Chapter 52: Entertainment

Hermione's expression of shock was beautiful, and the intensity was sufficient to freeze her. By the time Fleur walked around the desk and stood next to her, she barely managed to stammer a question.

"W-what's going on?"

"As I said, I'm introducing you to my newest secretary, of course."

"And she was under the desk the whole time," Hermione started, only for Fleur to grab her hair, the painful tug enough to silence her. Rougher than her usual attitude, but considering what Hermione had been saying about her, not undeserved.

Of course, Hermione didn't know the reason.

"Sorry about that, but since you put on a show, she had to volunteer to handle the consequences. It made her a bit annoyed with you," I explained to her, giving a reason for Fleur's annoyance that didn't require revealing her identity.

The mask was working well.

"Yeah, and I'm sure she was torn by it," Hermione answered, her jealousy reflected on her gaze, but got out as abrasiveness. Her anger was simply spectacular. "It's very clear by the way she dressed."

"At least I'm not dressed as a 'ooker," Fleur answered, and I tensed. Her accent flared in her anger, which made it even easier for Hermione to realize what was going on. Luckily, the spells managed to hold.

Hermione froze for a moment, a point that she couldn't just answer. Then, she smirked viciously. "Unlike you, who's just acting as a hooker."

It took all of my power not to start chuckling, curious how their little catfight would end. Hermione's point was inaccurate, but not because Fleur didn't act as a hooker. Her extra-sexy secretary clothing was already erotic without being ruined by my attention.

"Oh, little girl and big talk," Fleur answered, her tone bitchier than I had ever heard her speak. However, I wasn't surprised by that. In her history, she had survived the jealous gazes of her classmates by turning the mean-girl act to the max and making herself impervious to any critic. She abandoned those actions once she got married, trying to reveal her softer side to her new family first, and her new lover after that…

But now, Hermione challenged her, not just her secretary persona, but also her general capabilities by talking behind her back, unaware that she was in the room with her. An explosion was brewing, evident by the way Fleur suddenly forced Hermione to her feet with a painful pull.

"Stop that, crazy bitch," Hermione gasped. Luckily, she didn't have the habit of going physical, so she just gasped ineffectively as she had been dragged around the desk.

It was a potentially explosive situation, but I had no intention of actually stopping. Not when I was enjoying the sight of Fleur dragging Hermione toward me. My reward arrived quick when Fleur pushed her down. "You started this, let's see you finish," Fleur said as she pushed Hermione down.

Another lie from her, but neither was in the mood to care about that. Well, Hermione might have been, actually, but with her mouth suddenly being filled, she didn't have a chance to argue. Instead, her mouth stilled around me for a moment as her gaze met mine.

I smirked at her, which was all she needed to shift back to a more competitive mindset. Her jaw opened as she took most of my length in one move. And, Fleur was a kind secretary, pushing her down to assist her in her task.

I decided that she deserved a reward, so I leaned forward to capture her lips. She was quick to respond, our tongues dancing.

Meanwhile, Hermione was dealing with my shaft, lodged deep into her throat, and she was handling it like a champion, just softly gagging a few times even as my crown clogged her breathing. And that was despite Fleur's rough handling. She kept her down for almost a minute, a move that I expected to break Hermione, making her panic.

Yet, she held on, another sign of her competitiveness, which could get rather excessive. Fleur pushed and pulled her roughly, each second pushing her deeper into the ecstasy… And soon, I could feel my limits approaching.

Not a shocking development, as we had been playing around for a while. I decided to have mercy, and didn't try to hold myself back. However, I wasn't nice enough to give a warning, and Hermione learned it when I started filling her mouth with my seed.

When Fleur allowed her to pull back, her cheeks were puffed with an attempt to contain my seed, but some were already spilling down to her chest. Fleur just looked down and chuckled, once again channeling meanness far better than I expected as she mocked Hermione for incompetence.

Really fascinating.

That was enough for Hermione to wear an angry smile. Then she gulped down all she managed to catch. I chuckled as I patted Fleur's ass. "Why don't you help her clean the mess," I said, pointing at Hermione's tits.

"Sure," she started, searching for something to wipe, only to stop when she realized when she noticed my smirk. "You don't mean… that?" she whispered.

"I do mean… that," I answered, enjoying their matching expressions of shock. "But if you think you can't handle it," I added.

With the persona she was reflecting, her answer was predictable. "Of course not, I'm just afraid the 'ittle girl will have a heart attack."

Hermione was no less predictable. "From you, never," she answered.

And just like that, they were set against each other. Risky, yet, but it was a good way to warm them up for the next part of my plan. I wanted them to be more comfortable with each other… and it was important to do so before the war was over.

I watched silently, doing my best not to be a distraction, as Fleur slowly fell on her knees as well. "Are you sure, 'ittle girl," she whispered, her voice confident, but I was familiar enough to catch the tremble underneath. Knowing Hermione probably didn't help. "No crying later."

"I'm not the coward hiding with a mask," Hermione answered smugly, but taking a dig against Fleur was exactly the wrong thing to do. Her allure suddenly hit the room harder, making Hermione's eyes widen, and before she could react, Fleur was on her tits.

She was supposed to lick and clean, but instead, she chose to bite them hard, just aggressive enough to earn a shocked moan from Hermione. Then, she pulled back slightly, and her tongue attacked the first droplet.

Hermione's back arched, and her face was filled with shock, clearly not expecting my 'secretary' to react like this after her earlier hesitancy. She caught my eye, but I just mouthed a soft response. "It's your battle."

Unfortunately, it seemed that she was at her mental limit, and not looking ready to push. I decided to take an alternate path. "So, we were talking about dealing with Fleur," I reminded her.

"Do we have to? Can't we find someone else than the blonde slut -" she tried to answer, only to be stopped by a sudden bite, unaware she was insulting her tormentor.

"Unfortunately, she's the only one I can really trust. She's close enough with the Weasleys and the rest of the Order to be reliable, but more importantly, there's no grudge between her and the Malfoy family. The others, I couldn't trust once the war ends. I need some assurances."

"I don't know, maybe we could find someone more reliable -" she started, only to moan again, this time Fleur's fingers digging into her breasts. She tried to pull back, but on her knees, it wasn't a lot, and Fleur followed right after, trapping her against the desk.

I didn't answer for a moment, enjoying as Fleur slowly worked over Hermione, my shaft long back to life.

"Like who, Lupin who never took a bit of responsibility in his life, McGonagall who never actually listened to your warnings or opinions whenever there was trouble, or Hagrid, who can't keep a secret for more than a few seconds?" At each example, Hermione wilted.

"I - guess," she answered, once again interrupted by a cry. She was starting to realize that it was not a decision she could change. Admittedly, I was surprised a bit by the intensity of her complaining, which was far more than anything else.

I probably underestimated her jealousy toward Fleur, probably due to the ease she was able to turn everyone's head toward her. She was afraid of losing me to her, unaware that she was the newcomer to this particular triangle.

"Good, then why don't you fix yourself and leave," I said to her. "Don't forget to arrange the meeting as soon as possible."

"Leave? R-right now," she answered.

"Well, since you complained so much about the difficulties of the task, I decided to give you the time you need." She looked shocked. I smirked sharply, conveying that it was her punishment for arguing against me too much.

She nodded obediently while Fleur chuckled and pulled back. While Hermione fixed her clothes, Fleur sat down right onto my lap, and started riding me with a passion that was impressive even by her considerably fascinating standards.

"Try to arrange it as soon as possible," I warned her as she was about to apparate away, and she nodded, her face determined, probably treating it like an essay she failed, and her next task was her makeup exam.

Fleur's hips stalled the moment Hermione left. "So, we have a guest-" she managed to say, but that was all she was able to say before I pushed her against the desk.

If we were going to have this conversation, I had no intention of letting her set the pace. Both the questioning, and the entertainment.