Chapter 30

There was a small cave below a large tree. Douma got in and carefully placed Shinobu on the ground. Whether the storm returns or not, Douma wasn't going to let it stop him from saving his friend's life. It was only one healing since the chaos that broke out at his shrine.

"Stay with me Shinobu you're going to be alright." The thought of losing Shinobu made his stomach churn. He has never felt deeply concerned for anyone until he met Shinobu who for some reason opened up his heart to be warmer to people. It was unlikely that Douma would be so worked up because of someone he usually maintains a calm stature. The blonde didn't know what was going on with him. Perhaps this was a sign that he was moving on from his once cold and mundane state; the distrust he had towards humans, the ones who betrayed him.

Without hesitation, Douma began the healing process. Placing his palm against Shinobu's forehead the blonde waited for the bright light to emerge. When it did, he concentrated the source towards the radiating heat on the surface of her skin and waited for this ability of his to take its course. 

Once it did, Douma took his hand back and sat cross-legged on the floor waiting for Shinobu to regain consciousness. It would take a while but as long as she's healed, she'll be fine.

"I wonder if Eiko is still at the clinic, maybe I can heal her right away," If Douma could heal Eiko he would when they were at the clinic. But the nurses wouldn't let him there was nothing else he could do about it but watch Atashi's sister suffer. 

"But I can't leave Shinobu here, that would be irresponsible of me. I'm sure Eiko will be OK Reiji is a great cousin."

While waiting for Shinobu to wake up so they could start moving before nightfall, Douma decided to track down the remaining alien creatures that could still be lurking around the globe, starting with the ones in the other nations. 

Douma concentrated on the whereabout of his targets. The scene of Reiji and Eiko asking him about why he couldn't just end this nightmare replayed in his mind over and over again. Travelling through more loops another familiar scene popped up, the battle in town. This telepathic space skipped over to the part when he used his last attack followed by his mind-freezing tactic, showing the outcome which was the reign of the winter storm. 

Wait no this isn't a good idea the storm might come back. The sudden levels of worry and stress created a distortion in the telepathic space slowing down his travel. I shouldn't be afraid this storm is just a test there's a bigger issue here. Fighting off his doubts mentally, Douma managed to reach the epicenter of his internal reflection, a portal leading to a location in the human world, a forest. There were two people running away from something and Douma knew what it was.

In the blink of an eye the entire telepathic space vanished letting the new destination take over. Douma saw the two people heading to the nearest town just a few blocks away. Behind them was the alien creature growling at them it was catching up fast. 

The cave's interior started glowing as Douma relaxed and entered the alien creature's mind. Its nerves and body froze, shattering into pieces that very instant. 

He continued searching for the alien creatures' whereabouts. Every one of them met the same fate. While Douma's mission was ongoing Shinobu woke up to the bright glowing light in the cave. She saw it coming from where Douma sat which made her confused and petrified.

"What is this strange light," Shinobu looked around only to be met with total darkness from the other corners of the cave. "Did something happen to Douma?"

Instinctively, Shinobu grabbed the lying twig on the floor for defense in case Douma or this strange light attacked her out of the blue. Despite her shuffles and movements Douma didn't move an inch. The only explanation would be that he was in some sort of trance state but something still wasn't adding up Shinobu was starting to suspect him now.

Without a second thought Shinobu charged at Douma and slammed the twig into what seemed to be an invisible forcefield that ignited the twig upon impact. Shinobu fell to the ground in shock. "What was that?!"

Douma winced the bright light disappeared leaving the distinct figures of the young founder and Shinobu who were staring at each other in confusion.

"Shinobu you're awake!"

"Stay away from me Douma I know you're planning something."

"Huh?" The young founder was taken aback by what she just said. Planning something? What's she talking about?

Pointing the remains of the twig directly at him, Shinobu narrowed her eyes. "Don't play dumb. That light you were trying to-

A loud rumble echoed in the sky. Spirals of cold wind coated the atmosphere with extremely low temperatures. Even though Shinobu's forcefield kept her warm she could still sense the sheer cold forming outside the cave.

"It seems my telepathy has once again awoken the storm." Douma watched the leaves flying around uncontrollably with frost forming on their surface.

"You're communicating with someone?" Shinobu tried to sound as calm as possible surely he didn't know she attacked him.

"No I was getting rid of the remaining aliens," The pieces of the twig on the floor caught his attention but he decided to brush it off Shinobu must've been terrified when she woke up. "But when I got to the first location in Japan which I'm assuming is the nearest to where we are because of the aura's density, I saw some creepy images of a house and its residents with those alien creatures in the background. Those flashes snapped me out of my telepathic thoughts it was unsettling."

Hearing what Douma said made Shinobu want to curl up in a ball and forget about all that's happened. It was starting to feel draining they don't seem to be getting anywhere.

"The good news is, the only aliens left are the ones in Japan. I'm certain we've gotten rid of most of them." Douma smiled at Shinobu who looked away fearfully.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing don't scare me like that." 

Douma chuckled. "Sorry about that Shinobu, I promise that won't happen again." It was amusing seeing Shinobu grumpy it reminded the blonde of an angry cat.

"Yeah right." There was something Shinobu had been meaning to ask him.

"Hey Douma, how are you able to read minds?"

Not this again. How am I going to explain the entire concept to her in the simplest way possible? I guess I'll try.

Clearing his throat, Douma tried to put on a serious demeanor. Shinobu could tell he was struggling to come up with a logical explanation. 

"You see I'm not actually reading your mind. When things get quiet I sometimes enter the 'Space of Possibilities' where I can hear your thoughts they're like echoes. This doesn't just apply to humans. It's an ability of mine. I'm not deliberately reading your mind I just happen to hear your thoughts in that space. But if you want me to read your mind I can too even without your permission." 

Shinobu stared at Douma still unable to process some of the things he said. Space of Possibilities? What on Earth is that? Not reading people's minds entirely but is able to anyway? That's still a mind reader! No matter how he tries to sugarcoat it Shinobu would never let anyone delve into her thoughts like that! 

"No thanks I'm good." Shinobu was getting the ick from the idea of Douma trying to possibly read her mind right now.

"I'm not that mean."

"Are you sure about that I don't trust that smile of yours."

Douma huffed in annoyance. "Maybe that's why nobody smiles at you."

"What do you mean?!"

"I didn't see anyone smiling at you today. Well you don't trust my smiles so I guess you're not getting the blessing." 

Shinobu hissed in anger. "Of course nobody was smiling today we were attacked by giant bugs what did you expect?"

"Bla bla bla."

Ugh he's so annoying! How did the people in the mountains deal with this unbearable leader of theirs he's getting on my nerves! Looking away Shinobu thought the best solution would be to avoid any sort of eye contact with Douma, that way he won't say anything ridiculous.

"Avoiding me I see. Well it's getting dark see you around."

"Hey wait for me! Are you seriously going to leave me here in this forest?"

"I thought you were avoiding me." Douma pouted.

"N-no I-I was just giving you s-some space." 

Raising his brow, Douma let out a laugh and got out of the cave. Shinobu slowly followed behind him making sure there were no bugs or animals crawling on them they were in the cave for quite a while.

"There's got to be a town around here somewhere." Douma looked at every corner to see if there was any sign of civilization in this area.

Shinobu looked up at the sky. Her heart raced when she noticed the sky getting dim. The cold wasn't helping either, it made the hair behind her neck stand from her worries.

Both of them continued walking hoping to see someone along the way that could help them. In fact Shinobu found something a little odd.

"Can't you just fly us to the nearest inn or something?"

"Oh I'd love to but it's not wise."

That's strange. Douma could just fly it was easier why was he so reluctant to do so? This has been bugging Shinobu ever since they left Hasu Mountains. Truthfully she forgot about it but nevertheless Douma who had all the powers anyone could think of wasn't using them.

"But it'll make our journey faster."

"A flying Shinobu would raise a lot of questions," Douma responded. "If I turn you invisible it'll work but there are consequences if you're invisible over a certain period of time. You never hear anything about a human turning invisible right? Well humans weren't granted that power and I can give you an explanation that would make the most sense."

Shinobu eagerly waited for that answer. She wasn't sure if it was entirely believable since Douma could just be making excuses not to use his powers for whatever reason. Sight-seeing probably it must be boring to stay in the shrine for so long.