Magic Spells Class

In the end, Brian just gave up his intention to greet Glen, because now it turned out that his class time was over so he ended his lecture session.

"Okay, this is our first meeting, I hope you will take positive things from what you just watched.

As for how you feel right now, I would just advise you to accept it sooner or later.

Because being a magician can never be free from bloody hands, hope you understand that, class dismissed!!" Brian then ended the class.

And Glen along with the others started to leave the classroom and came out in a slightly depressed atmosphere.

"Won't you come out of the shadows of that image?" Glen asked in a relaxed manner towards Adam, Marlon and Elisa.

And the three of them who listened to Glen's questions each had their own answers in their hearts.

Until then after a while, those who had been silent about Glen's question started to answer, starting with Marlon