Segment 0.9 | Toriel’s Home

Waking up to the smell of pie and a stomach roaring to be satisfied. I notice the lights in the room had been turned off with little a little star night light filing the room. I roll out of bed and onto the floor. There lie a plate of pie, Butterscotch-cinnamon pie! With a little note, "Enjoy, my child and don't eat too fast, hehe."

Polly: She wrote "hehe" on the note…

Mani: Oh? Are you…Up now?

Polly: I'm surprised you get tired.

Mani: heh, I am in wonder as well. Anyway, are you ready to leave now?

Mani props herself on top of my head and I stand up with the plate of pie in my hand. Taking a couple of bites before putting them away in my items. A rough sigh and then, I leave the room. Clank! As the sound of the door, I close behind me. I look out in the living room that was on my right. A table tall enough for giants made me wonder if I had shrunk down a size. I figured that it made sense of Toriel's height. I walk in the living room to see Toriel sat in a very comfy looking couch-chair, she rocks back in forth a little while reading a book. It seems she hasn't noticed me yet. I made sure to stay that way so I could do a little exploring. I went back to the hallway and check the room next to the one I slept in.

Mani: Who's room do you think it is?

Polly: It's probably Toriel's room.

Mani: Why do you go in there?

Polly: I'm just a little curious, that's all.

I creaked opened the door and smells of a Sweet, caramel hit me and its strong at first but lighter as it slowly turns into clean and sweet smell. I turn on the lights and see her room, everything is tall, the purple bed, the dresser, her desk, and chair that sit right beside where I'm standing when you step into the room. It was on my left side though. I looked on top of the desk and saw notes and what seems to be Toriel's diary, I hesitated at looking in it for a bit and then just skimmed through it. Finding out if it contained jokes and puns?

Mani: Why would she need a book of puns?

Polly: She probably goes around this place to tell jokes to the residents here.

Mani: Ah.

Polly: "Why did the skeleton want friends?"

Mani: Oh! I know this one. It's because they were feeling-

Polly & Mani: Bonely!

Polly: These jokes are corny as hell, but its cute.

I looked at the other pages, there were jokes like similar.

Mani: Why does she joke about skeletons?

I shrugged in confusion and put the diary down. I look around and see a bookshelf full of books arranged in proper order by their colors. It was then I knew Toriel is an organized person. And then a strangely bright yellow flower, but once again it wasn't a sunflower but a flower similar. Just like the star I occasionally see it also had that same attraction I reach out and Mani flies on the knuckles of my hand and she says, "What are you doing, let's move on already!". A Soft sigh before bringing my hand down for her to just fly back on my head again.

Polly: Right, I got distracted.

Mani: Let's Go! She said exuberantly.

I walk out of the room and look at the wall on the left of me further down next to last door near Toriel's room and then a something that would shock the living hell out of me.

Polly: There's a mirror!

Mani: uh-oh…

Quick steps but not loud down the hallway and look to my left again to reveal my appearance.

Mani: Ta-da! It's you! The new you!

Short and greyish purple hair with a long white streak color down the middle, the tips of my hair curled upwards and bouncy as well. My eyes silver with a regular black pupils, lighter toned skin, and same height I believe I had before, I think around 164 centimeters to be exact. And although looking at the vast differences in looks from top it just wasn't the issue, though surprising. I rub my face and eyes to double- no triple check to see if what I was seeing was real. All feminine features I had. Not to mention this purple crop top jacket I have and under it a darker purple and thinned black stripped shirt with an Eye symbol on it. Anyway, there was only one way to find out truly if was I was seeing is true, I felt strange not being able to feel anything down there. I opened up my "TREASURE CHEST" and found an awful sight… A sight even pirates would give up their journey, it turns out my "Treasure" just became "Chest" instead, void of any "Treasure" except the breeze of wind from it, which surprised me because Toriel's home is pleasantly warm, lack of any breeze. I close it back up and fall to the ground dramatically in defeat.

Mani: Uh?

Polly: It's over, my manhood… I'll never get it back…

Mani: What?

Polly: Just end me already

Mani: Oh, get a grip, Polly! It is… Not… Over! We still have… More life… head of us…

Mani took my hand and started dragging me back to the living room. My face sliding on the carpet floor.

I thought, "I might get carpet burn and start taking damage".

Polly: Stop that, it hurts my face. My voice muffled from the carpet.

Mani: Come… On! You might be able to find a way to get your real body back eventually.

I swear, it felt like my body what shot with a jolt of lightning as I jumped up.


Polly: REALLY!?

Mani: Uh? Maybe? Its possible!



I hop around Mani like a bunny and into the living room to see Toriel, still reading a book. I walk to the fireplace next to her and put my hand next to it and feel its warmth. The source of warmth of this place lays here, and the best part, the fire isn't even burning hot when you come closer to it. It's just pleasantly warm. I put my hand inside and nothing dangerous happened, and except, its the opposite. It started to heal me me as I see numbers projecting off of me in green outline instead of red like how i would be if I was taking damage.

Toriel: Up, already I see?

Polly: …

Toriel: There are so many old books I want to share. She points to the bookshelf behind me on my right.

Polly: What are they?

I walk over to the big bookshelf and pick a random book, and find out its a history book. I flip to a random page. "Trapped behind the barrier and fearful of human attacks, we retreated."

Mani: "Far, far into the earth we walked, until we reached the cavern's end."

Polly: "This was our new home, which we named…"

Toriel: "Home."

I glanced at Toriel to see her reading her book of sails again.

Polly: "As great as our king is, he is pretty lousy at names," Heh.

"Poom," I closed the book and put it back on the shelf.

Mani: "fearful of human attacks." I'm not sure how to feel about that, to be quite honest. And, i am very honest!

Polly: …

Toriel: I have a favorite bug-hunting spot i'd like to show you. Do you want to see?

Polly: No, not really.

Toriel: Oh, you're missing out on something fun, I tell you.

Polly: I must be.

I look behind her and see the path to her kitchen.

Toriel: I sure you must want more, go ahead.

I enter and see a short kitchen, which I thought it made sense as she doesn't live with anyone else, and thus doesn't need a big kitchen. I looked in the refrigerator to find quite a bit of things: snails, snails, a brand-name chocolate bar, and more snails…

Mani: I'm starting to think Toriel is a little crazy, y'know?

Polly: No comment…

I look in the sink and find white fur stuck in the drain, most likely from Toriel. The counter is next, whereas I see a cupboard that has cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters.

Mani: Finally, the pie! We should take some more before we leave!

Polly: We should but… I feel bad for some reason…

Mani: I know what you are talking about, but, Toriel said its fine. So, why not??

Polly: … Okay, but i'm only doing this because i'm taking precautions for battles in the future.

Mani: Yeah, battles!...

I take a slice, or two… and put them in my inventory. And just before I leave the kitchen, I check the stove and see that it's very clean. I assumed that must be a Neatnik or uses fire magic to cook, instead of oil.

Toriel: This may come as a surprise to you, but i've always wanted to become a teacher.

Polly: I can see that.

Toriel: Hehe, wow, thank you. I guess it really isn't that surprising then is it?

I walk over to the history books and look at them for a moment, deciding if I should read them all before I leave. I pick the same book I took a peak at earlier.

Toriel: But even so, I am glad to have you living here… My child?

I am seen sitting down with the book reading from the beginning to the end, page by page. Mani, is confused and asks me why i'm doing this. I told her so that I could understand the relationships in the past Humans and monsters had. Their perspective about what happened in the war. Mani shocked but didn't protest against it, she simply propped onto my shoulder and read with me. Toriel, smiled and then grew an expression of amazement once she saw me read an entire book and move onto the next one in mere minutes. I didn't fully understand it myself at first, when I was able to read that book to easily and fully understand it. But, it felt natural to do so, most of the books i read from the shelf were like logs of events followed with specific moments, some parts were seen to be either erased or missing. Events taken place during the war were interesting; "Armours of light and dark were worn," "Those with a soul powerful enough overpower a boss monster," "truces and betrayals." There were a couple of shorter log books that seemed to have strange symbols on it, not like the ones Toriel uses but different. Mani, couldn't translate it for some reason. "I guess must be some forbidden language or something…" I say to mani. Mani, says they've seen it before but don't remember when. Which led my curiosity to further develop but unfortunately that would have to be saved at another time. After I got done reading all of the books in the bookshelf. I finally deciding to ask Toriel the big question. 

Toriel: I didn't know you were into reading books, my child. fufu, it looks like I may have to get more to satisfy your interest.

Polly: I'm done reading now. I know further about you and your role.

Toriel: What?

Polly: Your the queen, aren't you?

Toriel: … I- I have no idea what you're talking about child.

Polly: You can't lie to me, I know because the five books on the top right are written by you and they all describe times of ruling or "all of our subjects."

Toriel: I-

Polly: And its in your handwriting, I know because I apologetically, took a peak in your diary and memorized your handwriting. I gotta say it does look better than regular printed paper.

Toriel: My diary…? Well, I guess there's no hiding it, but i've abandoned that role, so I no longer need to side with "that" buffon.

Polly: I know… The kids just like me who were here captured to free monsters. Its basically the reason I kept reading because before I've gotten down here there would've been no way I would've known that before.

Toriel: Do you feel distrusting of me?

I lay against the wall with my back on it.

Polly: I feel like i've gained some important knowledge, its good to not be oblivious to the truth. Though I feel like you would eventually tell me the truth somehow, or i'd get it out you. just like now.

Toriel: … I'm sorr-

Polly: No, i'm sorry for taking advantage of your kindness to get the truth. I did feel weary around your but, now… Ugh, whatever, I don't care about those kids. They had their time and came up short, there's nothing to do. I just want to leave, so, that i'm not the victim this time.

Toriel: But, I can't let you leave. They most certainly will get you and I don't know if you'll-

Polly: Test me, then.

Mani: Yay! we get finally leave!... But, Polly, are you sure? She's a-


Polly: Of course I am.


Toriel: Excuse me? My child, what has gotten into you?

I get up from the wall and walk out of the living room. In my march down the staircase where I assume is the exit, Toriel tries to intervene in my path confirming my assumption true. She tries to pull me away with words. "Uh- but, you can't leave, don't you want to read my more books?", I walk with her following beside me, "J-jokes, but you can't resist jokes, right?", I keep walking, "Here's one, 'A snail boy, walked up to his father one day kind of sad, his father told him, 'Son, i'd love to tell you I think you'll go far in life, but i'd be lying." he..he..?" I stopped for a moment and just looked in disappointing silence, "Okay, that wasn't really funny b-but, you can't leave. If you want I can give you more books, how does that sound?" I continue march and finally make it down the stairs to see a long hallway.

Polly: Give it up, i'm leaving, Toriel. Thank you for taking care of me, i'll be on my own for now…

Toriel: …. If that's the case so be it…

Polly: ?....!

Toriel walks ahead of me a few steps and suddenly she summons a wall of fire in my way, and to my surprise, she starts walking ahead dashing off ahead of me to the exit of the RUINS.

I grit my teeth in frustration and yell out, "Toriel! What are you doing!? And in quick and firm response, "You, wish to return home, do you not? I will destroy the exit out of this place, my child." The flames lash out at me to back off, but I can't because, I'm too DETERMINED to leave now. My heart beats fast now, the smell of roasted stone, feeling of intense heat. I look around to see if I could use anything blow the fire away but nothing and then I get and idea, "What if I use the blanket in the room as a cover?" I take a moment and then decidedly, I take my arm, close my eyes, get in a stance and finally, I dash through the fire. "But, by the time I grab the blanket and come back, i'll be too late!" I thought after dashing. Even though, I did that daring act, it seemed as if she knew I was willing to move forward anyway and made a hallway full of flame walls to block my path. She would be right in that regard and even now, despite everything, I cannot back. I run through each wall and a turn the corner in hallway to see more. "Toriel, I won't let you destroy my way out!" I exclaimed in my thoughts. "You are a naive and bad child, why won't you just go upstairs and forget this even happened? I will forgive you if you would just-" "I can't, I barely anyone but a few frogs and a ghost and then a creep flower to tried to kill me, are you the same as him?" Sweat drips from my face as the further I go the hotter the next wall of flames gets, "If I keep going my jacket might get destroyed," I thought. "Please, child. Don't you understand? Every human meets the same fate, time after again and again." I continue to rush through almost making it to her but then I realize and change. "The fire… It isn't as hot?" I look up to see the wall of flames ahead of me open up as I charge through. "Well, I was told that I'm special, Toriel. I won't meet that same fate!" "Wrong!" Toriel roars out as the last wall of flame sparks up blocking me and making sure not to let me pass. "If you leave now, They- ASGORE! Will kill you!" I stand there my jacket nearly burned away and a few HP gone. "So, are you saying your just trying to protect me, why? You are a monster. Why would you care? If anyone is naive, it's you for thinking that those before me weren't going to die by their hands anyway. ugh, I mean, that's why the war between Humans and monsters happened. We, aren't, meant to be on the same side!" "I know, but, I can't bear seeing another one with so much to live for die at the hands of a true MONSTER!" I smack my hand against the stone wall, "What does that even mean!?" Toriel turns around and faces towards the tall door and prepares to attack it. "I hope you'll forgive me." My eyes widen, "N-no, you can't"! I get memories of when I passed through the spikes with her and held her hand, and when she smiled when I talked to dummy. "So that's why… I couldn't understand it before but now…" The wall of flames before me split open. "Toriel."

She gasps and turns around. "H-how-" "You let me pass. Because I remind you of a face in the past, 'the first human' who fell here, right?" My surroundings turn as I enter battle with Toriel, the caretaker of the RUINS and also… A BOSS MONSTER.