A couple of vehicles came to a stop beside the plains a few miles away from the city. Both Mr Oshiro and Kurai got out of the truck and eyed the colosseum. The destination of importance for this mission.
Mr Oshiro took out two blade-looking weapons from his pocket. Kurai nodded and watched Mr Oshiro testing out the weapons' sharpness.
Shinobu and Yushiro got out of the truck too. "This place is beautiful." The violette took in her surroundings, mesmerized by the scenic view of the city along with the colosseum.
The man holding the two weapons approached Shinobu and Yushiro with a confident smile. "These are for the both of you. Handle them with care." He said as they took the weapons from his hand and stared at their interior perplexed.
"Free weapons huh? This mission just keeps getting better and better." Yushiro commented.
Kurai stepped forward with a serious expression. "This isn't some ordinary mission young man. It's a life and death situation. One that you volunteered to be a part of. There's no going back now."
"But you agreed to take us in."
"That is true. However, it's important that you stick with us and not wander about. Not when the enemy is lurking."
Mr Oshiro demonstrated the methods of using the weapons he gave them temporarily, mixed with a few tactics and tricks for them to take note of.
While Shinobu was pressing the button at the side of the metallic dagger-like weapon to release its blade, she saw a Ferrari 412 heading in their direction.
The car elegantly drifted to the side before coming to a stop. The driver lowered their windows and waited for Mr Oshiro and Kurai to acknowledge this pristine arrival.
Shinobu widened her eyes when she recognized the driver of the car.
Hold on she's the woman who gave me a ride home that night. The violette remembered the first time she met the woman back at the road along the forest where she and Douma encountered Nebulas who caused the accident that was under investigation.
Mr Oshiro and Kurai discussed the plans with the woman who lowered her shades once all the details had been explained. "To the hotel you say?" Her voice sounded like a bold lioness'.
Shinobu and Yushiro looked up at Mr Oshiro who informed them about the hotel they'll be staying at. It was around twenty minutes away from the city, the rest of the team will catch up with them later.
The woman in the car winded up the window and waited for Shinobu and Yushiro to hop in. She recognized the violette walking towards the car. "Come now." She told them as they opened the doors of the gorgeous vehicle and got in with excitement. Knowing the trip to the hotel was going to be phenomenal given the comfortable environment they were sitting in.
As Shinobu and Yushiro closed the doors, they saw another person sitting beside the woman. Another teenager who looked to be working with them on this mission. He leaned against his seat, observing the woman tweaking the buttons of the radio that played some harmonious music.
Once they were all ready, the car took off down the road leading back to the city that the woman came from. Mr Oshiro and Kurai watched as the car disappeared from view.
"Do you trust them with those weapons sir?" Kurai asked Mr Oshiro who checked his watch.
"They'll be fine. If you think about it, they're not the ones doing the fighting. It's just for self-defense." Mr Oshiro replied.
Kurai scratched his head. Unconvinced by how Mr Oshiro was taking it a bit too lightly but he tried not to think about it too much.
On the other hand, they were missing someone important.
And it seems that someone had already arrived.
"How's everyone doing! It's been a... day I guess?"
Mr Oshiro and Kurai turned around and saw Douma approaching them from the bushes at the corner.
"Great at least we don't have to start running in circles just to find one person in this city!" Crossing his arms, Mr Oshiro took out his notebook containing all the information he needed about the three weapons and Ryukushu's plan.
"So did you find anything useful?" He asked the blonde condescendingly.
Douma could tell Mr Oshiro was picking on him because of his laxed attitude. Why were they so pressed? He was just greeting them. Sure, the bad guys were on the lose but not everything has to be dull and serious.
"Well I've been searching for more information regarding the location of the three gladiators' weapons. I spoke to a chef about it. He told me about the history of the three gladiators and their battles in the colosseum. Ryukushu wanting to get a hold of their possessions and resurrecting them isn't surprising anymore. They're just as cold blooded as he is."
Kurai scratched his chin, processing everything the blonde shared with them. A chef? He must know a lot which is impressive. I mean he's a local so of course he'd have plenty of stories to share.
"Yeah we did some digging too. Since Ryukushu wants to revive his own rulings again then I'm not surprised if he's looking for underdogs to help him with that. We need to be on the lookout. Besides his henchmen I'm afraid he's probably going to deploy more reinforcements that will act as a surprise for us." Instead of taking down notes on his notebook, Mr Oshiro kept it and paced around the spot. Thinking of a way to reduce the number of threats surrounding them.
Douma glanced at the colosseum further away and recalled everything the chef told him about the gladiators and the reasons they were feared. If Ryukushu grants them powers the situation could get ugly. We can't let him resurrect them at all costs. Preventing him from getting those weapons is already hard enough.
Mr Oshiro looked up at the bright blue sky. "Shinobu and Yushiro have to make sure they arrive at the meeting point on time within the next few days. These meetings are important we can't afford to have anyone missing or roaming around the city without supervision." The man wearing glasses immediately took out his phone to contact the rest of the team.
The blonde's face lit up upon hearing Mr Oshiro's words. "Shinobu's here too? Where is she-"
"We have some important matters to discuss so pay attention. As much as possible we should always stick with the team unless we're required to split up." Mr Oshiro pressed, his voice demanding because this statement needed to be heard clearly.
Disappointed by the fact that he wouldn't be able to see Shinobu anytime soon nor did he know where she was, Douma reluctantly stood there and forced himself to listen to Mr Oshiro's instructions even though he already did as much as he could to bring the team further in this matter.
At the same time, these details were likely to stand out should they find themselves in a tricky situation. So it was worth hearing, hence Douma pushed his despair aside and paid attention to everything Mr Oshiro had to say for now.