Segment 0.3 | The mother of the RUINS

Like a butterfly in a spider's web, I get trapped within his grasp, unable to escape while his pellets are about to reach me, and then suddenly...!

Flowey: Ah!

Flowey shrieks in pain as he is knocked away by a stray fireball, and the attack that Flowey had shot at me with disappears into thin air, and the vines that once held a firm grasp on me feel loose and disappear as well. The battle had been concluded, but by who? "Muff, muff." soft and slightly deep in sound, the footsteps of the creature that lay beyond.

Something emerges from the darkness as a replacement for Flowey, and then I see it,

???: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...

A furry beast that looks maybe 6 feet tall and a little higher, with white colored fur and a head shaped like the Nubian goat. It was structured with floppy ears and tiny horns. It has a pair of visible fangs and long eyelashes, and its irises have a dark red tint. It has an anthropomorphic body, with paws at the ends of its limbs. It wears a long purple robe with white sleeves and a strange symbol on the chest. Its voice is soft and kind. It speaks again...!

???: Ah, be not afraid, my child.

The goat-like creature smiles at me softly—a warm smile meant only for kindness.

Polly: Your child? I hope you're not crazy as well.

???: .... Pfft, what? Of course, you're my child. I am Toriel, the caretaker of the RUINS. Everyone who resides here is one of my children.

Polly: You're a monster, and I'm a human. There is no possible way-...huh?... WHAT!?

I exclaimed in shock as Toriel quickly swept me off my feet and carried me on her shoulder faster than I could react.

Toriel: Hehe, you are quite the lively one, aren't you, my child. A fun fact about me is that I come here every day to see if any human has fallen.

Polly: Let... go... of... me! I say struggling from her grasp.

She took me in further, and we entered a room full of purple. The walls are made of bricks, it seems, carefully made, with intricate pillars made on each side of the path that leads me straight to a two-way staircase that would take me up further. It's warmer now. Slips of wind from who knows where to blow in. A bed full of leaves, perhaps roses, that lie between the spaces of the two stairs. Smells of sweet, fruity flavor fill my nose. If only I were paying attention, of course.

Toriel: You are the first human to have come down here in a long time. Come with me, and I'll guide you through the catacombs!

Polly: NO! I want to be put down, you crazy... Goat lady!

"Ugh, how bothersome this child is, and such bad manners as well... Oh well, it can't be helped," Toriel thought.

Toriel put me down, and I hit my rear end onto the ground. She dropped me in an open space in the square of rose leaves around me. Some of the leaves blow away as I land on the ground.

Toriel: You know, for a young girl such as yourself, you should have some better manners for your elders. What a rude thing to say to me. Hmph!

Toriel walks ahead of me, pouting.

Toriel: When you are ready to act like a good child, you may follow me or else stay here.

Polly: Ow! My butt hurts. A girl? Hey, goat lady! I'm no girl; you hear me!

I gotta say, though my butt does hurt quite a bit and my resistance to pain is higher than it was before, my hands... No, I'm not listening to her; she's crazy; she was going to kidnap me and eat me for sure! I think irrationally.

???: What are you, an idiot? What are you so nervous about? Go and follow Toriel. Said the mysterious voice.

Polly: Who are you anyway? And why are you in my head? Are you some parasite that infected my brain while I was knocked out?

In my cry for answers, nothing came but silence and a little bit of regret.

I sigh heavily, almost like I'm exhaling the stress from my mind.

There's no other way to go than where Toriel went... Ugh, whatever. I just hope that I- Never mind, let's go. I mumble to myself. As I march up the stairs and reach the top, I see a shiny, bright, glowing star. Strangely enough, for some reason, I can't take my eyes away, I'm drawn to this thing, and the thought that it might be dangerous didn't even cross my mind. I just wanted to...

Polly: Touch it...!

I touched it, and it dispersed outward into thin air. I jumped back and saw a screen that popped up in my face.

Polly: What is this? A screen, a live digital screen, am I seeing things?!

???: Of course not, silly!

Another mysterious voice speaks out to me, but this time the voice sounds different, like higher pitched.

???: Hi! My name is Mani! I know that voice in your head, he can be weird, but he's actually your best partner once you know him. You best get along with him!

Mani's appearance is like a soul but personified literally. Her hair is short with bright glowing skin, her body has- what looks like an outline and its color is Silver. I don't know why but it's as if I've known her since forever and she smells nice with a literal aura that makes me feel warm.

Polly: H-Hi Mani. Who are you? You just popped out of nowhere ever since I touched the glowing star?

Mani: Who am I? Ha-ha, didn't you hear? It is me, Mani! My job is to help with anything you want, to the best of my ability. From now to the end of your existence, I'll be with you! So, let's get comfortable! You think of me as anything you want: your friend, enemy, sibling, sidekick, or even a slave! But I'll always be here to help. Even if you do the most horrific acts! Hehe!

Polly: Wait, what? You'll be with me forever now? Slave? No, I don't want you to be a slave!

Mani: No slave it is then!

I just met her literally a minute ago, and she already suggested that being a slave would be her role to me... Just who does she think I am? Well, whatever, this is good I won't be needing that goat lady anytime soon, I thought. Sure, I wouldn't need assistance from that goat.

Polly: Okay then, Mani.

Mani: Yes, what is it?

Polly: What is the name of that guy in my head?

Mani: Hmm? But of course, his name is [Classified].

The area around me begins to tremble slightly, acting strange, until it starts glitching around me.

Polly: Wait what- Ah! Ow, my head! It Hurts...!

Toriel, up ahead waits for me patiently in the other room, who is oblivious to this.

Toriel: Maybe I was too mean? Should I go back? But I definitely should stay here to teach them a lesson... Okay, I should go get them.

As Toriel enters the room I'm in and sees me standing there, with my back facing her.

Toriel: My child, are you ready now to follow me? I know I can be a bit mean, but I only wanted to teach you a lesson... My child?

I turn around.

Polly: Oh hey! Uh- yeah, I'm ready to go with you now. Sorry for earlier, I was still shaken up by Flowey...

Toriel: ... Oh, but of course, that little guy can be very... hasty... Anyway, If you are now ready, we may move on.

Toriel says with a wholehearted smile she puts her hand out and I grab it and we walk further into the RUINS.