You don't get it so fast

"Yes, if you don't treat it here, why do you make this house?"

  Jiang Yuxuan was a little confused.

  Fu Qingman laughed bitterly.

  "Mr. Jiang, this house is for medicinal use. If you treat Mr. Yi, you have to stay in his room."

  Jiang Yuxuan looked down and pondered for a moment.

  "It's fine, but it's better to let him move from upstairs to the first floor, so it's more convenient. I want to give him acupuncture first, then boil medicine, medicinal bath medicine fumigation... It's really inconvenient for him to be upstairs."

  Fu Qingman nodded.

  "I'll talk to Mr. Yi. Go ahead and rest. We'll be almost done in another hour."

  Jiang Yuxuan followed Fu Qingman back to the house. She went upstairs to report to Yi Chengde, while Jiang Yuxuan sat on the sofa in the living room.

  An hour later, the mobile board room was finished, and Yi Chengde also moved from the 6th floor to the room on the 1st floor.

  Li Gang called 30 men in black, 20 to help Jiang Yuxuan, and the other 10 to strengthen the guards.

  If someone helped, Jiang Yuxuan wouldn't have to work so hard. He asked someone to move everything except those few big guys to the mobile board room.

  The medicine stove was set up and the medicine jar was washed clean. Then he began to stuff the medicine jar with medicine. Of course, he also stuffed some of the messy things into it.

  Different medicine jars are stuffed with different things.

  After everything was done, Jiang Yuxuan asked the arrangers to start cooking the medicine.

  "After boiling over high heat for two hours, add a bowl of water, then turn to low heat and boil for three hours, then add another bowl of water, turn to high heat and boil for another hour. Then take the medicine jar off the stove, cool it, and repeat the previous procedure."

  Jiang Yuxuan said the way to boil the medicine, but after saying that, he felt uneasy, so he found someone to write it down and handed it to Fu Qingman.

  "Just follow what's written above and keep an eye on them to boil the medicine."

  "Mr. Jiang, how big is this fire and how small is the small fire?"

  Fu Qingman didn't dare to be careless, so he asked directly if he didn't understand.

  Jiang Yuxuan took her to the side of the medicine furnace and manually jumped the size of the flame.

  This medicine furnace is actually a gas hood, which was later changed by Jiang Yuxuan.

  "This is a big fire, this is a small fire, understand?"

  Fu Qingman nodded.

  "What about when all this is done?"

  "Then you can call me, no problem, right?"

  "No more."

  Jiang Yuxuan smiled and then went to busy himself with his own business.

  He asked two men in black to carry an empty storage box behind him. He picked out some medicinal ingredients and threw them into the box.

  When the box was full, he took the silver needles for disposable acupuncture and left with the two men in black.

  He directly went to Yi Chengde s room, and the things in the room had been moved empty.

  There was only a large wooden barrel in the room, and an iron bar made the iron table.

  There was also a cauldron with a diameter of two meters, and the cauldron had already been set up.

  There was an electromagnetic heater under it, and I didn't know where Fu Qingman got it. Originally, Jiang Yuxuan wanted a gas hood, which could be heated.

  Fu Qingman felt that the heating speed was full, so he simply changed to a large electromagnetic heater.

  The big square steamer drawer that Jiang Yuxuan asked for was also leaning against the wall.

  Fortunately, this room is enough, otherwise it really can't fit these things.

  Yi Chengde was sitting on the only chair in the room, while Li Gang, the little black man, took four men in black and surrounded Yi Chengde in the middle.

  As soon as Jiang Yuxuan came in, Yi Chengde stood up.

  "Mr. Jiang, thank you for your hard work."

  "It's not hard. I'm just using money to help people eliminate disasters."

  Yi Chengde smiled and did not speak.

  "Put the herbs next to the pot, and you two can go out."

  The two men in black carrying the box were very obedient. They carried the box over and turned to go out.

  "The four of you, just add two-thirds of the water to the pot."

  Jiang Yuxuan said as he began to pick up the medicinal herbs from the storage box and threw them into the cauldron.

  Li Gang nodded at the other four men in black before they started to move.

  Yi Chengde was a little curious about Jiang Yuxuan's approach, so he simply walked over.

  "Mr. Jiang, all these things are for my treatment? Can you tell me how you plan to treat my illness?"

  Jiang Yuxuan didn't stop his work and opened his mouth while doing it.

  "I told you that the treatment will be a little painful. This cauldron is used to boil medicinal soup. Later, I will put a few needles on the square steamer rack. You can lie down and steam it for ten minutes. If the effect is not good, steam it for a while longer."

  Jiang Yuxuan s words made Yi Chengde stupefied.

  Steam for ten minutes... Why is this picture so familiar?

  Is this really a cure?

  He felt that Jiang Yuxuan treated him a little like a fish and intended to steam him.

  "Mr. Jiang, are you kidding me? Steaming for 10 minutes... I'm half-cooked."

 Jiang Yuxuan opened his mouth without looking up.

  "Don't worry, as long as it's not covered, you won't be able to mature so quickly."

  Hearing this, Yi Chengde almost didn't come up in one breath.

  Is this human?

  Not so fast?

  Not half-cooked, but also half-cooked, right?

  He suspected that Jiang Yuxuan wanted to eat steak...

  "Mr. Jiang... Can this really work?"

  "You don't have to worry. The temperature will be a little higher, but it won't kill you... Steam for 10 minutes so that your sweat pores will completely open and some of the cold air accumulated in your body will be sent out of your body. Also, let you adapt to the high temperature first."

  As soon as he said this, Jiang Yuxuan raised his head and pointed to the large wooden barrel beside him.

  "See that bucket? Later, I want you to go in and soak the medicine soup for an hour, then lie down on that iron table. I'll give you acupuncture once, and the table will also be set on fire to roast later, and finally you can drink medicine."

  After hearing these words, Yi Chengde's face couldn't be any whiter.

  Steamed and then boiled, then roasted...

  Was Jiang Yuxuan a doctor or a cook?

  Is this a cure? Why does it feel like a Manchu-Han banquet?

  "Mr. Jiang... is this really the case..."

  Yi Chengde felt a little scared. This time he came down, it was enough for him to drink a pot.

  "It has to be like this. If you change the treatment method... I'm not sure I can cure you."

  Jiang Yuxuan lied. In fact, he had many treatment plans in his head for Yi Chengde's illness.

  However, the fastest one is used now, and Yi Chengde can recover completely within 3 days.

  The reason why Jiang Yuxuan chose this method was to get the money quickly.

  In addition to this way, the fastest is acupuncture plus medicine, but it will take two months to cure him.

  Jiang Yuxuan can't wait. There are still 20 days to go before the school anniversary. He still has to hit Zhou Yanyan and Li Daqiang!

  For this reason, he could only let Yi Chengde suffer a little.

  "Mr. Jiang... did you finish making me dizzy and let me cure my illness while I was asleep?"

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head, and Yi Chengde's eyes immediately turned desperate.

  "Mr. Yi, between death and suffering, choose one yourself?"

  Yi Chengde gritted his teeth.

  "I can do it! I can endure it!"

  He shouted these words to cheer himself up.

  Jiang Yuxuan smiled.

  "Okay, take off your clothes."