road to wealth

After the system's two beeps, Jiang Yuxuan was still waiting.

He was expecting the system to take the initiative to explain what was so special about this bottle of pulsation, however, three to five minutes had passed and the system never responded.

Jiang Yuxuan had no choice but to take the initiative and ask, "System, what's so special about this pulsation?"

"Ordinary item, just a normal pulsation." The system's reply made Jiang Yuxuan nearly jump.

"This is considered a special reward? I can go to the supermarket and spend 4 dollars to buy a bottle, and I can even get my hands on it for 3.50 when it's on sale! This special reward of yours is also too perfunctory!" Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but complain.

"Special rewards are random and unpredictable, please continue to work hard to pick up rags ..." The system gave the standard answer as always, and Jiang Yuxuan was depressed.

It seemed that people could only choose to compromise when they were under the system.

Despite his displeasure, Jiang Yuxuan continued to bend down and rummage through the trash cans in a sullen manner.

His actions drew the attention and comments of the people around him.

"Aiya, even handsome guys come out to pick up rags now?"

"That kid is so handsome, why is he rummaging through the trash can? He's not a fool, is he?"

"A fool is a fool, but it's not a bad idea to be a handsome fool's husband. ..."

"You're the one who's looking for a stupid husband!"

Faced with passersby's gazes of either regret or contempt, Jiang Yuxuan was not angry.

The joy of picking up rags, how can they, mere mortals, experience it?

Even if their children don't study hard, they won't be able to become rag pickers like him, after all, they don't have a system.

Jiang Yuxuan with rag picking daily income of 100,000 +, they can do it?

A morning past, Jiang Yuxuan turned over a dozen garbage cans, two large dumpsters, income of nearly 40,000 yuan, but also harvested a box of top-quality cigarettes and a bottle of pulsation.

After recycling the bags of garbage in the hands, Jiang Yuxuan stretched his body and said to himself: "A morning to earn 40,000 yuan, this speed is still slow.

It's easy to get rich by picking up rags, but it's hard to get rich."

Jiang Yuxuan began to think about how to increase his earnings, and suddenly had a flash of insight and remembered a place - a scrap recycling station!

There was a gathering place for garbage and rags, which would surely bring rich returns.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxuan was excited and hurriedly stopped a cab.

"Master, go to the nearest scrapyard."

"Sir, scrap yards are usually in the suburbs, it's rather far ..."

"It doesn't matter if it's far, you just drive."

Jiang Yuxuan's eagerness was so overwhelming that the driver couldn't help but wonder if he was driving a psychopath.

More than an hour later, the cab stopped in front of a scrapyard.

Jiang Yuxuan paid the fare and couldn't wait to get out of the car and rush into the scrapyard.

"Sure is a good place!" Jiang Yuxuan looked at the piles of plastic bottles, paper shells, scrap iron and other waste products in the courtyard, his heart was on fire.

If he could recycle all of these, not to mention how many times the special rewards would be triggered, I'm afraid the cash income alone would be as much as ten million dollars.

Jiang Yuxuan was excitedly calculating, bending down to pick up a mineral water bottle when he heard the system prompt, "Non-ownerless items cannot be recycled."

Jiang Yuxuan was stunned, and then realized: these scraps belonged to the buying station, so naturally they couldn't be directly recycled.

However, it should be feasible if he bought these scraps and recycled them.

A small-scale scrap buying station could bring in millions of dollars in revenue, so how many scrap buying stations were there in the entire Magic City, the whole country, and even the world?

There were also those islands piled high with garbage, and there were even countries that wanted to sell their own garbage at any cost.

Jiang Yuxuan realized that this was a huge business opportunity, both earning great rewards through the system and making real profits from scrap trading.

It was as if he saw himself easily stepping into the peak of his life and becoming a rich generation, which could not even be compared to a rich second generation like Zhang Dayong.

While Jiang Yuxuan was indulging in his beautiful fantasies, an older brother in his forties walked out of the house and inquired, "Young man, are you here to sell scrap?"

Jiang Yuxuan raised his head and corrected, "Boss, I'm not here to sell scrap, I'm here to buy scrap."

The big brother was obviously a bit surprised, looking Jiang Yuxuan up and down, "You're buying scrap? Young man, you don't look like you're in the scrap business ..."

Jiang Yuxuan did not explain, directly asked: "Boss, how do you sell scrap here? Can I get a discount on the price if I want more?"

The big brother no longer dwells on Jiang Yuxuan's identity, since he has the intention to buy, he replies, "What do you want? How many tons do you want? The more you buy, the cheaper the unit price."

Jiang Yuxuan thought in his heart, "It's best to be so cheap that you don't need the money."

But he knew it was impossible, not to mention whether the boss would agree, he was afraid that he would be beaten up for saying it.

So he pointed to a huge woven bag next to him and asked, "I'll buy less first, can you sell me that bag of plastic bottles?"

This woven bag was big enough to fit a dozen people, Jiang Yuxuan wanted to buy all of them, but considering that his bank card balance might not be enough and there was a risk of buying a large amount at once, in case the system couldn't recycle them, the loss would be huge.

Therefore, he decided to buy a small portion on a trial basis first.