyan hard.

She would definitely attend, because someone like Zhang Dayong, who loved the limelight, would never miss the chance to show off his skills.

Money! I'm going to become rich! Buy a luxurious sports car, rent a beautiful woman as a companion, and then make a generous donation of a huge sum of money at the school festival.

In this way, Zhou Yan Yan's face would probably look like she had eaten shit! That's not enough! Doesn't Zhang Dayong want to hire the best lawyer?

I'll hire the same! Get back every cent of the money Yan Yan Zhou took from me! And then find the media to hype it up a bit, so that everyone in all of China knows that she is the modern version of Pan Jinlian, the more Jiang Yuxuan thought about it, the more he felt the pain and pleasure.

However, soon he frowned. To do all these things, it would definitely cost a lot of money.

Despite the fact that there is now a system, the most that can be earned in a day is more than 100,000, and there is still a month to go before the school festival, and it will only be able to earn about 3 million ... estimated to be only enough to buy half a sports car.

Jiang Yuxuan more and more think more and more annoyed, so no longer entangled, directly wearing big pants down from the bed, take a towel to take a bath. Rinse a cool, sober up a bit, money-making thing slowly and then think again.

Jiang Yuxuan sullenly walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and casually took off his pants. "Crap! This thing isn't right ..." At this moment, the magical BGM rang in his head - "Little friend, do you have a lot of question marks?" Jiang Yuxuan raised his head and smiled heatedly.

"Birds of a feather ..." Jiang Yuxuan froze just as he said it. He stared at himself in the mirror, stunned.

Such a handsome appearance, was it still himself? Jiang Yuxuan raised his hand and gently stroked his face, this face value was simply going against the heavens! Definitely can make the young ladies go crazy for it, and I'm afraid that a little more handsome, even himself can't resist. What Li Xian, Lu Han, all are younger brothers!

Jiang Yuxuan's hand slid from his face to his chest, feeling the solid pecs and tight abs. He suddenly realized that not only had his appearance become handsome and his body become toned, even his height seemed to have grown.

Originally, when he looked in the mirror, his face was located right in the center of the mirror, but now it was above the mirror, a whole head taller.

At this moment Jiang Yuxuan, the mood is not a "cool" word can be summarized. He could not help but write a poem:

"The second youthful guns for guns, white skin, beautiful and tall. The beauty of each shouting to, crying to let me bubble."

"Good poem good poem ..." Jiang Yuxuan while self-indulgent, while walking under the shower head to open the water valve.

If he were to do this one more time, I guess he could be so handsome that he would be inhuman. Jiang Yuxuan firmly believed that with his current face value, even if someone called him an animal again, there would definitely be girls who would go through fire for him. After all, in this era, face value is justice.

After taking a bath immersed in self-appreciation, Jiang Yuxuan returned to his room. Dressed in beach pants, he sat on the bed with a sad face, looking at the pile of clothes on the floor that he couldn't wear and complaining.

"Grandpa! The clothes are all small, can't wear them ..." Not only the clothes, even the underwear is also small, wearing tight and uncomfortable, Jiang Yuxuan simply vacuum.

Although some unhappy, but soon Jiang Yuxuan was relieved. Wasn't it just re-buying a few pieces of clothes? Since the system could make such a huge change in himself, this small amount of money, by virtue of the system would soon be able to earn it back.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxuan rummaged through a basketball undershirt, even though it was a bit tight, it was better than going out naked.

He put on his dark blue slippers, carried his knitting bag, and resolutely went out. In order to be able to ruthlessly humiliate Zhou Yan Yan at the school festival, Jiang Yuxuan decided to scramble to pick up rags to make money.

If he was lucky, and the system rewarded him with an awesome skill, he could turn into a tycoon in minutes.

Blue slippers with beach pants, Jiang Yuxuan instantly transformed into a "Liu Haizhu" like existence.

After going downstairs, he immediately put into the action of picking up garbage, as long as the line of sight of the garbage and rags, he was one by one in the bag.

"Ding, recycle one cigarette butt, reward cash $10."

"Ding, recycle one beverage bottle, reward cash $10."

"Ding, recycling 7 leaves, reward cash yuan."

Jiang Yuxuan was slightly depressed, one leaf for one cent, this was too stingy.

He had also pinned his hopes on the leaves all over the ground, if a piece was worth a penny, then he would be able to earn hundreds of dollars in minutes.

A penny a piece ... Jiang Yuxuan helplessly gave up the leaves.

"Ding, recycling a piece of dirt, rewarding cash 0 dollars."

"Ding, recycling a tree branch, reward cash yuan."

Jiang Yuxuan was once again disappointed, it turned out that the dirt was really worthless.

"System, isn't it often said to treat money like dirt? Why isn't dirt worth anything?"

"Treating money like dirt, not treating dirt like money, please don't play word games, host."

The system unceremoniously disliked Jiang Yuxuan, leaving him speechless.

Jiang Yuxuan opened his mouth wide, but realized that he couldn't refute it at all, so he could only shake his head with a bitter smile and continue picking up trash.

"Ding, recycling one cigarette butt, rewarding cash of 1 yuan."

"Trigger special reward, reward Dupont Platinum Full Diamond Lighter one."