Lion's den - part 3

Holding Nova's hand as she walks, Junko hopes to solve whatever tension that seems to be occuring between the both of them. Due to the grim situation, it is crucial that they work together to overcome the current obstacle.

"Okay... Nova, is it? Could you tell me if you have... any issues with me?"

*startled, Nova hesitantly responses* "What are you talking about? We are... strangers who barely know each other. What is there to be issue between us?"

Junko frowns slightly but decides not to show it straight. She feels like this girl in yellow is avoiding her. Most of her focus ends up on recalling her memories to see if she had done anything offensive to her.

Just then her thoughts are cut off by the slightly rumbing ground, as if something a-ton heavy is approaching from behind. Nova notifies her of something literally approaching.

*Nova panics* "Run run run run run run run!"

As they run, they notice that it's a tall figure seemingly wearing a thick armor along with a large helmet. He looks like a knight overhwhelmingly built that way.

"No one will escape from the mighty Rhino!"

*Nova screams* "Wah! That thing could speaks!"

"Technically, we already saw him among the others."

"But that doesn't make him anymore human!" *Nova reachs her arms backward* "Eat this!"

Nova shoots two beams at his torso yet he doesn't seem to stop the pursuit. Both her and Junko are shocked to the core at his very persistence.

'How could this guy withstand her attack so easily? Is his armor that powerful?'

Junko quickly uses her ability to destroy a pipe, distracting Rhino with the leaking gas. The two girls will take that chance to hide someone safe in order to rest. They clearly have ran too much.

*Nova pants, finally caming down* "Damn it, how is he so strong? Unless... that armor is thick enough to be electricproof and impact-resistant."

"Wasn't he supposed to be on the the East? There should only be four of them after us."

"I guess that Rhino happens to be an idiot."

With that, the two of them traverse slowly through the silent hallway. While uywalking, Nova notices a guy wearing a hood beneath his armor plate. She gestures Junko to sneak behind him and do a surprise attack.

*Junko looks carefully* "This guy... Rattlesnake, I think. Be careful, there's no reason why he simply walks around on his own like that. He must've something in his sleeves."

Nova nods understandingly as they both walk backward but then unexpectly fall to the ground, as if they trip on something.

Looking carefully, their legs have been wrapped by a pair of stretched arms. Realizing that they've fallen to the enenmy's trick, Nova tries to attack Rattlesnake but her arms are held firmly by the sudden pair of hands emerging from the ground.

Seeing that the same phenomenon that happened to her leg now is occuring to her arms, Nova panics again.

"Gah! Let me go, you freaky thing!"

"Hey! That's the second time you offended me!"

A face emerges from the ground, it has a few pimple on it. Judging from appearance, Nova is sure it's the guy called Hippo. Nevertheless, she still feel creeped out due to being held down by a pair of hands from the ground and a stretched arm.

Junko tries to focus her hands as she reaches them upward but suddenly something thin wraps around her wrists, immobilizing her arms. She tries resisting but a voice nearby stops her along with the sound of footsteps.

"I don't care what Addition you have. But there're many things you won't be able to accomplish when your lose your hands. So... surrender yourself."

It's a guy who wear a redish purple jacket with small feathers around the neck. His short hair seems to be neatly combed backwards, as if displaying his confidence. He's the one called Vulture. Rhino is also with him.

The final guy of the four reveals himselves as well. He wears a prisoner-like outfit with verticle black and white stripes all over his shirt. His body appears to be thiner than the rest, in contrary to the guy holding Nova's arms firmly.

Rattle snake then approaches the other three of the group, looking down at two girls held captive by the guys. He chuckles slightly, though hidden under his mask.

*Rattlesnake begins speaking* "You've lost. Now we shall way for the rest of your group to be handled by our fellows teamates. Better say any last words if you have them."

*Junko chuckles slightly* "Don't need to, we won't be the ones with the last words. After all, a battle between two sides only ends when one of them falls completely."

Junko instantly destroyed the pipe above Vulture with her Addition, causing the gas to be blown into his face, making him lose focus. She takes the chance to free her hands and save Nova then both of them hide into the place blinded by the gas.

"After them!" *Rattlesnake screams*

Giraffe and Hippo immediately proceed to chase after the girls. Vulture in the meanwhile is trying to wipe his eyes to clear his vision.

While sinking his body under the ground, Hippo rises his head to the surface looking at Giraffe. As for Giraffe himself, he wonders that the girls have seen his ability and might be wary of every step.

"Earth to Giraffe. Are you focusing on the task?"

*Giraffe tries to calm himself* "Course I am. Moreover, why didn't you just trap that girl in yellow in the ground? With your Purge Merge, you wouldn't even need to hold her arms."

"But... man, you know... I've yet to familiarize myself with such a feat." *sighs* "What if my hands end up merged with hers? I might panic and make it much worse. I don't want to be almagamate..."

"Forget that I asked... Let's just find them. Or else Rattlesnake's gonna yell at us again."

Meanwhile, Nova and Junko is hiding under a work desk. Junko had to make sure that no one saw them coming into the place before hiding. Even now, they're not truly free from the pinch. Though, Junko has confirmed the abilties of the men minus Rattlesnake stills.

'Those guys might also be aware that we know their abilties and choose a different tactics. I must come up with something to counter them in case. But first, I need cooperation from this girl right here...'

"Back to the topic, do you have any issues with me?"

*Nova frowns* "Again with this? Are you even aware of the situation we're in right now?" 

*Junko rubs her forehead* "I am, and I need you to help me but not before dissolving whatever tension you have for me."

"I stick with my words, nothing's going on at all."

"Really now?" *raises her eyebrowns* "Are you still mad at me for last night when we-"

"YES! I mean... not quite." *folds her arms awkwardly*

Junko's worried that Nova is offended by her questions but she just feels compelled to know why Nova has been avoiding her since last night. Seeing the behavior startles Nova for a bit.

*Nova tries to get back to her usual self* "Gosh, where's the pragmatic girl I knew last night? You're becoming someone entirely different."

"Pragmatic? I guess you could say that. But I'm not becoming someone different, it's just..." *looks away* "The one I used to be as a young girl."

Nova is a bit confused. Yet she somehow knows when someone has a bad experience and decides to speak calmly and politely.

"Do you... happen to have someone you hold dear in your heart?"

*Junko nods gently* "Yeah... The one who gave birth to me..."

"Your mother must be a kind person, no?"

"Indeed she was..."

Hearing the words uttering from Junko's mouths confirms that she indeed went through something as bad as Nova, if not worse. She decides not to ask more due to knowing how it feels to grieve as a child.

*Junko turns to Nova* "Do you see your mother as an angel as well?"

*nods gently* "Indeed, the greatest I could've had."

The atmosphere between them seems to be dim despite the dangerous situation, both of them are being shrouded by nostalgic sadness. However, Junko wants to stop being moody for the present's sake.

Junko leans her face closer to Nova and whispers something into her ears. The sad face of Nova shifts slightly into visibly confusion then ends with an understanding nod. Now that both of them has stopped being sad, it is time to their enemies the strength of their combined will.