Part 1 | Segment 0.6.3 | Gauntlet of-[Redacted]...

Two buildings, standing side by side with one the left, being labeled "Shop," a simple wooden structure painted a soft blue, with icicles hanging from the roof and snow piled up against the walls. The Inn is on the right, slightly larger and with a higher roof. Both buildings are connected by a small walkway in the middle, made of the same wood, with a half snow-covered window. 

Polly: The shop it is then!

Upon entering you get met by the cozy and soft new atmosphere as if I wasn't just at there in the snow. Touching the wooden counters the hold items, armor, weapons and a sense of familiarity. I don't know… It felt fuzzy and soft. Even I don't if that's the right word for it. 

??: Hello, Traveller. How may I help you?

A voice from a lady up front sitting behind the counter. I turn to see who she looks like. A purple bunny. She wears a tank top, small necklace, and summer hat. The shop itself is a brightly lit, orange store, with shelves of materials and wares. She crosses her arms and just leans against the countertop and facial expression pointing towards me as if she was inspecting who I was for a bit. A gentle murmur, low and soothing, with a mature warmth with a hint of an Australian accent.

Polly: Oh! Uh.. Hello! I am.. Just looking for… 

I look around not sure of what to say, But she picked up the fact that I didn't yet know what I wanted.

??: Aw, That's alright, darling. 'Just take your time.

Polly: Hehe… Thanks.

??: …. It's Mina, by the way. Mina Chet. And what's your name, love?

Polly: Polly.. I don't have a last name.. At least I don't remember.

Mina: Polly, is it? Well, I haven't seen you 'round here before. 'Whereabouts are you from, love?

Polly: Uh… Further… Underground…?

I say hesitantly with both sides of my lips growing slightly into an awkward smile. She just looked up and down at me and then sighed. 

Mina: Well, sweetheart, no matter where you're from, you're welcome to pop into my shop anytime it's open. Alright, love?

Polly: T-thanks!

Mani: You sounded so nervous? Are you okay?


Polly: Well, I'm doing just PERFECT having to come up with why I'm here and where I'm from to a stranger, no less a monster for that matter.

Mani: I see… Well! Ask her if she knows how to get out of here or if she has items or armor to share for you!

Polly: let's do that, but first…


I look over to the armor and see some shin guards or helmets and Swords and weird items I can't even begin to understand. "I want that," I pointed to the Shin and the Arm Guards and they were plated with metal. And to be honest, they looked heavy. I grabbed the armors and from counter walked it over with effort as I could barely get it there. "H-here…" I said with bated breath. She just looked at me with her arms crossed as if she not buying the fact I'm going to buy it from her.

Mina: Nope. Not a chance.

Polly: I promise you it's not as heavy for me as it looks like to you.

Mina: It is, and I'm not sellin' it to you.

Polly: What happened to "The costumer is always right?"

Mina: I dunno where you heard that, but that doesn't fly here. I've got somethin' better for you anyway, love.

She goes to the back and shuffles around to look for the items.

Mina: Since you're new 'round here, I should probably let you know..

Polly: ?

Mina: In this town, there's Grillby's where he dishes up some tucker, and it's the local hangout. Then there's the library if you're keen to learn or have a read. And if you're feeling knackered, you can crash at the inn next door—my sister runs it.

After a bit of clanging from the back she comes out and sets the items out on the counter.

Polly: Um…

Mina: And if you're bored, you can always sit outside and watch those wacky skeletons carry on… There's two of 'em—brothers, I reckon. They just turned up one day and, well, made themselves at home. The town's been a lot more lively since then.

I just nodded and looked at the items, A glove glove for 50G it's a weapon: 5AT, A weird old orange Bandanna for 50G and it's armor? "7DF, It somehow has abs on it," I said. Bisicle - 15G and this heals 11 HP x2 "You can eat this twice!" Mani said. A finally something normal, A Cinnamon Bun for 25G and it Heals 22HP!

Mina: That is from my very own recipe!

Polly: I would like-

And then as I was speaking I was interrupted by Mani speaking in my ear.


Mani: Polly! You should ask her about history of this town or something! 

Polly .. You little Shi-

Mina: ?

I grabbed Mani and threw her out the door. Mina just sat there confused about the whole ordeal that just happened.

Mina: Sorry??

Polly: Uh… I have turrets? "You little shit!" haha… ahah.. Oops my silly little turrets! 

Mina: A monkey could spin a better yarn than you.

Polly: I know.. I apologize. I guess I am a bit… Tired.

Mina: Well, that's alright, love. We all have our moments.

Polly: 'R-right, thanks for understanding.

Mina: So? Anything catch your eye?

Polly: … I actually have a question. (I think I pretty much got everything I should know about the history of monsters and the war, But… Maybe understanding this town a little more won't be that bad?)

Mina: Go on, shoot, dear.

Polly: … I don't want to pry or anything but… Could you tell me a bit about Snowdin town? Like how it came to be?

Mina: The history of this town, eh? Alright, think back to your history class...

A long time ago, monsters lived in the RUINS out there in the forest.

To cut a long story short, we all decided to leave the RUINS and head for the end of the caverns. Along the way, some fuzzy folk figured they liked the cold and set up camp here in Snowdin. Oh, and don't go thinking about exploring the RUINS...

The door's been locked for ages. So unless you're a ghost or can burrow under the door, 'best forget about it.

Polly: … (This was useless information; I should've never asked)

Polly: I'll take this one.

Mina: Good choice.

I leave the shop saying goodbyes and then see Mani just sitting on the rock. Yet to notice me, it'd probably be better that way.

Mani: ... Oh! Your here now, do you manage to get what you needed? 

Polly: Yeah.. I did.

Mani: Heh… I should apologize, I just know how important it is to get into communication with monsters here and I thought you'd should get everything you can and-

Polly: Shh- You're fine, I don't care. Let's just go to the inn and rest.

Mani: Mhm! Let's go! Resting time! Resting time.

It's annoying hearing her chant like that but I guess its fine for now. I enter the building next to the shop called "Inn" a rather simple but effective name if I had to say. It had the same coziness as the last building probably because their connected. The room is small but inviting, with wooden floors and walls that give it a charming, rustic feel. Directly in front of me is a small counter where the rabbit lady innkeeper stands, ready to help… Something about her though made me feel nervous though.

To my left, a stairway leads up to the guest rooms on the second floor. The lobby is decorated with a few framed pictures, adding to its homely vibe. I notice a plush, red rug on the floor, along with a couple of comfy chairs and a low table with a vase of fresh flowers. The air is filled with the comforting scent of hot cocoa. 

??: Hello, I'm Lora! How may I help you? (I can't be bothered with this stupid job anymore!!)

Polly: I-I would like a-

Lora: (Hurry the hell up, brat!)

Polly: One room, please.

Lora: A room, ey? That'll be 80G. (Yeah, and ya better pay well too brat! Or else!!)

Polly: 80G!? 

Lora: Yes! You can stay here for a low cost of 80G! (Don't tell me this idiot is broke!)

Polly: Y'see, I can't really-

Mani: I think you meant for us to stay here for free, didn't you?

Lora: N-no? And you are?

Polly: M-Mani!? Why are you—

Mani: We are going to stay here for free, right?

Lora: … I said 80-[ Removed dialogue…] —-> [Entry New Dialogue]

Lora: You can come here and stay here for free whenever you like!

Polly: … Okay…?

Mani: Yawn! Let's get you rested!

I headed up the stairs feeling rather exhausted by the second, the energy I had earlier was no more like the caffeine boost of energy you get for while before tiredness all over again. I looked back at Lora again still feeling a bit weird about how she just suddenly sprang up and said that it was for free instead of 80G… Not that I'm complaining though. I'm not idiot, so I know something is going on but… It's not like I can do anything about it. Not while I'm drained anyway. There are 3 doors down and I chose the first one, surprisingly, there wasn't a weirdo in here. Just when I expected the unexpected it actually didn't become the unexpected! But I guess that would be contradictory though to say that. The room is relatively small with a big bed in the middle and lamplight in the shape of a cloud with a note on it written with heavy ink, "Jerry is not allowed to be here anymore. If he comes in here again, feel free to kick him out. I won't say a word about it. From Lora.

Polly: Who's Jerry?

Mani: A monster famous for being disliked by most people here.

Polly: Huh… I guess they aren't all goody to each other huh… Now that I think about it, Toriel was actually too intimidating for the others around her area to be near her. To me she just seemed like a worrisome old goat lady. 

Mani: I guess there not too much different than humans in a way.

Polly: … Well, I'm not to sure about that. I'm sure my kind doesn't just attack anyone just for existing.

Mani: Oh? So you think if these guys ever got out, that they wouldn't be at war again?

Polly: Good point.

I didn't think too much about it and took my jacket off and rested it on a desk near the door. Uncovered the soft blankets and passed out. (Not literally but you get it…Right?)