Part 1 | Segment 5.7 | The Greater Dog

As I entered the next area, I was greeted by two paths. One to the right led downwards, promising a secret passage, accompanied by a sign reading, "Entry Good Miel." The other path straight ahead was cluttered with snow puffs and featured a bridge further along. I decided to take the path ahead; the last thing I wanted was to stray off course in my quest to return to the surface.

Despite my determination, I couldn't resist playfully kicking at the snow puffs. They resembled tiny snow domes—much smaller and softer than igloos, like perfectly shaped snowballs. Some felt squishy, while others were so fragile they crumbled easily upon touch. To my delight, I even discovered 30G hidden beneath one!

However, when I poked the last snow puff, the ground began to shake. Suddenly, a dog's head popped out from underneath. "It must've been hiding under there," I remarked as the dog let out a cheerful bark and then revealed its entire body. Towering above me, this beast was similar in height to Toriel—if not a bit taller. Emerging from the snow, it stood buff and anthropomorphic, clad in heavy armor, a spear gripped firmly in its paw. Its initial cute appearance was overshadowed by its imposing presence!

Polly: What the hell???

Mani: Aw, what a cute little guy!

[Enter Battle]

Polly: This is so cursed. I honestly don't know what to think about this.

"Arf, arf!" the dog barked, swinging its spear with a blue attack. It wasn't quick, but it was strong enough to blow some snow away. "Good thing this guy uses blue attacks. This should be easy," I said to myself as I checked its stats: (17) ATK, (8) DEFThe Greater Dog.

Polly: This dog is pretty strong, ain't it?

Mani: Yes, but with your armor's DEF, you should be fine.

Polly: He uses blue attacks as well, so I guess he really isn't here to fight but to—

Mani: Play!

I grinned and glanced at my stick. "Well, I guess I have an idea…" I said confidently. I selected the ACT option, held my stick, and swung it from side to side, calling out its name in rhythm.

Polly: Here, doggy, doggy, doggy~

Mani: Thou shall not tempt a Greater Dog.

Polly: Hmm? Why?

Before I could react, I heard the rush of the dog charging toward me. In an instant, I jumped, dodging its rush with surprising speed. "That's why, Polly! Fufu~!" Mani exclaimed. "Whoa! It's fast! But how?!" I shouted as the dog crashed into a tree, splintering it on impact.

Polly: Heh, I guess I better be careful, huh?

Mani: Let's see how long this game lasts.

The dog recovered and charged after the stick in my hand again and again. Each time, I skillfully dodged out of the way. It tried to intercept me when I jumped over it, but I evaded successfully

"I'm sorry, big guy, but it's just not gonna happen! You either give up and let me win, or we'll keep playing this ga—" I started before the dog collided with me in its rush for the stick.

"Polly?!" Mani exclaimed as I slammed into a solid tree trunk, the impact jolting through my body like a lightning bolt. Pain erupted in my back as I felt the rough bark scrape against my skin, a sickening crunch echoing in my ears. The world spun around me as I fought to regain my bearings, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth from biting my lip upon impact.

Gasping for breath, I struggled to push myself upright, the throbbing ache a harsh reminder of the danger these monsters posed.

[20/20 - 7 DMG = 12/20 HP]

I quickly pressed the item option, healing myself with the Nice Cream I had picked up earlier. Oddly enough, I didn't have to actually eat the items to heal; the system just allowed it, which was very convenient. The dog looked over at me with its tail wagging, picked up the stick, and ran back, eager to play again.

[12/20 + 15 HP = 20/20 HP]

Your HP Was Maxed Out!

Polly: "Haha… You knocked the wind out of me, and you still want to play?!"

Mani: "Look, Polly! Your Mercy option is ready!"

Polly: "Oh, well… Good job, buddy!"

I gave the Greater Dog a little pat, and it rolled onto its back, allowing me to spare it.

[You Won! You earned (0) EXP, (40) Gold, and (1) SP]

Polly: "Heh, each battle makes me just a little bit richer…"

Mani: "It truly is a gift that the world blesses us with money for overcoming battles."

Polly: "Yeah, definitely. Even if it's a little strange in its own right… Band is band, am I right?"

Mani: "Of course! Gold is… gold?"

Polly: "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

Mani: "... I apologize."

Polly: "I swear, I feel like I'm going to pull out a book called 'Gen Z Slang Terms for Dummies.'"

Mani: "I lack context clues to things; I apologize!"

Polly: "Haha! Don't feel sorry; I'm just joking, Mani. Hey, look! It's Papyrus and Sans over there!"

  1. This isn't canon to the actual game but the idea is to try to gain Polly's attention otherwise they/he/she normally wouldn't care to go there in the first place.