Chapter 38: Dog

Lord Eddard Stark

The Shy Maid was a small boat, barely big enough for the seven people who now used it as a residence. Apart from Ned, himself, there was Haldon a Half Maester from the citadel, what he'd done to be removed before becoming a full Maester, Ned was not sure of, and he was not sure he wanted to know. Then there was Serra, who masqueraded as a Septa, but he knew her, had known her in Harrenhal, and her appearance here was something that was quite odd, but not as odd as one might think. They had been friends, and slowly and surely they had progressed back to that. Then there was Ser Rolly Duckfield who held a White Cloak for services served to the King, there was Jon Connington, a grizzled man, devoted to the King, and someone who Ned had known slightly before the war, they did not like one another. Then there was the King himself, tall, muscular where his father had been lithe, the King had silver hair, and purple eyes, and a confident manner. They were the band who were to restore dragons to Westeros, and Ned did not know where he fit in. The King had deigned to speak with him as they moved across the water.

"So, Lord Stark, I trust you are not finding your presence here to be odd." The King says with an easy manner, just like his father.

"No, of course not Your Grace, the boat has been most comfortable for me, and as such has allowed me time to think." Ned replies honestly.

The King smiles at this. "Has it now? And tell me, what has it given you time to think of?"

Ned hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to exactly phrase what he has thought, and so he says it as it comes to him. "I feel that I owe you an apology, though I am not sure why. I did what I needed to do during the rebellion for my family's survival, I am not sure that I could have done anything differently, but I do believe that there are some things that I would like confirming."

The King looks amused by his words, something Ned finds quite aggravating, but he keeps his patience and allows the King to say. "And what exactly might that be?"

Ned swallows nervously. "I know now that the plan of which the Spider spoke to me during the dying days of the rebellion came to fruition, but I must ask, where precisely is your sister? If you survived surely she did as well?"

The King hesitates for a moment, as if he is unwilling to answer that question, but then, the man smiles once more. "Ah, yes, Rhaenys, sweet dear Rhaenys, she has asked for a chance to go exploring, to strengthen our connections to the seven kingdoms. And as such, I saw no reason not to allow her to."

The answer should soothe his concerns, but they do little to actually do that, and so he asks. "And where precisely has she gone Your Grace, if you do not mind me asking?"

"You would question your King?" Jon Connington asks angrily.

"Peace Jon, Lord Stark is allowed to ask, he has a right to know." The King responds peacefully. "Right now, if I am right, she should be heading toward Dorne, to meet with our uncle, to remind him of our bonds. I do believe that there might have been some issue regarding a betrothal with a Lannister."

That surprises Ned, a Martell and Lannister betrothal? He could not see how, and then it hits him. "The Imp."

"My lord?" the King asks curiously.

"The Imp will no doubt be the one responsible for any such betrothal. He knows Dorne is a threat, and as such will be trying desperately to sort that out." Ned explains. He hesitates for a moment and then asks. "What of your aunt and uncle, why have you not tried to seek them out?"

At this the King looks quite uncomfortable, and it is Jon Connington who speaks. "We have been trying to raise the King and his sister away from the glare of the public eye. Prince Viserys and his siblings were very much exposed to the public, especially the wrath of Robert Baratheon. We needed time to allow the King and his sister to grow."

"So you left his uncles and aunt out there in the cold?" Ned asks coldly. "I knew you for many things Lord Connington, but I did not think you were a coward."

Connington bristles. "How dare you Stark! I was not the one who forgot his oath of allegiance. I did not forget who and what I was, and who I owed my place to."

Before Ned can speak, the King intercedes. "Enough! We are not here to fight amongst ourselves, we are here to discuss where and how we should approach the Seven Kingdoms." There is a pause as Connington takes a deep breath and nods, whilst Ned also relaxes slightly. Once the King seems convinced that neither of them are going to explode, he speaks once more. "Now, Lord Stark, you have been in Westeros recently, where would be the most secure region to land?"

Ned considers the question put before him and then responds. "Traditionally I would say the crownlands, they have always been loyalist to the Targaryens, however, given recent events, I am not sure that would be a smart idea. I would have to say the Riverlands, though again, it does depend on what sort of army you have." That last comes out as a question and is answered as such.

"We are heading toward Volon Therys, the Golden Company is sat there waiting for us. We shall use them, and their skill, and from there we shall move. The Riverlands would make the most sense I do believe. Especially with your own son being there." The King acknowledges.

Ned nods, not voicing just how worried he is about Robb and all that is to come.