Chapter 22: My Sweet Cherry Pie

Not too much later a thoroughly showered and shagged trio headed down to the kitchen, upon arriving they were promptly ushered into the dining room by Winky who told them she could not work with so many people in the kitchen.

Entering they found Molly halfway down the table talking to Fleur with Bill sitting beside them staring off into nothing. Harry assumed it must be party or more likely Wedding plans if listening to his girls talk were any indication. Ron sat at the far end of the table with a Butterbeer and a plate full of bangers, mash, bacon and eggs. That he could smell from the far end of the room had liberal amounts of garlic salt sprinkled over the top. Hermione looked at him and seemed to get almost physically ill when her gutter-mind kicked in and she understood the implications.

And sitting at the close end of the table near the kitchen, was Gabrielle. Ginny leaned in and whispered something in the little girl's ear and she turned and gave the redhead a hug eliciting a curious look from Bill. Hermione just smiled knowing Ginny was being congratulated for finally telling Harry she loved him, and getting a proper shagging in the process. Ron looked daggers at the four of them smiling and flirting before returning his eyes to his plate.

Sitting down beside the smaller girl they all began talking in hushed tones, Gabrielle was physically restraining herself from jumping into his lap. He happened to be sitting beside her though, as part of a ploy on the part of his girlfriends.

She dropped her hand in his lap and caught her breath before leaning in and whispering in his ear. "Harry? May I give you ze Birthday Present after breaking the fast?" She asked him letting her tongue just touch his flesh.

Harry shivered and his eyes flew to Bill, who thankfully was looking at his Mum. He turned his head as he placed his own hand on her thigh beneath the table. "I think that can be arranged, but I have work to do today." He whispered back.

The little girl nodded and soon the usual fare was placed before them. However Harry noticed a shake similar to the one Ron had yesterday sitting in front of him, next to his orange juice. "What's this?" He asked Hermione.

"Um," She said quietly, trying not to be overheard by the adults in the middle of the table. "Ron always ate enough for three men, you don't have that problem. And there is nothing wrong with…" She looked down the table again. "The taste, but you never know if it could be better." She winked at him and he nodded, having tasted it himself. "I also had Winky brew some Virility and Endurance potions. I hope the smoothie tastes okay with just trace amounts added to it. That is why I included the orange juice. To wash it down just in case."

Harry eyed the glass speculatively, not noticing the evil glare Ron sent him from the other end of the table as he picked up and drained his Butterbeer. "Well, Gryffindor Courage and all that." Harry said and took a large swallow.

"Hey not too bad. I can taste a bit of potiony ick, but it's bearable. Why doesn't Madame Pomfrey do this?" He asked, already having heard the answer in the past.

"Because if the potions tasted good people would take them when they didn't need them, Harry I think you have spent enough time in the hospital wing to know that by now." Hermione said primly.

"Yeah, I just think it's sexy when you use your lecture tone." Harry said directing his emerald green eyes at her. Hermione nearly fell out of her chair but luckily Ron seemed to be suddenly choking at the other end of the table. So no one noticed.

Nobody seemed to have a clue what to do so Harry quickly got out of his chair and raced behind Ron. Placing his hands beneath the boys ribcage he pulled up and in three times before a piece of banger flew across the room.

There was applause from the rest of the table. "Ronald you should know to slow down eating by now dear, the food isn't going to run away." Molly said as she got up and hugged Harry. "Thank you for saving him Harry. What on earth was that you did?"

"It's called the Heimlich Maneuver Mrs. Weasley." Hermione said. "What I wonder is where Harry learned it?"

"I had to play lifeguard for Dudley when he went swimming. Never got to swim myself but the Dursley's sent me through CPR training which included Basic First Aid." He shrugged. Not noticing the sad look in Bill's eyes when he realized the horrible childhood the Boy-Who-Lived must have had.

Pulling himself from those thoughts Bill smiled at Ickle Ronnikens, "Looks like you owe him a life debt now too Ronny. That makes it half the family." Ron's face grew dark and he stormed out of the room. "What's with him?" Bill asked looking at the other teenagers. Only then did he notice that Hermione had draped a hand on Harry's shoulder directly opposite his midget doing the same thing. He glanced over at Fleur who had a knowing look in her eyes and he groaned.

"Mine 'as broken up with Ronald temporarily." Gabrielle said trying to hide a grin. Fleur smiled at her sister and Bill dropped his head to the table with a loud thwack trying to clear out thoughts of a foursome that included his sister.

Fleur whispered in his ear, "Be 'appy for zem my William, you are not the complaint when I bring my best friend to bed weeth us, Non?" He just shook his head, he didn't actually find anything wrong with the situation, he just did not want the pictures that were in his head at the moment.

"I'm fine, just bad thoughts." He whispered back earning him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry it isn't working out dear." Molly said oblivious to the conversation on the other side of the table. "He will be fine, it has only been a week or so since you began dating." Molly said wisely. Hermione and Harry nodded in sync as they hoped she was right. Bill noticed and dropped his head to the table again with a loud thwack.

"Bill did you get enough sleep last night?" Molly asked him.

His eyes went wide before he realized she was not referring to his sleeping arrangements, meaning Gabrielle was not sharing her room with his fiance. "Uh, that must be it mum, Apparation lag and all that." She just nodded and looked at her daughter.

"And how are you and Harry doing dear?" She asked with smiling eyes. It was apparent that something had changed between them once again; her little girl was in love for the first time.

"Wonderful mum, thank you for asking." She kissed him quickly on the lips causing him to blush, and Gabrielle nearly lunged toward him. Hermione had noticed and luckily had placed a restraining hand on the girls shoulder.

"It is so nice to see young love when so much sadness is happening in the world." Molly said tearing up a bit. "Well I am off to the kitchen to help out with your party preparations dear. When are the guests arriving again?" She asked getting up.

Hermione spoke up, "The parchments were timed in pairs about 5 minutes apart, and they should start arriving at about eleven this morning."

"Very well dear, I trust you ladies can handle it? Though I don't like that they will be traipsing through my kitchen… Sorry dear, Harry's kitchen." She corrected her self.

"Molly while you are here you may think of it as your kitchen…" He paused, "That is if you can get it away from Winky." He finished eliciting laughter from those who had met the little elf.

Harry closed his eyes and sought out his connection to the wards on Number 12. He then designated a Portkey drop off point in the Sitting Room on the first floor rather than the back garden. Bill felt the change in the wards with his hyper alert senses. "Harry what did you just do?" He asked with wide eyes.

Harry looked at him confused. "I just moved Portkey traffic from the back garden into the Sitting Room, Why? And how did you know that?" He asked.

"Practice Harry, years of Curse Breaking gave me a sixth sense for wards and traps. I felt the wards shift and had no clue what was going on." He said still staring at the boy.

Harry shrugged, "Makes sense I guess, if you don't learn quickly you probably don't come back."

"Yeah I lost a few apprentices that way, luckily all of them are alive, just missing a limb or two." Bill shivered as he looked at Fleur. "I'm glad my current one decided to stick around." He smiled at her.

"But Harry, you should be flat on your back at the very least. Changing the wards like that, even with an old family Ward stone, should have wiped you out until at least lunch time!"

Harry shrugged again. "I read that somewhere but Dumbledore watched me set the Apparation point the first time and didn't say anything. I wonder what the old man is playing at this time…" Harry trailed off.

Molly stuck her head back in from the kitchen, "Now Harry, I am sure he is not 'playing at' anything. He has a century of experience on anyone in this room and you should respect his decisions."

Hermione and Ginny bristled, Gabrielle noticed and tried to rise to his defense as well but was again restrained by Hermione. Harry spoke quickly to calm them down. "Molly, the Headmaster has admitted to me more than once, that he has made mistakes with concern to my well being for the last sixteen years. I do respect the man for what he has done and what he stands for. But I will not blindly listen to him anymore." This was his first public declaration of independence from Dumbledore and took everyone, including the girls, by surprise.

Molly bristled at his tone, and nearly laid into him with a normal redhead rant. But she seemed to shrink a bit as she thought about the skinny boy who showed up in rags every year at the Burrow. And reminded herself that he was an adult now.

"Alright Harry, I'm sorry. I grew up in a time when he could do no wrong, and I still see him that way. But I understand your point. Thank you for explaining it to me, and I am glad you still respect him." She sniffed a bit before disappearing back into the kitchen.

Everyone sat stunned for a moment, even Harry. He was expecting her to forbid him from seeing her daughter and pack them all up and head back to the Burrow. Anything but quiet acceptance, and even an apology!

Bill stared at the kitchen door, which was still swinging back and forth on its hinges. "Who was that and where is my mother?" He asked looking at Ginny. "What the hell was that? Mum has never apologized like that unless she was proven wrong beyond the shadow of a doubt, and even then she has held onto grudges. What on earth did you do to her?" He asked her with accusing eyes, but a bit of a smile tugging on his lips.

Ginny smiled at him, "I think it was Sirius actually." She said but was interrupted.

"Sirius Black, last owner of this house, accused and escaped Mass Murder suspect Sirius Black?" he asked in shock.

"The very same, at his Will reading…" She pulled Harry to her and wrapped her arms around him eliciting a smile.

"Thank you Gin." He said hugging her.

"Ehem?" Bill interrupted them.

"Sorry," Ginny said with no trace of apology, "Anyway at his Will reading he singled Mum out and told her she needed to recognize that he was an adult now, that he had been through things that most adults never will. I think she extended that to the rest of us. Haven't you noticed she hasn't complained once about your hair?"

He nodded thoughtfully, "I noticed, but I had no idea it was like that. You know I bet we could even get Charlie to come back for a visit." He said lost in thought.

Harry was confused. "What do you mean? I thought Charlie was in Romania to study Dragons?"

Bill smiled at him, Ginny looked confused. "All right midget, I will tell you this but you can never reveal it to Mum or Dad." He stated looking into her eyes. She nodded and he leaned across the table conspiratorially.

"Charlie likes Dragons, he is even good at his job. But when he chose that career, he did it specifically to get as far away from Mum as possible." He said winking at her.

"Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense now!" Ginny exclaimed. "She seemed to disapprove of everything he did besides making prefect and being on the house team." She said trying to remember it all.

Bill nodded again, "He said he loved us all, but he could not stay in England and be babied for the rest of his life, so he off and moved to Romania." Bill began laughing.

Ginny got an evil look on her face suddenly, "I wonder where he got the idea to move so far away from home?" Bill suddenly froze and turned his face slowly toward her.

"I have no idea what you are implying Gin, I refuse to patronize you with an answer to that question." He said giving her a significant look. She just shrugged and smiled at him.

"If I learned anything from the Twins its how to keep secrets about people. Blackmail does wonders for a person after all." She grinned at him as he paled.

"You wouldn't!" He half shouted eyeing the doorway nervously for any sign his mother was listening.

"Of course not Billy, you're my favorite brother after all." She smiled like the cat that caught the canary.

"Not to interrupt or anything," Hermione interrupted with a smile. As everyone looked at her quietly they heard the Grandfather clock in the sitting room across the hall chime ten times. "But we have just under an hour to finish our party preparations upstairs. Come along you three, Ginny is helping me and I am sure Gabrielle can keep you entertained Harry."

As they all got up and walked out the door they heard another loud thwack as Bill's head hit the table once more.

*************************SFTP*********************** **

Heading up the stairs Gabrielle had taken Harry's hand as soon as they were out of site of the others and was holding onto him for all she was worth. He just smiled and squeezed her hand, which was small enough to fit perfectly inside his own.

Once they were on the top floor the girls shooed them into Harry's room telling him they had decorating to do and did not want to bore him. He kissed Ginny goodbye, and as he kissed Hermione Gabrielle looked at the redhead who nodded and smiled, before she dragged him out of the room.

"A sickle she shags him?" Ginny asked as the door closed.

Hermione nodded, "I'll take that bet, I think he will hold out without one of us to, uh, help him along."

Ginny nodded in reluctant agreement. "Winner joins them next time?" She asked earning a predatory glance from Hermione. "I can accept that, as much fun as it would be. Harry is only human, and I don't think he could handle all three of us." She said shrugging. "I still want to watch though." To which Ginny nodded her agreement. They got to work hanging streamers and blowing up balloons. All the Muggle way since they were not of age and Hermione refused to ask the Elves to help no matter that she accepted them as Harry's employees.

Meanwhile Gabrielle locked the door before she launched herself at Harry wrapping her arms and legs around him as she kissed him passionately. Harry backed up and blindly found his way to the bed where he sat down. Enjoying every second of the kiss, and every curve of her body. Finally he broke for air wondering how the little girl held her breath for so long. She stood up and pulled her blouse over her head revealing a lacy black bra that supported more than it hid anything. He stared in wonder at the C-cup sized breasts that somehow did not look out of place on her otherwise petite frame. She stood about five and a half foot tall but was mostly legs, meaning that when standing next to him their waists were just about even in height. Her hair was corn-silk blonde but shone silver when the light hit her just right, and her eyes were blue topaz.

She brought him out of his thoughts when she spoke. "You like what you see Master?" She asked as she slowly pulled down the zipper on the side of her skirt.

His mouth and throat were suddenly very dry. "Uh… very much… please don't call me master okay?" He asked her.

She shook her head. "Non Harry, I am le docile. I am like to dominate but to be submissive is mon desir de coeurs. My hearts desire." She said quietly to him as her skirt fell to the floor.

"Gabrielle I know what you told me, but I don't even own my house elves, I won't let them call me master, I can't let you. I don't want to own you." He said fighting a losing battle in his head.

"But you do own me Harry, I can be whatever you want me to be in public, but in privacy you are my Master, even if you do not claim me, I am yours." She said as she straddled his lap slowly and placed a slow and tender kiss on his lips. He groaned aloud.

"Did..Didn't..Err..Didn't you mention a birthday present?" He asked trying not to swallow his tongue.

"Oui Master, Will you make me yours now?" She asked him.

"I'm sorry Gabrielle, it's too soon. I am not doing any of this for sex." He said hugging her to him, relishing the feel of her soft skin against his fingers and her curves pressed against him in all the right places.

"Then will you allow me to pleasure you? It eez your birthday Non?" She said with huge begging eyes.

He gave up, at least a little bit. He had told Ron he wished his biggest worry in life, was where he could touch a girl. Well he would be trying to adopt his girlfriends' attitude a little more. "I have been told to stop passing up opportunities. He said before kissing her." She gasped into his mouth.

He ran a hand through her waist length hair, enjoying the perfect silky feel of it before he reached her bra. Remembering his 'Wandless magic' lessons with Ginny he made a snapping motion and felt the tension give way. Gabrielle moaned in to his mouth and pulled back. Slowly she pulled the garment from her perfectly formed breasts and tossed it on the floor with her other clothing. "You wish to touch me Master?" She asked.

In response he brought his mouth down to her right nipple and gently sucked it between his lips. He idly noted that she tasted as perfect as she looked. To his mind she tasted the way that ink and parchment smelled, combined with vanilla, grass and strawberries. Once that faded a bit she had a simple refreshing flavor, like water after a long run.

Gabrielle moaned and pulled him closer to her chest, shoving as much of her tit into his mouth as possible. "Harry, Please?" She begged him.

He sat up and looked into her eyes. "Gabrielle you need to stop asking, you made it obvious that you want me to, but I won't until I am ready okay? Otherwise this isn't going to work."

She gazed back at him, and nodded quietly. "I still have ze present to give you, Non?" He smiled and nodded.

Standing up she pulled him to his feet and slowly pulled his shirt over his head, where it joined hers on the floor. She dragged her fingernails lightly across his left nipple, as she tongued and nipped at his right, causing him to suck in a breath and buck his hips. She smiled up at him as she slowly lowered her self down his body to a kneeling position on the floor. She undid his trousers so quickly he assumed it was Veela magic, and then slid his boxers and trousers to the floor.

She eyed is nine inch length and moaned lightly before she dove in. Harry was startled so much he fell back on to the bed, but the little girl never left her position. Suddenly he felt her nose touch his pubic hair and moaned in amazement and pleasure. "Oh my gods! How are you doing that?" He asked before throwing his head back to the mattress.

She began to bob up and down, breathing through her nose and sucking on the upstroke, then swallowing around him on the down stroke. He felt the muscles in her throat slowly trying to swallow him whole and groaned. He was not going to last long at all. "Gab..Gabrielle, Please?" He didn't even know what he was asking her for.

She looked up with him still in her mouth and her eyes twinkled as she swallowed again. His orgasm was nearly instantaneous and he bucked hard as he came down the willing girls throat. He then collapsed in a heap onto the bed and lay panting. Gabrielle soon crawled on top of him, and cuddled into his chest. "Thank you master, that was amazing." She said quietly.

Harry had to take a minute to get his bearings. Somehow she fit his whole member into her mouth, a feat that Ginny had been attempting for a week. And then preceded to get him off in under a minute, he was hard pressed to do that himself at times. "Bloody Hell!" Was all he managed to say, he felt her giggle on top of him and his traitorous cock stirred beneath her soaked knickers.

"You want me now Non?" She whispered in his ear. He nodded his head.

"Non, I mean yes… wait No, not yet. Gabrielle remember, my pace. That was amazing and you have gone a long way toward convincing me. But I don't just want to shag you I want to find love." He whispered back.

"Sorry master, you make me want you so badly." She whispered into his ear.

"Shhhh, its ok pet," He noticed her pleasure at the name, "I am beginning to understand what you meant about being submissive. Why don't you explain while I calm down a bit? Despite appearances I really am inexperienced at all of this." He whispered back to her and kissed her forehead. Idly he began running his fingers through her hair, and she stretched into him and then relaxed like a cat and began what he could only describe as purring.

She let out a long sigh. "Veela need to be controlled, after a certain point she simply cannot function without ze lover to tell her what to do. Mine seester is lucky she has more of Papa in her than Maman. Where as I actually feel more Veela than even Maman does. Papa does not like it, but he married a Veela so he accepts that I am different."

"What does that mean to me though? Why do you call me master?" He asked.

"I owe you my life, to wizards that is a small thing en comparaison. To Veela a life debt is a bond; I want to live mine life for you Master. You gave it to me and it is yours to do as you wish." She said with no hint of sadness.

Harry had tears in his eyes however, "Gabrielle, you owe me nothing. I do not want to take advantage of you because of a life debt. I do not want a sex slave." This brought a confused look to her face. "You have to forget that and just get to know me, alright?"

The petite girl smiled at him, dazzling him for a moment. "Whatever you say my Master." Harry groaned, "I do wish to know you bettair Harry, I am compelled to do as you wish regardless of feeling, but I do wish to love you if you will allow me the chance?" She asked hopefully.

He nodded but spoke again. "I am learning to love Gabrielle, are you willing to share with Ginny or Hermione? Or give me up if I fall for one or both or any other witch? There are things I have to do that require me to find love and I can't let you stop me." He finished seriously.

"Harry I am yours, if you wish me to be your maid or your friend I will do so. Until you find ze love may I still sex you?" She said pushing her underwear-clad form into his body.

"At this rate?" He smiled up into her eyes. "I don't doubt it. But just let me come to you yeah?" He asked her even as his throbbing member pressed into her slit.

"Will you give me ze birthday present?" She asked him hopefully.

He rolled her over slowly and kissed her. He tried to imagine feeling the way he did for the other girls, and examined the stirring feelings this girl gave him. It was closer to the way he felt about Ginny a week ago, he just wanted to shag her brains out. His biggest problem was what Hermione had told him yesterday. 'What's stopping you?'

Still thinking, he slowly sank down the girl's body, touching with his fingertips and licking and kissing with his mouth. The girl moaned underneath his attentions and he again marveled at the soft skin and the way she seemed to taste like all the things that brought him pleasure. Open sky, fresh cut grass, and he realized suddenly that the vanilla and strawberry reminded him of his other girlfriends.

Neither of them noticed the pair of eyes watching from the passageway. As harry finally knelt on the floor at the alter of Gabrielle. He reverently pulled her knickers off. And gazed in wonder at her perfectly sized, perfectly pink, perfectly hairless pussy. His mouth began watering as he wondered if her cum tasted as good as the rest of her did.

Hermione and Ginny quickly removed their clothing and lay on the floor behind him. Watching as he began his ministrations to the girls dripping sex. They played with each other idly, for pleasure, but not really trying to bring each other to orgasm. They were just making love to one another as they continued to watch Harry with the other girl. Hermione was surprised by just how hot it made her to hear Gabrielle moan his name, and even hotter to hear the girl call him Master.

Ginny enjoyed the sensations Hermione was giving her almost as much as the grin on the girls face every time Gabrielle moaned his name. She pulled the girl to her and whispered in her ear. "Isn't this the best show ever?"

Harry finally ran his tongue along the girls slit tasting her for the first time. It was just as good as the rest of her. He moaned and pulled her clit into his mouth eliciting a cry from her. "Yes Master!"

"God yes," Hermione whispered back before blushing. "Is it right that I love him, but I want to watch him claim that girl. Is it bad that I like it when she calls him Master?" Hermione asked.

Ginny moaned, thinking about it. "No, I don't think so. I gave up wondering a long time ago. I just want him to be happy. If that means we get to watch him do this for the rest of our lives I will die happy as well."

Harry placed two fingers inside the girl and quickly located what he had named the O-God spot when he was exploring with Ginny. Gabrielle arched off the mattress but was pinned down by Harry's tongue. She felt her orgasm washing through her even as the next one built up. Harry was massaging her inside with his finger and working her clit with his tongue. No one had ever been able to get her off so easily. She knew then that she had always been his.

Harry heard twin moans behind and below him as he slowly let the girl wrapped around his fingers down from her high. As her bottom touched the mattress she came again suddenly squirting past his fingers and all over his chest. Harry sat stunned forgetting the girls on the floor behind him as Gabrielle screamed once more.

Ginny crawled up beside him and kissed him passionately. "God that was hot, only one thing hotter." She said after she pulled away.

Hermione leaned in on his other side and kissed him. As she did she moaned and looked down at the panting form of Gabrielle with her sex still spread wide open in front of them. "Does she taste that good in person?

Harry nodded and licked his lips before looking down at his soaked chest. Hermione noticed and immediately began lapping up any traces she could find. Ginny joined in as well.

"What was.." He hissed mid question as twin mouths nibbled on his nipples. "God..Gin what was the one thing hotter than that?" He asked through gritted teeth.

She leaned up and whispered the answer in his ear and he grinned. "Later then." And she kissed him excitedly. She whispered something else in his ear and they both glanced at the still panting girl on the bed before returning to their whispered conversation.

Hermione kissed him again, then turned and ran her hand idly down Gabrielle's belly, and then down the girls slit getting her to buck her hips as she pulled her hand away. "What are you two discussing up here?"

"I was just telling Gin I don't feel ready to take the next step with her." He said nodding in Gabrielle's direction.

Gabrielle spoke up. "Whenever you are ready Master. I know now that I want only you, no one has ever pleasured me like zis." She said, still catching her breath.

"We'll see." Was all he would say. However he did stand up and lay on top of her as he kissed her once more. His cock bounced along her entrance and up to her clit and she moaned again into his mouth.

"Torture, but I like." She whispered.

"The room is ready Harry, you have about half an hour to get ready. And since Gabrielle looks like she has just been shagged, she will probably need longer than that." Hermione said. In response Gabrielle held her hands up which both girls took as Harry stood, and pulled her up. She swayed for a moment from the blood rush, but was soon steady on her feet.

She then bent over and shook her hair wildly, before standing up and snapping it back over her shoulders. All three of them stared in awe as her hair fell perfectly in to place and she grinned at them. "Ees one of the perks of my Veela heritage." She said with a shrug, and began gathering her clothing. Harry went to gather his but she shook her head and dropped her clothes.

"Non, Master… It ees your birthday and I am dressing you." He just stared at her as the other girls got dressed and sat down on the bed to watch.

"But I need a shower." Harry said feigning disinterest.

"No Harry, I think that scent is perfect on you." Ginny said with a leer. Suddenly he understood her meaning but smelled only his favorite things. He looked at the Veela strangely.

"If you are my Master Harry… zen I will be perfect for you. Veela magic makes my scent the most attractive thing you can think of." She said as she picked up his foot and then the other, placing his boxers on.

She slowly slid up his body pulling the garment with her and giving the girls a perfect view of her perfect rear end. When she reached his waist she quickly licked the head of his cock before pulling the material over top. He groaned in response.

"If you are my Master, zen you will taste your favorite tings when you taste me." She said as she repeated the performance with his trousers.

"What… What would I taste if I am not your master?" He asked curiously while swallowing the lump in his throat.

"If I am without a master, I taste like any other girl. If I am taken from my Master by force I taste bitter and smell horrible. If I am doing my Masters bidding." She said looking over her shoulder and licking her lips. "Zen I will taste to them of zeir favorite things as well." She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

"To non-Veela they will no smell anything of me on you, unless they are l'animal. Zen they will smell ze pheromones just as ze Veela do. Ze Veela know you are mine Master zis way." She said. As she finished dressing him.

"Do you taste me Harry?" He nodded the truth absentmindedly. Moony and Fleur would know what had happened. He gulped.

"Zen you are my Master and I shall have no other. I am yours Harry, my Master." She kissed him thoroughly before she began getting dressed herself.

Ginny and Hermione got of the bed and walked over to him. "You smell yummy boyfriend." Ginny said before she kissed him.

Hermione nodded before she too kissed him. "Best cologne ever." She told him.

"But Moony… Fleur. Oh my god!" Harry said panicking.

Gabrielle finished getting dressed and not a wrinkle was to be found on her. "Fleur knows Harry, I have confessed to 'er and she is 'appy for me." She looked at him, "I do not know zis Moonee. But if he loves you 'e will say nothing. As I say before, recognized mistress or multiple marriages is not uncommon in Wizarding world. It eez only ze British who look down on such things." She sniffed dismissively at the thought.

Harry just shook his head. "And what about the other girls?" He asked still not believing nobody else could smell her on him.

"Zey will likely be turned on by you." Gabrielle said and winked at Ginny, Hermione caught the action and smiled.

"You mean this is like a love potion?" Harry said panicking again. "I can't do that, it isn't fair to anyone!" He tried to turn toward the bathroom for a shower, but his lovers had captured both hands and Gabrielle wrapped her arms around him.

"I say nothing about ze smell Master, I speak only of you." She smiled and kissed him again; both girls released his hands and he gripped them in a group hug. Harry found himself in a four-way kiss and began to get confused.

"Alright alright. Ground rules." He looked at the three of them waiting for a reply. Gabrielle seemed to perk up like a puppy as his tone was commanding. Ginny just smiled and nodded. Hermione smiled but did not notice she was standing straighter as well.

All three giggled, and chorused in reply, "Yes Master?" Ginny cheekily, the other two not so much.

"Okay, number one. Gabrielle you are not to call me Master in public. I try not to let my house elves do it and I will be damned if I get accused of enslaving you." He said looking her in the eye. She just shrugged. "Of course, as you command me Master." This time her smile was cheeky.

"Number two. There is no way I can handle all of you at once, I don't care what a dream come true the fantasy is, its bloody confusing and I don't want any hurt feelings. So if you have to…" Hermione interrupted him.

"I already worked out a schedule with Ginny." She grinned at him again, also cheeky.

"Fine you cheeky witches. Three I am not shagging you until I am damn well and ready, so quit conspiring to get me inside her." He finished pointing at the girl in question. Ginny and Hermione shared a look and said nothing. Gabrielle simply nodded and dropped her eyes to the floor.

"Pet look at me," He said trying out a nickname again and finding he liked the response he got from her. She looked up into his eyes and looked like he had given her the world. "I want to take it slow, that isn't a bad thing, I just need time to be comfortable. I might shag you eventually, but I want to make love to you the first time. Do you think you can wait and give me that time?" He said looking into her eyes.

In response she jumped into his arms and kissed him. "Do you mean it Master?" She asked excitedly. He glanced at Ginny and Hermione and sighed. "My girlfriends seem intent on including you and I will do anything to make them happy.

He was tackled to the floor and his face was covered in kisses again. Then he sat up suddenly.

"What is it?" Hermione asked fearfully.

"Our first guests have arrived."