Sister Yuxuan

When Jiang Yuxuan heard this, he hung up the phone directly.

  What year has it been, and you still use such an old-fashioned fraud routine?

  Lao Tzu's woman? Where did Lao Tzu's woman come from?

  The person who called Jiang Yuxuan was dumbfounded... The plot shouldn't have developed like this.

  "Hey, you said Jiang Yuxuan is your man, why doesn't he care about your life at all?"

  He said this to... Sister Huang.

  That's right, this guy is the one Qi Boming is looking for. He is a little bastard, and everyone calls him Brother Dao.

  It wasn't because he had a scar on his face, but because this guy was a kitchen knife seller before, and he originally wanted to kidnap Jiang Yuxuan.

  Qi Boming asked for Jiang Yuxuan's address from Meng Youfu, but what Meng Youfu told him was Jiang Yuxuan's previous address.

  Jiang Yuxuan has moved, and the new address Meng Youfu is still unknown.

  When Brother Dao touched Jiang Yuxuan's original address, he happened to meet Sister Huang.

  Coincidentally, the video of Sister Huang shouting Yuxuan in the community was sent to Douyin, which was completely popular. Tens of millions of people watched it, and there were millions of likes.

  The name of the magical city "Sister Yuxuan" became popular on the whole network overnight.

  Sister Huang's husband also saw the video and directly divorced her on this grounds.

  Divided half of the family property to Sister Huang, and directly broke up with her.

  The two of them completed the formalities early in the morning, and Sister Huang also moved into this house.

  She was assigned several houses, only this one was vacant, and she had to move here.

  Just as he came in to clean up, Brother Dao brought someone to knock on the door.

  Sister Huang opened the door directly, and then was controlled by Brother Dao...

  Brother Dao turned around the room and didn't find Jiang Yuxuan, so he forced Sister Huang to come.

  Sister Huang said that Jiang Yuxuan was just a renter and had moved away. She didn't know where he had moved to.

  Brother Dao didn't believe it and said that since she didn't know, he would kill her to silence her.

  Of course, this is to scare Sister Huang, to see if she is telling the truth.

  In the end, Sister Huang believed it. In order to save her life, she lied that she was Jiang Yuxuan's woman. Jiang Yuxuan was the little white face she raised.

  Only then did Brother Dao call Jiang Yuxuan.

  "You call him again, just say I'm in your hands... ask him to save me, he will definitely come."

  Sister Huang was panicking now. At the same time, she felt very aggrieved. The person who didn't get Jiang Yuxuan was because he encountered such a thing.

  With a dark face, Brother Dao picked up his phone and called Jiang Yuxuan again.

  After three rings, the phone was connected, and before Brother Dao could speak, Jiang Yuxuan roared directly.

  "There's no end to it! You still come out to deceive people with this level of business? Can you improve your business level? My woman was kidnapped by you? That's great, tell me the address, and I'll find an errand to send you a nail picker, ten boxes and eight boxes of nails."

  Brother Dao frowned when he heard these words.

  "Boy, I'm not a phone scam, your woman is really in my hands, if you want her to live, you have to..."

  "Do you think I will believe it? I don't know if I have a woman or not? Stop talking nonsense, tear up the ticket now!"

  After Jiang Yuxuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone again.

  Brother Dao couldn't hang his face at all.

  "Grass! Is this kid out of his mind!"

  He walked towards Sister Huang while scolding.

  "He said he doesn't have a woman, you lied!"

  Sister Huang's body shook, what should I do? What should I do?

  "Big brother... I... I said this for my life, don't kill me, I have money... I will give you all my money, and you can take away some jewelry..."

  Sister Huang said while reaching out to pick the gold necklace around her neck, and handed it to Brother Dao after taking it off.

  Brother Dao weighed the necklace, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled.

  "That's it, what about the beggars?"

  "I still have it, in the bedroom, I'll get it for you..."

  Sister Huang stood up from the chair as she spoke. Brother Dao didn't stop her, and also signaled the other three younger brothers not to stop her.

  Sister Huang heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards the bedroom.

  A younger brother of Brother Dao followed closely behind.

  Just when she reached the door of the bedroom, Sister Huang suddenly turned around and overthrew the man to the ground. She turned around and ran into the bedroom, locked the door, and then pressed her whole body against the door.

  At the same time, she shouted loudly.

  "Help! Murder!"

  "Help! Murder!"

  Brother Dao and the others were outside and immediately ran outside the house.

  They are not murderers who kill without blinking an eye. They can't do it for a little money.

  In the current situation, it is natural to run away.

  Brother Dao was a little angry. After tossing for a long time, he got a necklace, but Jiang Yuxuan didn't see any shadow.

  Qi Boming will not give money.

  Moreover, this was considered a burglary. The police would definitely attack them.

  Sir, this is too useless.

  Brother Dao took the three younger brothers and ran downstairs to drive the old van they drove and left.

  As soon as the car left the community, Brother Dao called Qi Boming.

  He has moved and now lives with a woman. I wanted to use that woman to force Jiang Yuxuan out to meet him, but that woman was too slick and she ran away. I'm going out to hide for a few days.

  Brother Dao and the others have no more than two digits in deposits, and they are all the ones who spend money when they have it.

  Now he can only ask Qi Boming for money.

  When Qi Boming heard this on the other end of the phone, he immediately became angry.

  Things are not done well, and you still ask yourself for money?

  "Xiaodao, we agreed that the money will only be given after the matter is done. You have done a mess. It is against the rules to ask me for money..."

  I'll go out and hide for a few days. When the limelight is over, I'll come back and handle the matter for you. If you don't give me money, I can't hide.

  Brother Dao is a jerk, he is the best at playing hooligans and rascals.

  Talk to him about rules? funny.

  Qi Boming regretted it very much... If he had known that Brother Dao was such an unruly guy, he would not have tried to find this guy to do this cheaply.

  "I will find someone to transfer the money to you. If you get caught with the money, don't involve me."

  "As expected of a big entrepreneur, President Qi is really exquisite. Don't worry, we'll leave the Magic City after taking the money..."

  Without waiting for Brother Dao to finish speaking, Qi Boming hung up the phone.

  After hanging up, Qi Boming dialed a number.

  "Send 200,000 to the person you are looking for, and help me find a few ruthless characters. Those bastards messed things up. This time I want a few ruthless characters, money is not a problem."

  "Okay boss, I'll arrange it now."