"Unveiling Secrets: Embracing 001"

The four of them were taken aback by the child's unexpected response. The word "kill" carried a weight far beyond what one would expect from someone so young. It hinted at a level of understanding that was unsettling, implying a familiarity with something far darker than innocent curiosity or casual observation. Joe and Saria couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't just a word picked up in passing, but rather a concept that the child had been intimately exposed to, perhaps even involved in. It was a disturbing possibility, one that left them deeply unsettled.

This chilling realization made a new light on the situation for Joe and Saria. It was no longer just about the startling use of a word it was about the unimaginable experiences that might have led the child to his unnerving calmness about the concept of death. This insight forced them to confront the uncomfortable truth that the child's understanding and emotional response to killing were far from what should be expected at his age, possibly hinting at a hidden trauma or a deeply concerning past event that desensitized him to the severity of taking a life.

Joe sighed as he turned his gaze back to the road, pressing the gas pedal with his foot to continue driving ahead. Saria softened her expression and gently stroked the child's head.

"No need to be more surprised," Joe said quietly. "It's clear this child was subjected to 'that' experimentation."

Saria's frustration grew, but she quickly masked it, reminding herself not to show such emotions in front of the child. She continued to stroke the child's hair, offering what comfort she could in the unsettling situation.

Saria found solace in stroking the child's smooth hair, marveling at its texture and the striking crimson color of his eyes.

For the remainder of their journey, silence enveloped the vehicle as each person focused on their respective tasks, refraining from exchanging any words. The weight of their discovery hung heavy in the air, leaving an atmosphere of tension and unease as they pressed on towards their destination..


Joe brought the vehicle to a halt in front of two armed soldiers guarding the entrance. Presenting his identification, the soldiers stepped back and removed the blockade, allowing them entry.

As they entered the compound, it resembled a typical mansion with a large garage adjacent to it. Joe maneuvered the vehicle into the center of the spacious garage.

Two individuals, clad in white coats indicating their roles as scientists and engineers, approached the vehicle. They immediately focused their attention on the child, checking his temperature and examining his eyes with precision.

Wow... a crimson red eyes what a rare child

With a glance at Saria, the woman scientist approached and enveloped her in a hug.

"Glad you guys made it back safely, Cap. Blo, Black Dog, Fox, and Owl," she saluted, acknowledging the safe return of the four, along with the child.

"Thanks, Anny," Saria responded warmly, appreciating the support and camaraderie in their challenging mission.

Anny's expression turned somber as she processed Saria's revelation.

"The HCUM... Is that really still happening?" she murmured, her voice heavy with disbelief. "But seeing that child's condition – the red eyes and the fragile yet calm state of his body – there's no denying it."

The HCUM, or Human Combination of Unknown Monster, was a program born out of necessity during the war against the Unknown Monsters. Adult were fed only Unknown Monsters, with two possible outcomes: either they would regain their prime state and survive, or they would perish. And for Children there's a posible that their body begin to develop more earlier and more stronger than other children.

For children, there was the possibility that their bodies would undergo accelerated development, becoming stronger and more resilient than their peers. However, this came at a grave cost, as they were subjected to the same risks and uncertainties as the adults.

The grim reality of the HCUM program weighed heavily on everyone involved, as they grappled with the moral and ethical implications of such extreme measures taken in the face of war. The fate of the child served as a stark reminder of the horrors endured and the sacrifices made in the name of survival.


Joe and the other two were putting down them equipment they used and recover all the data and put on one USB and send to their HQ to summaries and learn a new information about the UMs.

In Anny's private lab, Saria expressed her concern for the child's well-being, acknowledging the cruel treatment he had endured at such a young age.

"I'm worried about this child," Saria admitted, her voice tinged with softness and concern. "He's only around six years old and yet he's been subjected to such cruelty."

Anny nodded in understanding. "I need to conduct some research on him to see if there are any underlying issues. People from that kingdom were known for their psychopathic tendencies, using children for their own gain."

Together, they patiently waited for the child to awaken. After a few hours, 001 stirred and opened his eyes. Saria approached him gently, speaking softly to explain what would happen next, ensuring that he felt safe and cared for in their midst.


Anny's findings left her perplexed. Despite the child's young age, his body appeared to be in near-perfect condition both externally and internally, without any traces of external supplements like vitamins.

As she pondered the possible reasons behind this anomaly, Anny remained calm and composed, determined to uncover the truth. Printing out the results, she composed a letter for Saria, detailing her findings and expressing her thoughts on the matter.

In the letter, Anny conveyed her astonishment at the child's exceptional physical condition and outlined her concerns regarding the potential implications of such a phenomenon. She concluded by urging Saria to consider the implications carefully and to discuss further action together.

With the letter in hand, Anny sought out Saria to share her discoveries and discuss their next steps regarding the mysterious child, 001.


[Dear Saria Martasio,

I'll be direct. Adopt the child, for both of our sakes. If we don't, the higher-ups will surely take him, and who knows what they'll do.

The reason is in the test results.


NOTE: It's a blessing for you to have a child, especially since Joe and you can't have one of your own.]


[NAME: ???]





As Saria processed the shocking revelation from the test results, she quickly disposed of the paper, burning it to ensure no trace remained. Anny departed after ensuring that Saria had read her letter.

The discovery that the child possessed "manaclues" left Saria stunned. This was a trait typically found in individuals from a distant place, far removed from their own world. The implications of this revelation weighed heavily on her mind as she gazed down at the sleeping child in her lap.

Aware of the danger posed by the higher-ups discovering the child's existence, Saria knew she had to act swiftly to protect him. Adopting him seemed to be the safest option, as it would keep him out of the reach of those who might seek to exploit or harm him.

Gathering her resolve, Saria made the decision to follow her best friend's advice and officially adopt the child, determined to provide him with a safe and loving home, away from the dangers that lurked beyond their walls.

(To be continue.)


Saria's deep affection for children stemmed from a place of longing and loss. She and Joe had once dreamed of starting a family together, but their hopes were shattered when their daughter passed away shortly after birth. The grief was immense, casting a shadow over their lives and leaving them both with a profound sense of emptiness.

In an attempt to heal and find happiness once more, Joe had endeavored to bring joy back into Saria's life. They had tried again to conceive, but despite their efforts, they were unable to have another child. This shared disappointment only served to deepen their bond and strengthen their resolve to support each other through life's challenges.

For Saria, caring for 001 became more than just a mission; it was a chance to fulfill her longing for motherhood and provide love and nurturing to a child in need. Each moment spent with him brought a sense of purpose and fulfillment, easing the ache of their past loss and bringing a glimmer of hope for the future.