Jupoun Empire

"I called the Supreme Commander and Saying you can stay here and wait for the Commander to arrive here." Maria said and Call for someone.

"You use the bath here you can wash your body here for now."

Then with that Shin followed the woman into the Bathroom then the woman let alone Shin inside the Bathroom Shin took off all his attired and started to soak his whole body.

*Creak... Thud!

The sliding door opened and Closed, Shin peek on what happened and he only saw a white uniform and Underwear of a Man.

Shin nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to soak his body, using the soap to cleanse himself thoroughly.

After a few minutes of washing, Shin emerged from the bathing area, feeling refreshed and comfortable in his attire. As he made his way back to the room he had initially entered, he found two women waiting for him—one of them identified as Colonel Maria, and the other appearing to be the commander.

Why all people here is a woman?

Shin couldn't help but wonder why everyone he encountered in this place seemed to be women. With a shrug of his shoulders, he pushed aside the thought and entered the room, his military training ingrained in his posture as he stood at attention.

As the unfamiliar woman approached, Shin observed her with caution, noting her feline-like features. When he attempted to touch her ear, she reacted aggressively, swiping at him with her claws. Shin reacted swiftly, evading her attack with a quick leap backward.

The cat-like woman glared at Shin with hostility, her gaze sharp and unforgiving. Despite her relentless attacks, Shin refrained from retaliating, instead focusing on studying her movements and finding openings to evade her strikes. He moved strategically, adapting to her patterns while maintaining his composure amidst the tension.

With a calculated strategy in mind, Shin stepped to his left, luring the cat-like woman into attacking from that direction. As she lunged toward him, he swiftly backstepped to the right, causing her to overextend herself.

Seizing the opportunity, Shin deftly extended his foot, tripping the woman and disrupting her balance. With a controlled motion, he watched as she stumbled, momentarily thrown off guard by his unexpected maneuver.

The Cat woman trip her self and Hit her nose flat on the Floor. Then the Door opened and caught the Cat woman and Shin in s Weird position where the Cat girl showing her butt to a Stranger man and Aria who was smoking and pretending not to notice the person who came in.


"... Hello." Shin greet the Man with Blunt tone.


After the initial shock wore off, Shin and the new person who came in sat down to discuss the situation. With calm explanations and clarifications, the misunderstanding was eventually cleared up, shedding light on the sequence of events that led to the awkward encounter.

Once everything was made clear, the atmosphere in the room eased slightly, but the seriousness of the situation remained. Without hesitation, the decision was made to escort the cat woman and the other individual out of the room, ensuring that such a misunderstanding wouldn't occur again.

As the cat woman and the man were escorted out, the guy who came in demeanor turned serious, signaling a shift in the tone of their interaction.

"I'm Ernst Jupoun V, I'm the Emperor of this empire, well it doesn't matter because I want to be treated normally but these woman's were so tight to me." Ernst he was like a child who spilled all about treatment he gets from his own army. But in a second Ernst Turn into a Serious man.

"I've read all information that you wrote down. Is it real that you are from that Kingdom?" Ernst Closely sit besides Shin.

"Y-yes... I was A Captain of the Spearhead Squadron unit back in the Kingdom."

Shin and Ernst talk about all info's that Shin's holding and what happened to the Kingdom.

Then outside the Room Maria and Semira The Cat woman were talking.

"Why's the Emperor is here? I thought your the one gonna ask him a Question." Maria asked.

"I guess someone report this on the emperor" Semira Sigh. "But that Guy he wasn't normal nor his ability wasn't normal either." Semira pout about her attack didn't even scratch Shin.

Back inside. "I see if you leave the Kingdom at year 2140 but If I calculate the HQ Kingdom calendar now is 2142 Which means your now a 16 Years old." Ernst replied to Shin.

"I see." Shin calmly answered the Emperor.

"... Shin." Ernst call him.


"Would you like to Live here?"


"You live in a battle field and fought to till the end of everything, you lost too much things in your life. How about you live here in Jupoun, I can adopt you as my Son. If you want to." Ernst asked and Offer Shin this things and extended his hand for them to handshake and settle this matter.

"C-" Shin was about to speak. "Can... Can I think about it for a minute..."

"Take your time." Ernst smile and sat down waiting for this kid replied.

"... it's ok. No need to feel burden, you always lean on yourself this past years alone right? Try to lean on someone this time again. Trust me and I will not disappear just like those things you lost..." Ernst tone were like he pursuing a kid to become his Son out of the blue. But Ernst intentions were pure.

"Please... Take care of me." Shin whispered.

Ernst nod and stands up. "Shin, once again I'm Ernst Jupoun." Ernst repeat his introduction to Shin. "Shin Azrael." Shin extend his hand to handshake again.


Ernst brought Shin to his house, where he prepared food to nourish Shin and provided him with a place to rest. Shin's body and mind were exhausted, and he slept for five days straight, unable to rouse himself from his deep slumber.

Initially concerned that Shin might have passed away, Ernst called for a doctor. However, upon examination, the doctor assured Ernst that Shin simply needed time to recuperate and regain his strength.

During those five days, Shin remained in a state of deep rest, allowing his body and mind the much-needed opportunity to recover from the physical and mental exhaustion he had endured.

With that Ernst put in Ease.

Ernst Watch Shin Sleeping and Eventually leave him alone. Ernst Prepared many things for Shin.

After a Few Days Shin woke up after 5 Days straight sleep. Ernst Prepared many foods because Shin Haven't have enough energy on his body because of the 5 Day straight sleep. Shin ate food on the Table, One after another.

From Ernst's perspective, he observed Shin with a mixture of empathy and understanding. He recognized the stark contrast between the warmth of his own home and the harsh realities that Shin must have faced for a long time. The absence of warmth, both in terms of food and atmosphere, spoke volumes about the hardships Shin had endured.

As Shin ate hungrily, Ernst couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the young boy who had likely faced unimaginable challenges. Despite Shin's fierce exterior, Ernst saw through to the vulnerable child within, a child who had been hardened by circumstances beyond his control.

Watching Shin express his emotions through a combination of eating and tears, Ernst couldn't help but smile softly. It was a poignant reminder of Shin's humanity amidst the tough exterior he presented to the world.


"Shin you will go to the School alright." Ernst smiling saying that.

Shin only look at Ernst and nod his head. Shin was still a kid too.

On that day Ernst made a Identification for Shin and Enrolled Shin into the Academy Called "xxx Academy"

The end.

Ernst Jupoun was a man of striking appearance, with black hair and piercing gray eyes that held a depth of wisdom beyond his years. Despite his relatively short stature, standing at 172 cm, Ernst possessed a commanding presence that belied his size.

A soft-hearted individual at his core, Ernst harbored a deep empathy for others, particularly children and those in need. However, when it came to matters concerning his countrymen or the welfare of his nation, Ernst exhibited a different side of his personality—a resolute and determined leader willing to make tough decisions for the greater good.

Despite his status as Emperor, Ernst remained remarkably humble, often eschewing the solitude of VIP rooms in favor of mingling with the crowd. He found solace in the company of his people, seeking to understand their joys and struggles firsthand, rather than from a distance of privilege. It was this humility and genuine connection with his subjects that endeared Ernst to the people of his empire, earning him their unwavering loyalty and respect.

Continuing On another novel: Since I finished the Prologue, I want to Continue Shin's Journey, for those said why I separated the Prologue and Main story, Because I just want it and also I want them to go on the main story firstly and if they get confused then they go in the Prologue, that's all. I know it's Stupid reasoning but still, I wrote this.

Thank you for reading this Piece of my Imagination. -MIJUME.