Do not live

When Jiang Yuxuan heard this, he immediately sobered up. A tingle got up from the bed and then glanced towards the side.

  Fortunately... I didn't sleep last night.

  "Officer Zhou, is something wrong?"

  "It's not a big deal. I asked you to come over and help prove one thing."

  "What is it?"

  "Let's talk about it when you come. I can't say a word or two clearly on the phone."

  "Alright, I'll go over later."

  "See you later."

  When the phone was hung up, Jiang Yuxuan hurriedly got up, took his hand card to the dressing room to change his clothes, paid the bill and left.

  Half an hour later, he drove to the police station where the matter was handled last night.

  Officer Zhou received him and told him the matter briefly.

  Things were simple yet complicated.

  The shaking audio & video sent by the girl named Liuliu last night has been fired.

  Many people believed her words and thought Jiang Yuxuan was a rich second generation or an official second generation.

  Things have been so noisy that it has caused a very bad impact.

  Officer Zhou asked Jiang Yuxuan to come just to take photos of his car and then find a third-party organization to do the appraisal. He also hoped that Jiang Yuxuan could come forward and say two words.

  After getting these done, make a public announcement and give the public an explanation.

  Jiang Yuxuan didn t hesitate at all and agreed directly.

  "Officer Zhou, I will definitely cooperate. I still have the video I took at that time on my phone. You should be able to use it."

  Jiang Yuxuan said and took out his mobile phone. He dug out the video and handed it over.

  After Officer Zhou finished reading it, he laughed.


  Then Jiang Yuxuan fully cooperated with Officer Zhou's request. When everything was done, it was already past eleven o'clock.

  When Officer Zhou sent Jiang Yuxuan away, he happened to bump into Liuliu and that bookish boss of hers.

  "Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry. I blame my lax management for this kind of thing. And Officer Zhou, I'm really sorry. The little girl is not sensible and caused you a lot of trouble. I brought her here when I received the call. You can handle it according to the regulations."

  Officer Zhou's face darkened. What he hated most was this kind of guy who took things out of context and slandered others at will.

  "Her behavior has disturbed the normal social order and caused a great adverse impact on us. According to the rules, she will be detained for 15 and fined for a fine of 1 yuan. There is also the matter of deliberately damaging other people's property before. These two things add up and she will be detained for 20 days. You can just take her in to be dealt with."

  After saying that, Officer Zhou turned around and went to see Jiang Yuxuan off.

  "Mr. Jiang, thank you for your cooperation. Otherwise, it would be useless for us to explain this matter."

  "It's all what I should do. I hope I can help you."

  "The news has been sent out. The truth will soon be known to the public..."

  Jiang Yuxuan and Officer Zhou were polite and drove away.

  He still had a lot of things to do today. He didn't buy anything he wanted to buy yesterday, and he had to choose a house to rent...

  I don't know if I can finish the afternoon.

  Jiang Yuxuan was rather lazy. He directly called the 4S store that gave him a loss assessment last night. After asking for the address, he drove the car over.

  I chose a car film and a driving recorder, and then Jiang Yuxuan handed the car to them.

  Then he took a taxi directly to Chaoyang Community.

  This community is located in the middle of the city, close to the city center. The community is an old community. It was built 15 years ago, but the environment is good and the house type is good.

  Jiang Yuxuan saw on the rental software that there were many houses to rent in this community, so he simply took a taxi to have a look.

  Close to the city center, the environment is good, which means the rent is expensive.

  He chose here precisely because he was close to the city center.

  Surrounded by some business districts, there was a large flow of people and a lot of garbage. If Jiang Yuxuan wanted to make more money, he had to come to this kind of place.

  Yesterday afternoon, he had almost an hour's worth of income, which was impossible in his original neighborhood.

  Although a house in Chaoyang Community costs 15,000 yuan a month, it is really insignificant compared with Jiang Yuxuan's income.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxuan gave a wry smile.

  I seem to be more and more willing to spend money. The easier the money comes, the easier it is to spend it.

  If it had been in the past, he would not have rented the rent of 15,000 yuan.

  If the rent exceeds him, he will not consider it.

  But now, let alone 15,000, even if it was 30,000 a month, Jiang Yuxuan would rent it.

  High complaints and high returns, Jiang Yuxuan is not only willing to spend money, but also learned to settle accounts.

  More than half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the gate of Chaoyang Community. Jiang Yuxuan paid and got out of the car.

  Standing at the gate of the community, I called according to the contact number on the rental software.

  The security guard at the gate of the community is very responsible. He can't get in without an access card and a resident in the community.

  The phone rang seven or eight times before it was picked up. A lazy woman's voice came out of the receiver.

  "Who is it? Why are you calling in the morning?"

  Hearing this, Jiang Yuxuan looked up at the sun in the sky... It was early in the morning?

  Is this woman confused?

  "Sorry to disturb your rest. I saw the rental information you posted online. I want to rent a house. I'm already at the gate of the community now. Can you come and pick me up?"

  "You want to rent a house? I don't bargain on the price of my house.

  "No problem, as long as the house is suitable, I will rent it."

  I rented it to you. You can't rent it to anyone else. "

  "This is no problem."

  "Are you single?"

  Jiang Yuxuan was stunned for a moment. Does renting a house have anything to do with being single or not?

  "I'm single."

  "You can't just bring girls back for the night when you rent my house. You can't have a party at home."

  "No problem, I can do this too."

  Jiang Yuxuan was a little impatient. It was just renting a house. Do you want to make so many requests?

  "Alright, I'll call the property... What's your name?"

  "Jiang Yuxuan."

  "Okay, you wait a moment, I'll call the property, you can come in directly, unit 302, unit 2, building 9. Wait for me at the door when you arrive."

  The other party hung up the phone after saying that.

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head with a bitter smile, then walked towards the gate of the community. He stood at the gate for less than a minute before he was let in by the security guards.

  The environment of this community is really good, the greening rate is very high, and there are small parks in the community, and there are many fitness machines.

  The building did not look like an old building from more than ten years ago. At the very least, the exterior wall was not as old as Jiang Yuxuan thought.

  The buildings in the community are all arranged in sequence. Jiang Yuxuan found the 9th building smoothly.

  After ringing the doorbell on the unit door, 302 the woman opened the unit door for him.

  As soon as Jiang Yuxuan stood at the door 302, the door opened.

  A woman in a police uniform walked out of it with a bunch of keys.

  Jiang Yuxuan was stunned at first, then understood. No wonder he had made so many requests just now. It turned out to be a police officer.

  "Are you the one renting the house?"

  The policewoman was also stunned for a moment when she looked at Jiang Yuxuan, and then her face turned red.

  She thought that the person who rented her house was an uncle... but she didn't expect it to be a handsome guy!