Special people

A terminology that she has never heard before even from Bit, which seems to be used to define Chella and the abnormal ones like her. Hearing Ryoga's word, Chella feel the curiosity about herself rising up. It is another step of knowing what she is so despite the current circumstance, she continues.

"Apexes? That's how people define superhumans these days?"

"Well yes, people like us are the top of the food chain even though we originated from humans. It is due to our genetic superiority, hence the name."

"Do their receive powers since birth?"

"It doesn't depend of birth, but the amount of dust particles brimming on this planet. One would become an Apex if they were to inhale too much of it. Speaking of which, the peasants who once lived here exiled some children who seemed to display supernatural abilities. Do you still think they're worth protecting?"

"You can't simply decide on that. Regardless, if they don't love those children I'll just love them myself."

"Nevermind what I just said. You're the most interesting person and Apex that I've met so far. Let's see how far your so-called justice can go-"


Chella hears a voice and crouches down. There's a yellow blast aiming at Ryoga still surprised. His entire body is hit by the large blast emitting from the Omega-Driller. Nova has finished charging and aims right at his back when he's still perplexed on Chella. This should be able to destroy his sturdy exterior.

Yet, unexpectedly the attack just phases through him as if there isn't supposed to be anything there. Turns out what was hit is just an illusion. Notices that the plan failed, before realizing the vehicle is being attacked.

"Haha! You felt for that one didn't you? Sorry to break it to you but it was never a 2-on-1."

"There was another? Who-"

Suddenly Chella is shot in the back. In the direction that the bullet came from, reveals a familiar figure who wear spiky clothing. Only Chella would realize who it is. The vehicle get knocked away and Nova crawls out of it, barely able to stand.

"Did you miss me? Well I couldn't forget what you did to my head right here."

"Who is this guy?"

"Are you serious? After all the humiliation you gave me - the Boarman?"

"I don't know anyone by that name."

"Ah crap, my bad for not introducing myself last time. I am the one and only Boarman."

"Why not Piggin instead?"

"Why you..."

"Bit, does Chella often downplay someone like that?"

"Yes she always does, Miss Nova."

It was the scavenger that Chella outclassed in her first fight. But the fact that he's here means he's probably tougher than the last time. The real Ryoga golem eventually comes out of hiding, introducing his partner.

"So you 2 have met but anyway, here's Boarman - one of my alliance."

"I'm only stuck with you because he tasked me to but this has become a perfect opportunity for my revenge."


"Are you impressed of what I could do? That was an illusion clone made by me since you tricked this stonehead into a trap."

"Not you too! Man... Let's finish this."


"You missed again. Take this."


Chella gets shot again, suddenly she sees multitude of Ryoga's coming a t her. Even if she's able to sense the mind of the real one, it's still too late to dodge. Chella takes a heavy punch from Ryoga causing her to cough up blood on the ground.

"Chella! Bit, can't we do something?"

"I'm afraid the engines are damaged, the vehicle won't be able to function for a quite while."

"Damn it!"

Having successfully overwhelmed their opponent. Ryoga holds Chella in his palm while Boarman readies to finish her off but then he remembers something. He puts down his gun and tell Ryoga to keep her alive.

"I almost forgot. He told me specifically to bring in any female Apexes that I found. In exchange, I'll be rewarded with some chicks in his spare."

"Dang! I kinda wanted this chick for myself but if he say so-"

"Wrecking Wail."

Chella mumbles something in her mouth and suddenly Ryoga and Boarman suffers an immense headage. Thanks to that she's free from Ryoga's hold, she stands up but doesn't look like her usual self but instead a stern-looking face with red eyes.

"Targets locked: Blockbuster and Blinder. Resolution: Exterminate. Action:...Unavailable. Condition: Critical. Entering Sleep Mode..."

Chella faints, the headage disappear as well. No one could understand what just happen nor what she just did. But her enemies doesn't back down.

"Huff...huff...I've underestimated you... You're too overwhelming... for any man... in this world..."

"I...changed my mind...Forget the reward...she can't be allowed...to live..."

Boarman about to shoot her to death, is hit on his hand by a stick piercing through. Ryoga is about to kill her as well but someone shatters his golem form in an instant with a punch in the torso.



There appears a girl wear a jacket with black and white stripes on top of each other along with grey shorts. She has short black hair with 3 white lines around the top part. She turns her head and looks at the guys she singlehandedly outclassed, giving them a pitiful glare.

"Argh! Who...are you?"

"Man...I think my ribs are broken... could you...spare us."

"Very well, you death will be quick."

She throws a brick at a watching tower causing it to collapse on the 2 injured baddies. Then she approaches Chella and carries her towards Nova and Omega-Driller. To Nova's surprise, she pushes the vehicle back up one-handed.

"Are you alright?"

"Thanks, who are you?"

"That's not important, do you happen to know anyone with...the same hair and eye color as this girl I but is shorter and is a male?"

"Woah, I never heard she had a brother though. She lived alone after all."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking. You can have her."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll continue to find him, until we meet again."

The girl walks away into distance leaving Nova being confused but she has to focus on the matter at hand. Chella is gravely injured that her bones could break. She wakes Gilbert from his forced slumber and asks him to treat her.

"Please, do anything you can to save her!"

"You don't have to tell me Noelle. Let me examine her with my x-ray goggles...huh? You said her bones were about to break right?"

"Of course."

"They seem fine to me. Here, have a look for yourself."

"Impossible! She got punched in the guts by the stone man and she's still fine?"

"Did he hit her that hard? Then how come..."


Few days have passed, Chella has fully recovered. Nova and Gilbert notice her walking up, they tell her to keep resting just to be sure but Chella insists that she's ok. Bit gives a quick scan on Chella and validates her words.

"So...How did you do that? You know...giving your enemies headage."

"I don't know but I lost conscious the moment I felt sharp pain on my torso."

"This is just a hypothesis from a former scientist but I think your mind has a...defense system which only activates in critical moment. There's just so much we don't know about you."

"Also, I met someone on that same day. She also had powers but she completely outclassed the baddies. I think she was around my age."

"For real? Wish I could meet her."

"Maybe we'll meet her again someday."


Ignoring the 2 chatty girls, Gilbert is thinking about the description of the mysterious savior his granddaughter mentioned. He pays the most attention the detail of having white lines on the head. He recalls back in his workdays, an old colleague of his would tell the tale about the incident of a orphanage and that one of the children that vanished had white lines on her black hair.

"Could it be..."

"Grandpa, get us something to eat."

"I am NOT your caretaker.*sigh*"

He dismissed his thoughts and focuses on maintenance of Omega-Driller. Later on, the 3 of them enters the town that now belongs to its rightful inhabitants. The sheriff gives them his gratitude and invites them to have a feast at the center of town at nighttime.

Chella enjoyingly eats the beef steak, Nova has herself some pork ribs while Gilbert enjoys the veggies soup. Nova notes that the artificial nutrients are well made. Gilbert responds with his knowledge of science and the history of inventing artificial consumables.

"I'm glad to see you 3 enjoying the treat. You have saved our people from a dark future."

"Future? As if *munch* you're a Precognitive?"

"Actually, I can. Don't tell my people about this, I could see the destiny of anyone I make contact with."


The 3 of them put their eating process on hold as a reaction to the sudden claim. Gilbert is still doubtful while the 2 girls have a face mixed with confusion and sheer excitement. This means that the sheriff is an Apex. Gilbert is unsure if he should try looking into the future but the 2 embodiments of exceeding curiosity insist.

"Very well, show me your hand. Let's see...You, with the goggles will soon meat someone from your past. You, mister will see the shadows of those you trusted and you, with dark green eyes will eventually meet someone you've never known yet feel connected to them."

"What do you mean by someone in my past?"

"It is best that you see it for yourself, that's all I could see in my visions."

"And Chella's about to meet someone she feels connected with...You will have a boyfriend!?"

"Are you serious, Nov?"

"Nov huh, then you'll be Chel."

Gilbert is deep thoughts thinking about what it means to see the shadows behind those he trusted.