Part 1 | Segment 0.1 | A Watcher In Snow

Flowey: Clever… VeryClever.

Polly: Flowey…

Mani: Be cautious around this one, I don't have much information around this flower.

Flowey: Polly, right? You and that pitiful goat lady were just two bundles of forgiveness, huh.. 

Polly: I said what I needed and wanted, nothing more.

Flowey: Right, right- but of course you did! It's not like you would have already known what to have said to her, right?

Polly: What are talkin-

Flowey: A genius… Is that what you think you are? A genius… You read a couple of books about history and suddenly you know everything.

Flowey distorts his face into a devilish one. I step back in preparation.

Polly: A battle!? Really I just got done facing a boss monster, I exclaimed in mild frustration.


Strangely enough my surroundings doesn't turn into a [Battle space].

Polly: I knew enough to get by Toriel! What's it to you anyway!? 

Flowey: ….

Flowey doesn't respond for moment and goes back to normal. Mani gasps in shock and hides behind me, peeking.


Mani: A rude one, isn't he?

Polly: Yeah, that's no surprise.


Flowey: Even if your not a genius, you have some brains to know that down here, It's kill or be killed in this world.

Polly: Does it have to be?

Flowey: … You're so naive. And you were able to play by your own rules. You spared the life of a single person. Aha ha haa… 

Polly: …

Mani: He's just a jerk with barely any background to know of. Its like he was either just created or just a power beyond mine… We should leave, Polly… Polly?


Polly: …Yeah…


I begin to start walking past Flowey and towards the big door and long hallway. Step, step, sound of my shoes tapping against the echoing dark room and into the hallway. But, it doesn't stop Flowey from him resuming his monologue.

Flowey: I bet you feel really... great

Polly: Correct, you won the bet. Wanna cookie?

Flowey: You didn't kill anybody this time.

I stop in my tracks, in flowey's words.

Polly: What do you mean, "this time"?

Flowey: You gonna end up facing a relentless killer. You'll die, and die, and die, and die again. Until you tire of trying.

Polly: What are you talking about? Humans only get one life; we aren't immortal or anything abnormal, like you monsters!

Flowey: What will you do then, Polly?

I think for a moment, and then... Come up with an answer.

Polly: I-

Flowey: Uh-uh, don't answer that. That was a rhetorical question. 

Polly: Then what's your point? Are you afraid, that i'll kill everyone you love, huh? If you could anyway…

Mani: That was harsh, but, understandable.

Flowey: Afraid? Huh, me? No, no. noNOT IN THE SLIGHTEST! I can't feel love for anyone or anything!

Flowey but once again, grows larger and distorts his face... Vines start to sprout towards me, sprouting from the walls and the ground in the hallway. 

Flowey: Will you give up entirely on this world… and LET ME inherit the power to control it!? 

I start to back away until one of the vines catches my leg to stop me.

Polly: Vines, again!?

I pull my leg out fairly easy and begin to run towards the exit.

Flowey: I am the prince of this world's future! Don't run away from me!

Another vine with thorns on it catches me and deals me 10 damage.

Polly: Waa! Waaa! 

Mani: Oh no, Polly! 

I fall on the ground and the vine pulls me towards Flowey. I kicked, punched, and parried the other vines that try to attack me or trap me some more.

Polly: Let me go! You stupid, ugly flower! 

Mani: What to do.. What to do… Oh, I know something!

Mani flies off to proceed with her idea, ditching me.

Polly: Mani, where are you going!?

I call out her name, but no success until flower wraps his vines around me and picks me up.

Flower: ... But you know what? Regicide is not really, fun at all. But, scaring you to death and watching you struggle in this place is but more the fun. So don't worry my little monarch-

I spat on Flowey's face in anger.

Polly: Let me go you ugly plant! You're ruining my view on sunflowers!

Flowey: You wretched kid!

Flowey throws me on the ground hard and I suffer more damage and I'm left with 2 HP. My leg is broken and My ribs feel cracked. I groaned in pain. 

Polly: huu…haa.. haaa… Mani… Where are.. you!?

Flowey: Disgusting…. But with this I'm fine, because this is sooo much more interesting! See ya later, Polly!

And right after that, We hear a loud crashing noise. STEAEESSHHH! CRIKLE! CEAK!

Flowey: I guess I got too excited, AHAHAHA! And by the way… Who is "Mani"? 

Mani: …Right… Here!

Flowey turns around quickly after hearing her voice, I lay on the ground nearly unconscious as I see mani holding a large stone beam. 

Flowey: What the- who are you?-

Mani swings the large beam and smashes Flowey atop of his face from above. Despite the pain I'm suffering I just couldn't ignore this. I saw this with my eye seemingly about to pop out of its socket in disbelief.


Mani: Polly, cover your eyes!

Flowey barely able to react, get smashed to the ground and the ground begins to shatter and dirt and rock fly everywhere. I cover myself and get sent aback by the gust of wind that followed with the collision.

Polly: Whoa! Ouch, my body hurts everywhere! And I can't believe I survived that! Oh wait, I have ITEMS!

Mani flies over to me as I heal with one two of the candies.

Polly: Mani! How did you do that!? Do you have superman strength!?

Mani: Polly! We have to run! The place is going down and Flowey is not done yet! 

Flowey enraged comes sprouting the ground as area around as begins to tremble a cave in is about to happen. As this is happening I see Toriel's shadow coming up the stairs.

Polly: Toriel?!

Toriel: Polly! Are you alright!? What's happening?!

Flowey: You stupid kid! Now you've done it! I'm going to kill you and that unbearably looking fairy!

I stand up and begin to run towards the door, Toriel is at view now and sees everything unfold.

Toriel: My child, please, run! 

Flowey shoots a pellet at me but I deflect it.

Flowey: What!? You can't do that! grrr, come here!

Toriel: Oh no you don't, you very bad Flower!

Flowey: Let go of me!

Toriel: No.

Flowey: Ok…

Toriel snatches the flower and watches me to make sure I make it to the exit. As I reach the door, I stop for a moment and yell to Flowey.


Mani: Polly! The door is opened! let's go!

I take one last look at Flowey as he snarls at me. Toriel looks in relief as I make it past.

Toriel: Please be safe, Polly!

The last few words I heard from Toriel as the place caves in, I jump through the door and me and Mani close it behind us. DOOM! As the sound goes when the door closes. I hit fall on the ground behind me and look up and shock after everything had unfolded behind me.

Mani: That was scary, wasn't it!?

I look at Mani with her smile, and almost tear up.

Polly: Mani, You're here! …. You didn't leave me behind.. to die..!

Mani: Of course! I would never let that happen!... Intentionally anyway...

I grab Mani with my hand and brush her against my cheek for a hug, with a little laughter of relief.

Mani: H-hey! haha! Your welcome, laugh out loud!

Polly: … And you just ruined the moment… Great

I walk up to the door and and put my hand on it.

Polly: Toriel…

Mani: Toriel is fine!

Polly: How do you know that?

Mani: Well, duh, I have X-ray vision!

Polly: … 

Mani: What is it?

Polly: DON'T "duh" ME, YA DUMB FAIRY!

I pinch her cheek.

Mani: OWIE, that hurts!

Polly: I know!

I let go of her cheek and sit-up to check my surroundings. It looks like, a snow forest, a chill that immediately seeps through the layers of my clothing, sinking into my bones. The air is crisp, carrying with it the faint scent of pine needles and frost. Each breath I take forms a misty cloud in front of me, clear evidence of the frigid temperatures that envelop this... wintry realm.

The ground beneath my boots is blanketed in a thick layer of soft calm snow, untouched except for the occasional set of tracks left behind by passing creatures. The trees stand tall and proud, their branches adorned with delicate icicles that glimmer in the soft light filtering through the canopy above. It's a scene straight out of a storybook, a winter wonderland.

As I venture deeper into the forest, the silence becomes almost palpable. The only sound is the muffled crunch of snow beneath my feet, each step echoing through the stillness like a gentle whisper. Despite the serenity of my surroundings, there's an unmistakable sense of unease that tugs at the edge of my consciousness, as if I'm being watched by unseen eyes lurking in the shadows.


Polly: Mani…

Mani: I know, there's someone watching us.

Polly: So, it wasn't just me then.. Good. 

Mani: Well, what is your next step?

Polly: … Snowdin Forest, huh… 

Mani: Polly?

Polly: For starters, I'm going to rest on this tree. I... don't feel to well

Mani: Is it the cold in this area? If that's the case, I could-

Polly: Don't bother, its not the cold. I barely even feel it anymore… I don't know why but after my battle with Toriel the warmth of her flames never left me.

Mani: Interesting… It doesn't appear that your losing any HP… Maybe Toriel-

Polly: Left it with me as a gift… Heh, and even though I said I would be fine…

Mani: Polly, the person is coming here, what will you do?

Polly: Haa… Haa… Erk… Just let them come here, I'll flee if things get dangerous. Erk… For now… Hide!

Mani: … Polly…


Mani flies under my arm to help me rest against the tree. My face flustered and unable to remain fully conscience. The sound of slow and soft crunchy footsteps walk up to me; I'm unable to make out the full figure, but they appear to be wearing… slippers?

???: A human, eh? 

Polly: And, you are?