
At the summit of a forested mountain stood a small house surrounded by towering trees. Numerous crows rested on the branches of the trees scaring away other birds from their nests. Their caws echoed throughout the dirt paths sending shivers to any organism that passed by. The forest floor was covered in dead leaves that were slowly rotting away and becoming one with the soil.

In the moss-covered house, a man and his wife were tending to their son who was suffering from an unknown disease. He was very thin and his breathing was hollow, sometimes he would be gasping for air gritting his teeth as his insides felt nothing but pain and burns. 

His father couldn't forgive himself for neglecting his son when he was playing outside on that day. They always thought the area they lived in was somewhat safe. How could his son have fallen very ill unexpectedly, maybe it was the food or the constant stuffiness they felt in the atmosphere that has been gnawing at them. There were still no answers to their questions.

From his fingers to elbow on his left arm, the boy's skin was similar to rotting wood. Even his nails were succumbing to the decomposition. Before things got worse he often peeled off the dry skin which led to his mother wrapping cloth around it to stop him from doing so. "If this goes on you'll get an infection this is serious stop that!" She said little did she and her husband know that was only the beginning of a devastating outcome.

"You must drink the soup," His father cried watching his wife struggle to get the spoon into their son's mouth. The pain in his jaw made the boy reluctant to open his mouth. "Please it will help you get better!"

"This isn't going anywhere the disease is still actively spreading throughout his body we need to call an ambulance right now!"

"No! I don't want anyone to see my son in this state he will get better with the herbs I got from the Lord Founder!" The man yelled leaving his wife with a horrified expression on her face. 

"There's nothing we can do he can barely get off the bed! It's time we do something you can't hide from anyone not when our son needs help!"

"What makes you think they can do something about his condition?! Everyone will see him as a monster look at his appearance now, he's just rotting skin and bones. I'm too blame." Wrapping her arms around her husband, the wife let the tears flow down.

Their son continued coughing blood that was mixed with the soup. His mother looked at him helplessly and placed the bowl on the table beside the bed. "My t-throat is ach- The boy was cut off by another round of coughs and heavy breathing.

"I'm going outside the Lord Founder should be here soon. The herbs will end this once and for all." The man left the room, before he could turn the knob, his wife ran after him pleading to call an ambulance. Hearing that made the man's skin crawl he wanted to lock the door so his wife couldn't leave, she cried and ran back to the room sobbing.

"Don't get in my way!" Shutting the door behind him, the man ran towards the end of the dirt path, closer to sunlight. When he got there he squinted his eyes at the trail beyond where he stood and waited for the person he was expecting. Where could he be? The man thought he was getting very impatient.

Not long later, a familiar figure appeared walking towards him. The man was relieved the Lord Founder did keeps his promise. With the new type of herbs his son will definitely be cured.

"Here are the herbs." The young and tall man said, giving the light brown plants to the man, iridescent eyes shining in the sunlight. "These will cure your son's intestinal colic and tuberculosis I assume."

"Isn't this the same thing you gave me the other day?!" The man snapped clearly unsatisfied. The herbs were quite effective but he was expecting something more convincing. What more could these basic herbs do there wasn't much time left.

"Sir how is your son? I can treat him-

"Did you forget? I'm not letting anyone see my son in his current state!"

"But how is your son going to get better if no one sees his condition? If you let me take a look at him I'll be able to give you the suitable medical supplies and the treatment that he needs."

"Go away! My son is a monster to the eyes of everyone else! Thank you and goodbye." Snatching the Daio from the blonde male, the man stormed off back to his house in anger.

The blonde male narrowed his eyes at the man. In this kind of situation, people can still be ignorant when help arrives, he could only pity them.

Like last time the air was suffocating, obviously contaminated with some sort of harmful pollutant. The blonde male suspected that the source of this constricting effect on the atmosphere must be responsible for the boy's sickness. Whether his family is thankful or not, the blonde male was going to return the area to its original scenic state.

Raising his palm, the blonde male summoned a light-blue crystal that floated above him and stopped there blinking a few times. After this the forest will no longer be desolate. The family can live normally again.

Within seconds the crystal released magnetic waves that circulated throughout the area, dispersing the shadows and fragments of decay from every corner. Even the animals that had fallen ill from the contamination were immediately healed upon contact with the magnetic waves. A squirrel got up from the forest floor after lying there with aching limbs. This was an indication that the forest was healed and the blonde male was sure the family will notice this anytime now.

The young founder took one last look at the forest before walking down the trail. Leaves on the ground were swept by the wind. Everything was back to normal, the atmosphere was restored.

Observing their son desperately, the man's wife noticed changes in his condition and appearance. The dry skin was vanishing and he was no longer idle and scrawny. He opened his eyes widely and looked at his parents with a glow on his face, smiling. 

"Mom, dad I'm not tired anymore I feel energetic again. Can I go outside?"

"He has recovered!" Both parents embraced their son with tears in their eyes, the young founder had truly helped them with much sincerity. They couldn't thank him enough.