I also have a little puppy

Xiaojiang, my sister is actually not rich. Although she has a lot of real estate,

But most of them are registered under my husband's name. If you want to own the property,

I'm afraid sister can't satisfy you, but please rest assured,

My sister is willing to support you with 20,000 yuan a month for living expenses. If you think it is appropriate,

We can go into the room and talk about it now. "

Huang Jie looked a little impatient, eager to verify her conjecture.

Jiang Yuxuan was stunned... Unable to get real estate? 20,000 yuan per month?

Did this elder sister get the wrong script?

"Sister Huang, I don't want your property, let alone accept your money..."

"Then what do you want? I can't divorce my husband or marry you!"

Sister Huang interrupted Jiang Yuxuan again, mistaking that he had other requests.

Huang Jie's heart was like a play and she was excited. After 30 years of spring and autumn, she finally met her love.

A handsome young man,

She almost impulsively wanted to take photos and post Moments to share her joy.

I also have little fresh meat!

Jiang Yuxuan's face instantly darkened, darker than coal...

What is this?

He even wondered, did this big sister forget to take her medicine?

"Sister Huang, what are you talking about? I'm here to tell you that I'm not going to renew the lease. I'm going to develop in other places."

Jiang Yuxuan s words stunned Sister Huang.

Not renewing the lease?

Is his passion just now just a one-man show?

"Why do you want to go to other places to develop? In fact, you don't have to work. If 20,000 yuan per month is not enough, sister can increase it. If you need money, just tell me, I will find a way to solve it..."

Huang Jie is still unwilling to give up. How can she give up the "prey" she has a hard time seeing?

Yes, she had regarded Jiang Yuxuan as the object of some kind of transaction in her heart.

So handsome, don't "use" it, too wasteful.

"Sister Huang, we are not related to each other. I won't accept your money. I just inform you that I will move out in two days."

Jiang Yuxuan had understood the meaning behind Huang Jie's words at this time. She had such a plan.

He was not moved by the woman Meng Youfu introduced, let alone the "senior" person in front of him.

Twenty thousand a month? What are you thinking?

What he lacked now was money? Picking up trash earned it back in two or three hours.

"Xiaojiang, did my previous behavior make you unhappy? Sister apologizes to you, I hope you can forgive me. Sister really likes you, if you are willing to spend a night with me, sister can give you... give you 100,000 yuan!"

Huang Jie threw caution to the wind and gritted her teeth to give what she thought was a high price.

This figure is not cheap. Looking for those models is thousands or tens of thousands at a time, which is already a high salary.

This 100,000 yuan was equivalent to half a month of her rental income.

Jiang Yuxuan choked back. If he didn't have to live here, he really wanted to slap her in the face.

What do you take me for?

You are, your whole family is!

"Sister Huang, please have some self-respect, I'm not the kind of person you think I am. I won't renew the rent of the house, just like that, I still have something to do, so go out first. When you leave, remember to help me close the door."

Jiang Yuxuan got up and walked towards the door.

Sister Huang panicked. She was looking forward to the "intimate contact" with Jiang Yuxuan, but she expected him to leave...

How can I say that I am still charming, but I have no attraction to him?

"Xiaojiang, don't go. If you feel that you have less money, I can increase the price."

"If you say the number, I will promise you everything..."

Jiang Yuxuan did not look back. Sister Huang got up in a hurry, but accidentally fell back to the sofa.

With a click,

The old sofa was overwhelmed and "sacrificed".

The sofa carried the weight it should not bear, ending at the cost of its life.

"Xiaojiang, we can discuss the price when you come back..."

Although the sofa had collapsed, Sister Huang's desire for Jiang Yuxuan had not diminished...

Jiang Yuxuan had already opened the door and left, closing it heavily.

"Really, don't look at your own situation..."

Jiang Yuxuan went downstairs while muttering.

I can't go home for the time being, so I just go out and look for a suitable place to live while picking up garbage to make money.

The landlord was so thoughtful that the house had become a "place of right and wrong" and he did not dare to live any longer.

If she used the key to sneak in in the middle of the night, it would be a disaster.

It was a real loss. Female aggression against men did not constitute rape, but it was intentional injury.

Detaining her for a few days, in exchange for her reputation being damaged... How to calculate this deal, it was all her own loss.

Find a room and move!

It has become Jiang Yuxuan's most urgent task at present.

He walked out of the neighborhood and bought a pair of gloves and a luggage bag at the supermarket.

Now that they have become "80 million millionaires", the equipment for picking up garbage naturally needs to be upgraded.

Professional people, do professional things.

Jiang Yuxuan didn't stay near the community and took a taxi directly to the city center.

The place where he lives is relatively remote and there are not many people. If he wants to earn more, he must change places.

Didi called a car and went straight to the prosperous area.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Yuxuan couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

This kind of taxi to pick up garbage, it is estimated that they are the only one.

As soon as he thought about it, he had a new idea.

It is better to take a taxi to pick up garbage than to drive yourself to pick up garbage.

He had planned to drive to the school anniversary next month. Now that he had money, he could buy a good car.

"Master, please send me to the best motor city in Magic City."

Jiang Yuxuan did not drag his feet and changed his destination.

"Young man, you want to buy a car?" The driver gave him two curious looks.

In his eyes, Jiang Yuxuan was dressed ordinarily, wearing white gloves and carrying an empty duffel bag, not like a customer preparing to buy a car.

"Well, please show me around."

"Then young man, what price are you going to buy a car? I know a second-hand motor city with real-world friends. Why don't I show you?"

Jiang Yuxuan curled his lips, Who wants to buy a used car!

When he mentioned "second-hand", he thought of Zhou Yanyan, the "second-hand goods"!

"I want to buy a better car. The price is more than ten million. Do you know where to sell it? If you don't know, I'll get off here."

Jiang Yuxuan's words stunned the driver. He looked at Jiang Yuxuan again.

Is this kid a low-key rich man?