Conditions in Maple City

In a restaurant in Maple City, the waiters were busy delivering food to the customers there.

Judging from the number of visitors, it must be said that this restaurant is very popular.

"Why is the food at this restaurant so delicious!!!!

"Yeah, I've never eaten food like this!!

" I must say, this was a great start to our visit to Maple City!!

"I heard this just opened less than 1 week ago"

"Since the first day the restaurant opened, it has always been full and many customers have queued to order food here.

"I heard this was opened specially by the city lord!!

Various kinds of discussion voices can be heard from inside the restaurant. As the new icon of Maple City, the restaurant called "Enak" is very popular and sought after by city residents and also visitors who come from outside the city.

With the addition of good access to the Maple City pier, the flow of visitors and traders in the city will increase.