Are you treating patients or killing people?

"This sickness of yours, there is a good recipe to solve it." Jiang Yuxuan's gaze was deep, and his words revealed a bit of self-confidence

"I have a dose of ancestral secret medicine here, specializing in treating symptoms such as yours, and you can see the effect after taking it.

Just this medicine refining is quite complex, the required medicinal materials are all rare, which is the most critical flavor, is after a thousand years of wild ginseng, the world survives only eight, my hands happen to get half of it.

This prescription is my family heirloom, long lost outside, so each one is a unique treasure."

Jiang Yuxuan secretly laughed in his heart, in fact, he still has eight pieces in his hand, but just follow the way of business, intentionally saying that it is rare, in order to raise the price.

He knew that Meng Yufu had been in the shopping mall for a long time, and would be able to understand the mystery.

"Mr. Jiang, just name your price, I will never bargain." Meng Yufu responded freely, throwing the bargaining power back to Jiang Yuxuan again.

Jiang Yuxuan gritted his teeth and quoted a figure that even he found astonishing: "This medicine is worth more than ten million dollars each, if Mr. Meng is sincere in his quest to purchase it, I can give an appropriate discount."

Upon hearing this, Meng Yufu's color changed slightly, a small pill even demanded a price of ten million, inevitably causing suspicion.

Jiang Yuxuan sensed his reaction and quickly added:

"Mr. Meng, this medicine can not only cure you of all male ailments, but also greatly enhance your fertility, allowing you to regain your youthfulness and vigor, and even surpass the twenty year old teenage boy.

It will replace those little blue pills, allowing you to fulfill your family responsibilities while also coping with the temptations of the outside world.

You can try the medicine first, and if it doesn't work, you won't get a penny; if it works, the price will be adjusted upward to show its unique value."

When Meng Yufu heard this, his face slowed down a little. Try first and pay later, there is no risk for him, just that Jiang Yuxuan has to raise the price when he talks about the significant effect of the medicine, which makes his heart slightly unhappy.

"This matter will be discussed after you have cured your daughter's condition." Meng Yufu skillfully avoided the topic and arranged for Jiang Yuxuan to enter the mansion.

As the car entered the garage and the people entered the house, Meng Yufu's wife greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, the required items have been prepared according to your instructions, if there is anything not to your liking, please feel free to order a replacement."

Jiang Yuxuan examined the items displayed in the hall one by one and nodded his head in satisfaction, then instructed to move them to a special room so that they would not be disturbed when boiling the herbs.

The two black-clothed attendants were obviously specially arranged by Meng Yufu to help with the chores and to covertly monitor Jiang Yuxuan in case he failed to cure his daughter.

Jiang Yuxuan took out alcohol, medicinal cotton and disposable silver needles from the box, and said to Mr. and Mrs. Meng Yufu, "Please ask Mr. Meng to lead the way to check on your daughter first, I intend to apply acupuncture first, so that I can start decocting the medicine once they are finished carrying it."

Meng Yufu nodded in agreement and led Jiang Yuxuan to his daughter Meng Duo's boudoir on the second floor.

At this time, Meng Duo's face was even paler, yellowish and bloodless, and her breath was weaker and weaker, more serious than what she had seen earlier.

A middle-aged maid by the bedside was trying to feed her water, but the sleeping Meng Dao was unable to swallow, and most of the water slipped off.

"Mr. Meng, please wait outside for now, I will inform you if there is a need." Jiang Yuxuan signaled Meng Yufu to retreat outside.

The maid wanted to leave with her master, but was called back by Jiang Yuxuan, "Big sister, you stay and help me for a while, no need to be proficient in healing, just help me deliver the items and assist in sterilizing the silver needles."

The maid looked embarrassed and confessed, "Doctor, I'm just doing housework, I don't know how to cure diseases."

Jiang Yuxuan relieved, "No matter, you only need to help me take off the patient's clothes, and then sterilize the silver needles as I showed you, it's a simple operation."

The maid then followed the instructions, and when Meng Duo removed her clothes, Jiang Yuxuan began to teach her how to use alcohol and cotton wool to clean the silver needle.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuxuan held his breath and began his first acupuncture practice.

One by one, the needles fell precisely in his hands, piercing into Meng Dao's acupoints with the skill of a veteran physician.

Even though it was his first time to apply needles, Jiang Yuxuan's movements were calm and precise, and he had a good grasp of each point.

Half an hour later, Meng Duo's entire body was covered with silver needles, including thirty-six dangerous places that were regarded as "death points".

Unusual doctors would shy away from this, but in Jiang Yuxuan's hands, this seemed to have become the key to salvation.

In addition to the nine points on the back, the other twenty-seven dead points were occupied by silver needles, plus the other seventy-two needles, a total of ninety-nine needles, constituting a set of unique needle method called "Nine Days of Rejuvenation," aimed at protecting the residual yang qi and vitality of Meng Duo's body, curbing the erosion of cold qi, and maintaining the stability of the heart veins.

Jiang Yuxuan instructed the maid: "Sister, you are here to take care of the patient, remember not to touch any of the silver needles, even the slightest movement may jeopardize her life.

In addition, no food or water should be given to Meng Duo for the time being, and no one should approach her without my permission."

When the maid heard this, her brows were tightly locked, and she thought in her heart: to administer treatment in this manner, is it not putting the patient in danger? Is this a cure, or is it ...?