Chapter 51: Torture

Jon Snow

There was pain and there was darkness. Jon Snow, did not know what the difference was anymore. He barely remembered the fighting that had led to him being here, wherever here was. He did not know what had happened, all he knew was that Ghost was wounded, was crying out for help, and there was pain, so much pain. They wanted something from him, what they wanted he did not know, he did not care, he merely wanted to sleep, to sleep and never wake up again. Forget the war, forget the pain, he just wanted to sleep, and rest. But something was stopping him, an image of Arya was there, his little sister, he could not fail her, not like father had. But there was so much pain.

The door opens, and he flinches slightly as the light enters, a figure stands before him, dressed in black, smoke billowing off of them. "Jon Snow." The figure says, its voice soft and husky. "Do you know why I have come?"

Jon shakes his head and feels a splinter of pain. "No." he says, a lie, he knows full well why they have come, but this game has become his only way to retain sanity.

The figure tuts disapprovingly. "I was not aware you were taught how to lie, Jon. That is most disappointing. But not unexpected. I suppose we begin again." Something is pulled out, and Jon flinches involuntarily, he does not mean to, but memory is a hard thing to forget. The figure takes a breath, then speaks. "Tell me where your brother plans on heading. Is he moving toward the Rock, or somewhere else?"

"I do not know." Jon lies, he knows damned well where Robb is going, and how, but he will not say.

The figure sighs. "Do we have to play this game again Jon? We both know that you know the answer to this question, so why do you persist in lying?" a moment's silence and then the figure asks again. "Where is your brother going?"

"I do not know." Jon responds.

The figure sighs. "Very well." Something is drawn out and placed against his fingers, cold steel, he grits his teeth as the thing tightens its hold on him. The thing squeezes his fingers until he wants to scream, then the pressure is relieved, and the figure asks. "Where is your brother going? How many men does he have? How is he going to get there?"

"I do not know." Jon lies again. The figure does not even sigh this time, instead, they press the cold steel against his fingers and tighten and tighten. He grits his teeth to stop himself from screaming, but the pain is too much, just as he whimpers, the pressure stops.

The figure changes tack this time, asking about something closer to home. "Tell me Jon, do you know what has happened at Winterfell?"

"No." Jon replies, though he knows this as well.

"Your home has been taken over by traitors. They professed loyalty and then crossed over onto the wrong side. Do you know why?" the figure asks, the press of steel tentatively on his fingers.

"I do not know why." Jon responds, though he does, treason and lies, all the Ryswells and Dustins are good for.

"Because your brother forgot the most important thing about war. And that is keeping your allies happy. Your soldiers pleased and full. He forgot that, and now the north bleeds, and Benjen Stark sides with Stannis. Do you think that is right?" the figure asks, steel tightening on his fingers.

"No…." Jon gasps, the pain growing worse. "I do not."

The pain lessens as the steel is removed. "Good. You are learning. Tell me Jon, do you want to be gone from here?"

The steel moves to another place, his face he thinks. "Yes." He gasps.

"Then tell me what I want to know, and you can go." The figure replies tauntingly.

"I do not know anything." Jon responds, the steel cuts into his cheek, and blood pours down, his head is pounding with pain. "How can I tell you something that I do not know?"

The steel cuts deeper into his cheek. "Come now Jon, you are your brother's most trusted advisor. You have said so yourself. So tell me, why are you lying to me?"

Steel digs in deeper, and he can feel bone underneath the blade, panic begins to set in. "I do not know anything. What happened to my direwolf?"

The figure laughs. "You are trying to drive a hard bargain are you then, Snow? Ah I see you are learning. Alas, I cannot tell you that until you tell me what your brother's plans are?"

Jon feels like screaming, his vision fades and blurs, suddenly he is a wolf and there are rods poking him, drawing blood, he screams then. "I do not know!" he howls. "Please, make it stop!"

"Tell me what I want to know and this will all stop." The figure whispers, slithering around him.

"Do you promise?" Jon asks pitifully.

"Yesssss." The figure whispers.

Jon takes a deep breath. He prays for forgiveness. "He will be going to the Rock…. He wants to make a statement."

"You see, that was not so hard, now was it." The figure replies. Before Jon can respond, the door opens and the figure speaks to someone else, the atmosphere in the room changes after that. The figure comes back to him, steel pressing against his chest and his cheek. "You lied."

Fear cuts deeper than steel. "No! I swear I didn't." Jon says, hating how much like a beggar he sounds.

"I gave you a chance and you threw it back in my face." The figure responds, sounding more disappointed than angry. "I am sorry Jon, but this is the end."

"No please, I will do anything, anything!" he begs.

The figure walks away and from a distance, Jon hears the figure say. "Gregor is your master now." Jon screams then, as the blows come, as his trousers fall, and he loses control.