Chapter 5: The Triumph of Lex Luthor

As Vartox completed the hypnotization of Supergirl, Lex Luthor approached with a satisfied smirk, his eyes gleaming with triumph.

"Excellent work, Vartox," Lex praised, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "You have proven yourself to be a valuable asset to our cause."

Vartox nodded in acknowledgment, a smug grin playing on his lips as he surveyed his handiwork. "It was my pleasure, Lex. With Supergirl under our control, there is nothing we cannot accomplish."

With a sense of satisfaction, Lex stepped closer to the now-hypnotized Supergirl, his gaze lingering on her serene face. It was a sight he had dreamed of come which has come to reality, the relative of mighty hero Superman, Supergirl, brought to heel by his own cunning and manipulation.

Lex's fingers brushed lightly against the smooth surface of Supergirl's neck, a triumphant smile playing on his lips as he marveled at the effectiveness of his latest creation. "You might have been capable to be a thorn in my side, Supergirl," he murmured, his voice laced with satisfaction, "but now, you are nothing more than a pawn in my game."

As Lex spoke, a flicker of amusement danced in Supergirl's unseeing eyes, a testament to the depths of her hypnotic trance. It was a sight that sent a shiver of delight down Lex's spine, a tangible reminder of the power he wielded over her.

Then with a swift motion, Lex produced a small necklace from his pocket, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow. The necklace was no ordinary trinket; it was a marvel of advanced technology infused with a tinge of gold kryptonite, designed to sap many of Supergirl's powers and keep her firmly under his control.

As Lex held the necklace aloft, its intricate design caught the dim light of the warehouse, casting a mesmerizing glow that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. The air crackled with anticipation as Lex approached the hypnotized Supergirl, his every movement deliberate and calculated.

"This, my dear Supergirl, is the key to your obedience," Lex declared, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction as he fastened the necklace around her neck with practiced ease. "With this, you will be powerless to defy me, your every action dictated by my will alone."

Supergirl remained motionless, her expression serene as she gazed blankly ahead, her mind lost in the depths of Vartox's hypnotic trance.

With a deft hand, Lex placed the necklace around Supergirl's neck, securing it in place with a satisfied smile. "This should ensure that Supergirl remains powerless and obedient for the foreseeable future," he remarked, his tone laced with satisfaction.

Vartox nodded in approval, his gaze fixed on the hypnotized heroine before him. "A brilliant plan, Lex. With Supergirl under our control, we can proceed with our next phase of the operation without fear of interference."

With a sense of satisfaction, Lex stepped back to admire his handiwork, his gaze lingering on the hypnotized heroine with a mixture of pride and contempt. He then turned and spoke to Vartox. "No, Vartox, before we proceed with the next phase of our plan, we must ensure that the necklace is functioning as intended. We need to keep a close eye on Supergirl and check for any developments before we involve Supergirl in the next plan."

With a wave of his hand, he dismissed Vartox, promising to reconvene the following day to assess the situation.

"I will retire for the night," Lex declared, his voice tinged with weariness.

Turning to Mercy Graves, his bodyguard and chauffeur, who stood silently by his side, Lex issued his instructions with a tone of authority. "Take her home, Mercy, and ensure that she remains under our control. We cannot afford any slip-ups."

Mercy nodded in response, her expression impassive as she prepared to escort the hypnotized heroine from the warehouse. "Consider it done, sir. I will make sure she is well taken care of."

Then he said said to her. "Mercy, I trust you."

But before they could depart, Vartox made a small request of his own. "Lex, if it pleases you, may I have one hour alone with Supergirl? I wish to savor the sweet taste of victory a while longer."

Lex Luthor regarded Vartox with a calculating gaze, weighing the request carefully. He understood the allure of relishing their triumph over Supergirl, but he also knew the importance of maintaining control over their captive.

After a moment of consideration, Lex nodded in acquiescence. "Very well, Vartox. You may have your hour, but I expect you to report any developments to Mercy who is here with you. We cannot afford any surprises."

Vartox's grin widened at Lex's consent, a predatory glint in his eyes as he contemplated the prospect of having Supergirl at his mercy. "Thank you, Lex. I assure you, I will make good use of our time together."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Lex turned his attention back to Mercy Graves, who stood silently by his side, her expression impassive as ever. "Mercy, I trust you will stay and ensure that everything is in order here before you depart with Supergirl?"

Mercy nodded in affirmation, her gaze never wavering from her employer. "Yes, sir. I will take care of everything."

Meanwhile with a satisfied smile, Vartox turned his attention to Supergirl, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he relished the opportunity to revel in his newfound dominance over the once-mighty heroine. He approached her with slow, deliberate steps, his every movement exuding a sense of power and authority.

"Ah, Supergirl," Vartox murmured, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "How the mighty have fallen. It seems that fate has finally brought you to heel."

Supergirl remained motionless, her expression blank as she stood under Vartox's gaze, her mind ensnared in the web of his hypnotic control. She was but a puppet, a mere shell of her former self, powerless to resist the commands of her captors.

But Lex watched with a sense of satisfaction before he left as Vartox began to weave his web of deception, implanting false memories of their, especially Vartox, time together into Supergirl's vulnerable mind. It was a subtle manipulation, a carefully crafted illusion designed to further cement Vartox's hold over her.

With a silent nod of approval, Lex turned his attention away from the scene before him and made his way towards the exit, his mind already turning to the tasks that lay ahead.

With a twisted grin, Vartox leaned in close to Supergirl, his voice a low, hypnotic murmur as he whispered his fabricated tales of their supposed relationship. "You belong to me now, Supergirl," he breathed, his words dripping with malice. "Every thought, every action, is mine to command."

Supergirl's eyes remained fixed on Vartox, her expression vacant as she drank in his words, her mind ensnared in the tangled web of his deception. She was but a pawn in his twisted game, a mere puppet to be manipulated and controlled at his whim.

As Vartox continued to spin his tale of dominance and submission, couldn't help but marvel at the sheer audacity of his manipulation. Each false memory planted was like a dagger to Supergirl's psyche, further eroding her sense of self and replacing it with Vartox's twisted version of reality.

As Vartox whispered into Supergirl's ear, his words dripping with honeyed venom, Mercy, who was left behind to take care of Supergirl after Vartox fiasco, couldn't help but taken away by the sheer audacity of his manipulation. She observed from a distance, her eyes narrowing slightly as she witnessed Vartox's insidious influence over the once-proud heroine.

The memories Vartox implanted were twisted and perverse, painting a picture of a perverted and depraved relationship in which he was the dominant force, and Supergirl the submissive subject to his every whim. Each whispered word seemed to seep into Supergirl's subconscious like poison, distorting her perception of reality and reinforcing Vartox's control over her.

Mercy clenched her fists at her sides, a flicker of disgust flashing across her features as she watched the scene unfold. Despite her loyalty to Lex and his cause, she couldn't help but feel a pang of pity for the heroine ensnared in Vartox's web of deceit.

But she knew that now was not the time for hesitation or doubt. With Supergirl firmly under Lex's control, they had a rare opportunity to strike a decisive blow against their enemies without them knowing what's coming for them.

In the meantime, with each passing moment, Supergirl's identity was slipping further and further from her grasp by the relentless onslaught of Vartox's influence. She was no longer the mighty heroine who had once stood against him; she was nothing more than a shell, a husk of her former self, completely under Vartox's control.