Chapter 49: Fuck Da

Benjen Stark

King's Landing was an interesting city, it adapted, changed, mutated, to suit the needs of the people who were inhabiting it. It was a fascinating process, and something he would have observed with more fascination and detail, if he were not busy in his new role. Stannis Baratheon sat on his throne uneasily, and Benjen, as master of whispers, was responsible for providing the King with information. Whether that information was completely accurate, was another thing. After all, what was he without some fun. The Stag King had his red whore as well, and the red knights, King's Landing was starting to crumble as well, and he was watching this with much attention.

The council was shorthanded, there was Benjen, Renly, back in his role as master of laws and looking worse for wear after his time with the Lannisters, there was Alester Florent, Hand of the King, a man who was a fool nonetheless. And then there was Baelish, the master of coin, a snake Benjen planned on removing himself. The King's voice was grim and determined when he spoke. "We are facing an enemy on two fronts, if reports from Dragonstone are true. There is a Targaryen pretender on my home, and he is threatening invasion. Benjen, what more do you know about this."

Benjen takes a moment to consider all the information he has gotten from his spies, and then he responds. "It seems that Aemon Targaryen has brought with him an army of Dothraki screamers and unsullied. How he managed to get this disparate army across the sea, I do not know. But one thing is for certain, they are completely loyal to him."

"It is interesting that this boy commands such loyalty from savages. Is it true that he had the whole of Astapor sacked and broken for a comment made about his sister?" Baelish asks, something twinkling in his eyes.

Benjen sees no point in sugar coating the truth, and so he nods. "Yes, that is true. Any rumours of his dragons being nothing but fiction, should have been removed by their sighting in the bay. They are a very real threat."

The King looks contemplative then, and Benjen notes that his hours spent with the red woman are growing and worsening his appearance. "How long before they move for the capital?" is the question that comes from the man's mouth.

Benjen thinks for a moment and then responds. "I would say a moon at most. They are scouting the area now, and preparing for any sort of siege or bombardment."

The King mutters something inaudible to himself, and Benjen wonders if he is thinking of the red woman, eventually, the man turns to his brother and asks. "How many men can we raise to defend the capital?"

Benjen sees Renly thinking over the calculations in his head, and he finds himself wondering whether his friend and sometime lover will stay true to their plan as well. Eventually, the man says. "We have enough men in the capital, with the red knights and the Stormlords to be able to hold the capital. The people of the city will not like it, but it will do."

Taking his cue from Renly, Benjen speaks once more. "There is one more thing, I thought I would bring to your attention Your Grace."

"And? What is it?" Stannis asks sharply.

"The faith is growing more and more agitated with the presence of the Red Knights, and they are stirring up discontent amongst the people of the city. They accuse them of harbouring ideas above their station. The burning of the Godswood did not do many things for your image." Benjen states.

Stannis snorts. "The Red Knights follow my order. They will not do anything without my command. I have already told them the Great Sept is out of bounds."

"That has not been enough Sire." Benjen reports, fighting hard against the impatience he feels. "The Red Knights are men, just as you and I are, they might be devoted to you, but they also have urges."

"What does that mean?" Stannis asks, his voice rising.

Benjen takes a sip of water, takes a breath, then responds. "What it means Sire, is that they are raping and looting from the Faith and the ordinary citizen and doing it in your name. They hide their crimes from the eye of the law, through placing the blame on other citizens. That is creating resentment."

The King looks completely stunned by this, his voice is soft and strained when he replies. "I shall speak with them and their commanders about this."

"You would do well to speak with the Faith as well, to reassure them of their safety." Benjen suggests.

Stannis nods, and then Baelish speaks. "There has been another emissary from the Iron Bank Sire, they are requesting that the first payment of the loan be made before the year is out."

Benjen hides a smirk behind his hand, he sees Renly doing the same. There is very little money left in the treasury, the Lannisters took most of it with them, what little there was. The King has had to rely on the goodwill of the lords of the crownlords, through force. He can hear the strain in the King's voice when he asks. "And do we have the funds for that?"

Benjen is not surprised when he hears Baelish nod in assent. "Yes Your Grace, we do, just about." More than likely the man swindled some poor woman out of her earnings, Benjen keeps silent on that though, and adds Baelish's name to the list.

Stannis then looks at him and asks. "How goes your search for the eunuch? Have you find anymore leads as to where the man might have gone?"

Benjen shakes his head, and says truthfully. "I do not know where the spider has gone my King. I have looked and searched everywhere, but nothing I have found has turned up anything of use. The man has for all intents and purposes disappeared." Stannis grunts in acknowledgement, and the meeting comes to an end, Benjen knows there are some things he needs to do, but perhaps he shall leave them for later.