Chapter 5

Locking the gates of his shrine, Douma placed the keys in his pocket and walked down the trail with the construction workers. The third mountain was beside the heavily forested one which was the first thing people would see when they get to Paradise Shrine. This was the second mountain and Douma wondered if there would be any developments there in the future, for years it's been left unattended with a few houses in the dense forests.

"Are there any plans for the second mountain?" Douma asked the man who was in the lead. From his expression, the young founder could tell he was taken aback by his question. 

"What second mountain? You mean the one over there?" Pointing at the densely forested mountain, Douma nodded. Of course people would forget about the second mountain it was hardly ever talked about unlike the third. Some gave it other names that Douma couldn't quite recall he always referred to it as the second mountain. Maybe he had to do better with naming things.

"Funny enough, we do plan on tidying up that place a little and build some facilities there but there's just too much forest and habitats that we don't want to touch on for now."

"I think something can be done about it." To Douma, clearing the forest was easy, just a snap of his finger should do the trick, but not to the group who were now discussing about the second mountain, their least favorite topic for whatever reason. 

The man cleared his throat and snorted at the comments his team was making about the second mountain. Hearing their conversations, Douma understood why not just this group but everyone else lacked interest in the topic. Every reason was the same, too boring and far behind. Which is true, Douma completely agreed. 

"The second mountain is a chore."

"You got that right! We'll get lost in those forest before construction even starts!" 

A white dove swooped down and landed on Douma's shoulder. It greeted him with a melodic chirp. The group was shocked by its sudden appearance they thought it was another bird in the sky flying past them.

"Hey there buddy how was your day?" Douma rubbed the bird's chin as it leaned against his finger and closed its eyes in relaxation.

The workers looked at the bird in curiosity. Taking notice of this Douma stretched his arm forward to let the bird rest near his elbow instead so they could interact with it. The dove would be mistaken for a bundle of snow if it weren't for the orange beak.

"Gracious Founder the most majestic of creatures always come your way! You truly are a blessing!" 

"This dove visits me sometimes. It's been a while since we saw each other. I was starting to get a little worried." Upon hearing Douma's words the bird cooed in response, flapping its wings as a way to assure Douma that it was fine.

They continued walking down the trail towards the left where a few trucks were parked. One of the workers quickened their pace when the vehicles came to view. Douma and the crew got ready to get in the vehicles and drive off. 

While waiting Douma interacted with the dove for a while, giving it more neck rubs. It then flapped its wings indicating that it was leaving and soared to the sky, chirping at him before flying in the direction of the wind. 


"Guys I can teleport all of us to the construction site right now, free of charge." Douma grinned, he found their reactions amusing, especially the one driving the vehicle; "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" He said to which the others in the truck laughed.

"Can't say I'm surprised you can do just about anything."

"Hasu Mountains is lucky to have you. The villages would've been consumed by that Earthquake if it weren't for your powers. Just where did you come from anyway?" Now everyone was looking at him skeptically. All Douma could do was smile and sit up comfortably from being squeezed.

Before he could even answer one of them cackled so loudly all four of them in the vehicle got shocked. 

"Isn't it obvious? He's from the place everyone's been dreaming of!" 

"Oh silly me I forgot! What's it like there? Tell us!"

The truck came to a stop and everyone got out. Douma was saved from having to give an explanation that will just beat around the bush. Like he'd ever tell any person on this planet anything.

"We're here." Two more trucks were parked at the side of the road. In front of Douma was the construction site with planks of wood stacked on the floor and a few people taking down notes and discussing with the workers about the setup. Douma could guess one of them was their manager.

The area was surrounded by a forest which was expected since this was another secluded area of Hasu Mountains but it seemed busy enough to attract a lot of people since miles away was a restaurant. 

"You guys made the right choice. This place is wonderful I'm sure the people of Hasu Mountains won't have any trouble getting to the future clinic." Douma glanced at the road and trees to see if anything was amidst which seemed unlikely.

"Thank you so much Lord Douma if we need anything we'll just call you is that alright? We understand you're busy."

"It's fine I'm happy to help." Douma reassured the crew, he couldn't wait to see the new clinic. Hasu Mountains was about to have an upgrade for the greater good.

The workers bowed and proceeded to the area with the tools, materials, and equipment. A few of them had started moving the wooden planks and screws to the spot closest to an opening between the large trees.

Instinctively Douma followed after them to check that area. If they were going to start from every corner, he had to make sure the coast was clear before they can continue their progress. 

When he got to the opening of the forest, Douma paced around to observe. At first everything seemed normal until he heard a gurgling sound.

That was when Douma felt a shift in the surface of the ground. The surroundings tumbled down for a split second. Even though the ground couldn't swallow him, the effects of the starving forest floor still gnawed at his feet.

Douma looked up and saw the workers watching the scene in horror. They gathered with a few running back to the site calling for help. Two of the familiar workers dashed towards him, Douma immediately raised his hand signaling to them to stay away from the area.